Treatment of pancreatitis

Pancreatitis - a disease in which the inflammation of the pancreas occurs, resulting in its functioning. Pancreas is behind and just below the stomach. The main function is the production of pancreatic juice required to digest food. Therefore, with pancreatitis, the process of digestion is primarily violated.

Treatment of pancreatitis
Pancreatitis - a disease in which the inflammation of the pancreas occurs, resulting in its functioning. Pancreas is behind and just below the stomach. The main function is the production of pancreatic juice required to digest food. Therefore, with pancreatitis, the process of digestion is primarily violated.

At the form of flow, pancreatitis can be acute and chronic. In acute pancreatitis, severe, even unbearable, Pain in the area belly, and the patient has to hospitalize; In chronic form, the disease can progress for years.


Symptoms of acute pancreatitis - severe pain in the abdomen. At this Diseases Localization of pain is possible in various stomach places: if the head of the pancreas is inflated, it hurts in the right hypochondrium, if the body of the gland, then in the poverty area, if the tail, then in the left hypochondrium. But sometimes pains wear a touch (when the entire pancreas is inflamed). Sometimes pain gives in the back And rarely - for the sternum and the left blade.

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis Such: bad appetite (and, therefore, weight loss), vomiting, nausea, scrawling, belching, increased salivation, various disorders of the digestive tract, pain in the upper body of the abdomen and back (the localization of pain is similar to the acute form of the disease). From greasy and acute food or alcohol in patient with chronic pancreatitis, exacerbations of the course of the disease in the form of burning, often even drilling pain.

Detect pancreatitis is quite difficult: the pancreas - the body located very deeply in the human body - therefore its disease is very difficult to diagnose. To establish the presence of chronic pancreatitis in the patient using modern methods: for example, ultrasound, angiography of iron vessels, research of blood and urine enzyme activity.

The course of the disease

Among the possible causes of the attack of pancreatitis - physical trauma of the abdomen (for example, a blow when falling)
As already mentioned, the functioning of the pancreas may disrupt the excessively acute, fat and fried food, overeating, acute or chronic alcohol poisoning, as well as neuro-mental over-excitation, which dramatically increases the release of pancreatic juice. The attack is caused by the fact that damaged pancreatic ducts are not able to remove the juice, and the juice instead of the intestine falls into the pancreas fabric, causing its inflammation. In the risk area of ​​this disease, men fall into the overeating and alcohol abuse, and women during pregnancy and in the early postpartum period. In addition, the attack of acute pancreatitis can provoke ulcerative disease, long reception Hormonal drugs. Often acute pancreatitis, occurs in the diseases of the gallbladder, bile ducts, gallstone disease, liver cirrhosis. Among the possible causes of the attack of pancreatitis - physical trauma of the abdomen (for example, a blow when falling). In case of acute pancreatitis, the patient is hospitalized and in the hospital for 3-7 days. The complications should be fear: acute renal failure, hepatic insufficiency, the suppuration of the pancreas and T.D.; acute pancreatitis can go to chronic.

Quite often, after an attack of acute pancreatitis in humans, chronic pancreatitis develops. Our site would like to remind you that the pancreas develops in addition to the pancreatic juice also insulin - so chronic pancreatitis can cause diabetes.

It turns out that, it would seem, such a harmless disease associated with digestion affects the entire body as a whole; and consequences may be serious. Therefore, it should not be addressed to him.

Treatment of pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is treated only in a surgical hospital
Acute pancreatitis is treated only in a surgical hospital: the patient holds on a tough diet (in the first day or two in general fasting), dripped droppers. The critical period (with strong pains) lasts 2-7 days, only after this period of the patient can be translated into the usual chamber. Sometimes after the critical period of pain disappear completely and patients do not want to be in the hospital, but this recovery is often imaginary (after a few days, the patient's condition can deteriorate again), so it is necessary to finish the treatment to avoid further progression of the disease. Some patients spend in the hospital 3-4 months: surgeons have to carry out operations to remove dead tissues of the pancreas.

Medical treatment with chronic pancreatitis

To remove pain arising from chronic pancreatitis, can be used but-shu
To remove pain arising from chronic pancreatitis, can be used but-shu. To suppress increased secretion of the pancreas, phospholyugel, almagel. Sometimes enzyme preparations are prescribed, which fill the lack of pancreatic juice: festal, mesim forte, pranny, pancreatin. Our site would like to note that this information has a familiarization value, and in no way advice for self-treatment. Appoint specific treatment with chronic pancreatitis can only your attending physician, familiar with the peculiarities of the disease.

Chronic pancreatite diet

In chronic pancreatitis, it is also important to comply with diet
In chronic pancreatitis, it is also important to comply with diet.

It is necessary to increase protein intake and reduce the use of fats and carbohydrates, in particular sugar. It should be abandoned by coarse fiber, eliminate fried dishes. Should strive to consume more vitamins. It is advisable to set the power mode - 5-6 times a day.

Approximate menu for the day:

First breakfast: the first can be welded meat, on the second - oatmeal with milk, tea.

Second breakfast: omelet from egg squirrel to a couple and decoction of rosehip.

Lunch: Vegetarian soup from chopped vegetables, any dish of boiled meat, as a garnish boiled potatoes, compote from dried fruit.

Sferdnik: Cottage cheese Calcinated, tea with milk.

Dinner: Cooking fish, carrot puree, tea with milk.

At night: drink a glass of kefir.

At the same time, only low-fat varieties of meat and fish should be present in the diet. And as you probably managed to notice - only in boiled, preferably crushed form, no fried dishes. Dairy products are allowed, but with a minimum fatness percentage. Only natural juices that do not contain sugar, as well as tea and decoctions of dry fruit are recommended.

With pancreatitis, acute food, various conservation, smoked and pickled products, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, sweets are not allowed.

In general, the diet of the patient pancreatitis should be built from fast digestible products. Such a diet in the complex with appropriate treatment will accelerate the improvement of the patient's condition.

Prevention of pancreatitis

So that you have not had pancreatitis, you should limit yourself a little
In order for the pancreatitis you did not have, you should limit yourself a little: eliminate stress, do not abuse alcohol, do not overeat, it is not very fried, very fat and very sharp food, to ensure that the food is full.

So that there are no repeated attacks of the disease, the following fees are used. In chronic pancreatitut, phytotherapy is needed almost constantly, with one-time exacerbations, as prevention, it is necessary to resort to assistance assignments of two times a year by courses for 1-2 months:

  1. Fruits of dill, mint leaves - 3 parts; The fruit of the hawthorn, the Flowers of the immorteller - 2 parts; Chamomile flowers - 1 part. 5 g of a mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, heated on a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, insist 1 hour, pressed, take 50 ml 3 times a day in an hour after meals. This collection is impossible to drink hypotoniki, t.To. Hawthorn and mint Reduce blood pressure.
  2. Mix grass line, grass nine, mint leaves in equal parts. Three tablespoons of collecting 1.5 glasses of boiling water, boil 3-4 minutes in closed dishes. Insist, take 1/3 cup 2 times a day before meals.
  3. 1 tablespoon of calendula pour a glass of boiling water, bitten by 6-8 hours. Strap and drink 1/3 cup before meal.

With the aggravated pancreatitis, it is possible to make such a collection: to take in equal parts of the St. John's wort, the dyeing and the laminate flowers. Two tablespoons of collecting 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist time, strain and take 50 g before meals.

This fee is very effective: 3 tablespoons of grass turns, herbs ninexille, coltsfoot leaves in proportion 2: 1: 1 pour 0.5 liters of water, boil 4 minutes, insist in closed dishes 2 hours. Take small sips in warm form 30 minutes before meals 20 days.

Prevention of pancreatitis with the help of such fees should be carried out almost constantly if the disease accepted a chronic form. If sharp pains make themselves known quite rarely, the phytotherapy is necessary as the prevention of pancreatitis about twice a year by courses for 1-2 months.

Our site recommends that everyone try not to launch diseases that can give pancreatitis as a complication: Breast-stone disease, liver cirrhosis, ulcerative disease. Comply with such rules is not so difficult!

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