Treatment of periodontitis

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, 70% of the population has problems with teeth, namely, periodontitis. With such a diagnosis, most people are in no hurry to seek qualified help, hoping that everything is normalized by itself.

GUN, teeth, periodontitis, oral cavity, dentistry, care teeth

What is periodontitis? This is the disease of the gums and all the fabrics that surround the tooth together with the root. It is a gum, ligaments, alveolar processes (part of the bone in the jaw, where the tooth itself is attached). Periodontitis is the same terrible and unpleasant disease as caries. Dentists believe that periodontitis can be revealed from each second adult, and in children - in 80 cases out of 100. As the disease is manifested? First of all, a person begins to notice that the gums become vulnerable, and blood appears when cleaning the teeth. It can occur from time to time or constantly, almost every day.

Most of us are accustomed to the fact that some blood may appear during the hygienic procedure. People believe that the wines of everything incorrectly selected toothbrush, a rush or shortage of vitamins. But in fact, it is not so and if blood appears during hygiene, it appears, then this is the first round of the development of a dangerous disease.

Personontitis may appear due to pathological changes in the work of the body, heart failure, failures in the work of the endocrine system. The fact is that there are many blood vessels in periodontal tissues, so infection can migrate and quickly spread through the body.

By the way, the inflammatory process can cover both 1-2 and several teeth. If a person is amused only a few teeth, then the disease is called localized, and if the disease spread to most of the dentition, then the periodontitis is called generalized. If the patient was diagnosed «Perdontitis», it means that the disease has already acquired a chronic form. The task of a specialist is to find out the reason, draw up a treatment plan and try to prevent the aggravation of the disease.

Reasons for the development of periodontitis

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The first sign is a frequent bleeding of the gums. At first, sick thinks that he is too vigorously cleans his teeth or chose a hard brush. But when after changing the brush and the right movements during the cleaning of the teeth of the gums bleed, it's time to think about. Especially if blood appears regularly, several times a week.

In addition to the bleeding, the gums must be paid attention to the color of the tissues, if the gums are coil or vice versa, darkened, the bleeding does not pass, it is necessary to visit the dentist.

Specialists celebrate several stages of the disease:

  1. Acute.
  2. Chronic (easy degree, average and heavy).

If the disease is not treated, the sharp process continues to progress and the tooth is slowly loosened, the neck and man is exposed to the high sensitivity of the teeth (the reaction to cold, hot, sweet, sour and t.D.). Gradually, the teeth are driving around, between them are formed, between which the food is stuck. Gums hurt, bleeding, can rise temperature. At this stage of the disease, even the naked eye sediments are visible. Chew food is difficult that negatively affects the work in the whole body.

Easy degree of illness - Desna Bleeding, Groom groove deepened by 3 mm. An unpleasant peeling smell is distinguished from the mouth, the gums can bleed suddenly, even if a person does not clean the teeth and does not chew food. The color of the gums and appearance changes, between the teeth are the gaps.

The average degree is characterized not only by the release of blood from the gum, but also itching, as well as the unpleasant ripple of the gums. It seems that the teeth have become mobile, chewing becomes uncomfortable and constantly out of his mouth it smells like.

A severe degree of illness is characterized by severe pain, to chew food becomes impossible due to pain and bleeding gums, teeth are shifted and can fall out. If this period is abandoned by the daily hygiene of the oral cavity, then a raid appears very quickly on the teeth, and the course of the disease is exacerbated.

The exacerbation of the periodontitis - the patient suffers from acute pulsating pain, there are general ailments (weakness, heart pain), the body temperature rises. The gums are blushing, they swell and the guts are highlighted from the gum pocket.

How to find out that periodontitis continues to progress:

  • bad smell of mouth;
  • The teeth become movable, rude;
  • The gum drops, the root neck of the tooth is exposed;
  • Alveolar jaw processes are gradually destroyed - this is fraught with a dental.

Treatment of periodontitis

GUN, teeth, periodontitis, oral cavity, dentistry, care teeth

At an early stage, the disease is easy to identify and timely start treatment. If periodontitis does not progress, then you can resort to preventive measures.

Our site recommends:

  • Hygiene - every day, without skips, brushing your teeth in the morning and in the evening;
  • Do not forget about solid food: raw fruits and vegetables help strengthen the gums and remove soft deposits on the teeth;
  • Turn on the diet of high content Vitamin C;
  • Every day you need to eat young cress. You can grow it at home on the windowsill;
  • Every day, after cleaning the teeth, make yourself a massage of the gum - on the thumb, apply a little toothpaste and go through the gums of massage movements (from gums to the teeth on the upper jaw and vice versa - on the bottom). Massage need to do circular movements: along the clockwise arrow in the morning, counter - in the evening. It is not necessary to put pressure on the gum. The duration of the procedure is not more than 7 minutes. After massage the gums, it is advisable to rinse the mouth of a tincture of sage or chamomile.

At the initial stage of the disease, you can deal with periodontitis on your own, at home.

Our site offers to familiarize yourself with the folk remedies for the treatment of periodontitis:

  1. Grinding propolis (25 g) must be put in glass container and pour alcohol (10 ml). You can take vodka without additives - 150 ml. The product of beekeeping is well mixed in a liquid, put a crushed dry trousers (flowers only), put in a dark place for 2 weeks. Every 3-4 days a bottle with tincture need to shabby. After 2 weeks you need to strain the solution and rinse your mouth up to 5 times a day. 1 cup of water will need 60 drops of tincture.
  2. GUN, teeth, periodontitis, oral cavity, dentistry, care teeth

  3. Sunflower oil - Keep in the mouth (1 hour. L.) a few minutes, you can rinse them the mouth. Treatment duration - at least six months.
  4. To strengthen the gums, you need to rub garlic juice daily or fresh yarrow juice. Current 2 weeks, the course can be repeated in 5 days.
  5. To faster get rid of unpleasant sensations, you need to rub honey into the gum, mixed with salt (20 g of honey - 10 g of the calcined salt). For ease of use, the mixture is put in a gauze bag and rubbing the gums.
  6. Sage will help to remove the toothpick pain - rinse the patient tooth with a warm decoction, you can hold it in your mouth before cooling. Then dial a fresh portion and continue rinsing. Frequency - up to 5 times a day every 1.5 hours.
  7. Sage with chamomile (1 h. L.) pour a glass of boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes, fix it, rinse it is necessary for 30 seconds.

These recommendations are suitable for the treatment of the initial stage of the disease. When the process is launched, then periodontitis is difficult to treat. For example, if the gum inflammation is caused by wearing incorrectly selected prostheses (crowns or incorrect bite), then the reason is also eliminated, and then appropriate treatment is selected.

If the problem is large-scale and the cause of the disease is associated with changes in the work of the body (heredity, stress, hormonal failure, etc.), then completely get rid of this problem is very difficult. In exceptional cases, experts resort to surgery to clean the pocket and remove deposits. It is well amenable to passionithic treatment with a laser.

In general, for the treatment of periodontitis, an integrated approach is applied: receiving vitamins, braveracks of herbs, rinsing, laser tissue treatment, reception Antibiotics. The process of treatment is not fast, so you need to tune in to fight and do not rush. Remember that the most important thing is the oral hygiene, every day!

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