Neuropathy, symptoms and treatment

Our life is controlled by nerve impulses - signals that are transmitted by thin wiring of nerves from the brain to all organism systems and back. Therefore, it is not surprising that the diseases of the nervous system threaten unpleasant and very large consequences for our health. All neurological disorders are combined with a general concept «Neuropathy».

Neuropathy is a pathological condition nervous system. Injury or disease can hit any section of our body nerve fibers. There is a classification of neuropathy, the creators of which focused on the type and location of the damaged nerve.

Types of nervous disorder

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  1. Peripheral neuropathy. Mechanical damage or disease amazes the nerves of the peripheral nervous system, that is, that part of the nervous tissue, which is located outside the head and spinal cord. Neuropathy of this type is localized on the tips of the fingers and legs, feet and palms.
  2. Proximal neuropathy. Pathology is characterized by painful sensations focused in the field of hips and buttocks.
  3. Cranial neuropathy. This type of pathology occurs on the basis of dysfunction of any one of 12 pairs of cranial nerves, which come directly from the brain. Cranial neuropathy is divided into visual and auditory. About the visual neuropathy say when the visual nerve is damaged, the auditory neuropathy arises when the auditory nerve suffered.
  4. Autonomous Neuropathy occurs when a vegetative nervous system suffered as a result of injury or disease, under which the activities of the heart muscle, blood flow, digestive activity, bladder functions and intestinal peristalsis, sweating and sexual sphere.
  5. Local neuropathy, the symptoms of which are manifested unexpectedly, develops, as a rule, on one, defined, body section.

Why neuropathy arises

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Required studies are prescribed on the basis of the initial symptoms of neuropathy. To confirm the disorder of the nervous system, tests are carried out:

  1. Electromyiography. With the help of an electrode entered into the muscle, it is installed how active muscle fibers are.
  2. Test for the speed of the pulse on nerve fibers. Special sensors equipped with electrodes are fixed on the skin of different parts of the body. Each of the sensors produces a weak electrical impulse that affects the nearest nerve. The electrical activity of the nerves speaks of the pulse transfer rate between the sensor electrodes.

In some cases, the nervous fiber biopsy is resorted to: a small portion of fabric of nerve fibers is studied under a microscope. The subject of the study, as a rule, becomes part of the icy nerve fibers or nervous tissue on the wrist.

Drug therapy pathology

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Therapy pathology begins, first of all, with the elimination of the root cause of the disease. For example, the treatment of diabetes, infectious diseases, avitaminosis can significantly improve the patient's condition, which faced neuropathy.

Treatment of different types of neuropathy symptomatic. Well all known pain relief preparations like Ibuprofen do not give proper effect when it comes to damage to nervous tissue. To drugs that are able to facilitate the suffering of the patient in neuropathy include:

  • Antidepressants (amitriptyline, paroxetine, etc.);
  • Anticonvulsant preparations (carbamazepine, pregabalin);
  • opiates (tramadol, oxycodone);
  • Topical medicines (capsaicine cream, lidocaine plaster).

Folk remedies for neuropathy treatment

neurology, neuropathy, nerve, nervous system

MirSets reminds that all folk recipes patient must be pre-discussing with the attending physician.

This is a simple, but very effective way to learn pain in peripheral neuropathy. 3 times a day with bare feet trample on fresh nettle leaves 15-20 min.

Make a mixture of sage leaves, topinambura, mother-in-law and souls. Each grass take 100 g and pour the raw material 3 liters of boiling water, insist for an hour. Then immerse the affected body of the body into this bath for 15-20 minutes.

Even if at home will not be the right herbs, you can simply hold sick legs in warm water, and then smear the feet of the cream, which includes a bee poison.

Perfectly eliminates pain in the feet of lemon peel, painted in olive oil. Bound up «medicine» to the feet, put on warm socks and leave for the night.

Whether neuropathy is possible

If possible, it is necessary to avoid complications of diseases that can cause the development of neuropathy. With diabetes mellitus, for example, you need to regularly monitor the level Sugar in blood, not allowing it to a critical level. This will help to avoid the appearance of diabetic neuropathy. The same applies to the nervous disorder, which develops on the basis of incorrect or insufficient nutrition, alcohol abuse. Genetic and hereditary disorders of the nervous system prevent, unfortunately, it is impossible.

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