How to treat impetigo

Impetigo is an infectious skin disease, a variety of streptodermia. The disease caused by the active vital activity of staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria is striking the surface layer of the epidermis.

Impochigo is found in both children and adults. Kids most often celebrate the primary form of infection, which penetrates the body through abrasions and microscopic skin injuries. Men and women face a secondary form of a disease arising against the background of other skin pathologies. The impetigo is very contagious.

Causes of the disease

Impetigo, infection, skin diseases, staphylococcal bacteria, streptococcus

The causative agent of the impetigo - the bacteria of the staphylococcal and streptococcal family, and they can act for themselves, and together. Pathogenic microorganisms in relation to the body are especially aggressive when human health weakens the following factors:

  • Adverse weather conditions: heat and high air humidity;
  • Complete neglect of personal hygiene rules or partial execution;
  • diabetes;
  • Small skin damage against the organism immunodeficiency background;
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • poor-quality, deprived of enough vitamins and microelements nutrition;
  • dermatosis of various origin;
  • Incorrect assignment of hormonal drugs in the form of ointments for the treatment of other skin pathologies.

Symptomatic picture of the disease

Impetigo, infection, skin diseases, staphylococcal bacteria, streptococcus

Practice shows that this pathology is vulnerable to direct local impact on the affected area of ​​the epidermis. So, in the struggle in the struggle, Mazi-antibiotics based on tetracycline and erythromycin, elementary means with aniline dyes (fuccin, green) and alcohol solutions (for example, salicylic acid) are used. Purulent wounds after processing with an antiseptic and disinfectant cover with groove bandage to avoid infection of healthy skin. In addition, the patient recommends a course of vitamin therapy in the form of injections or tablets. In deferred cases, antibacterial drugs for oral administration are written to the patient.

While the impetigo is in the active stage, it is impossible to take a bath and, moreover, use the washcloth, cosmetic peels and scrubs, otherwise the lightning spread of purulent foci on healthy skin can not be avoided. Family members of the patient must take care of their health: the suffering of the invoice is distinguished by personal dishes and personal hygiene. Certain adjustments also contribute to the diet of its power supply: no grams of sugar (in «Sweet» The microorganisms are multiply from the tripled speed), the abundance of products rich in vitamin C.

To avoid an impetigo epidemic in large children's teams, patients with children areolate and arrange quarantine, during which a thorough wet room cleaning with disinfectants is carried out.

If you start solving the problem in a timely manner and competently approach its correction, the forecast of the skin is quite favorable. A frivolous approach to treating impetigo is fraught with sad consequences: infection penetrates deep layers of epidermis, there is inflammation of lymph nodes, vessels and subcutaneous tissue. In the launched cases, sepsis develops.

Timely response to the problem allows you to defeat the disease in 5-7 days. If you look at the impetue through your fingers, treatment can delay for 3-4 weeks.

Treatment of disease by folk recipes

Impetigo, infection, skin diseases, staphylococcal bacteria, streptococcus

Our site is in a hurry to note that when I impetigo tips Folk Medicine are an excellent addition to traditional treatment.

The most valuable natural medicine in the fight against impetigo is considered to be cleanliness - the plant is not in vain so nicknamed. It has powerful antibacterial properties and can help even with the most severe manifestations of the disease. Raw materials need to grind, put in gauze and squeeze juice out of it. Juice lubricate the ulcels on the skin 2-3 times a day.

Flax seeds also proven themselves in the treatment of impetigo. 20-30 g of seeds pour 1 liter of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour, then filter. Cooked decoction drink 0.5 st. 1 per day. In addition, you can take linseed seed (1 st. L.), drinking it with a small amount of water, 1 time per day.

Outward decoction of linen seeds are used as a row on affected skin. Many positive feedback from homemade wound-healing ointment: flour from a fried flaxseed seed mixed with homemade butter in proportions 1 to 5. The means rubbed the inflamed foci on the skin.

Prevention of the disease

Impetigo, infection, skin diseases, staphylococcal bacteria, streptococcus

Preventive measures are common to all skin diseases in which purulent pustules are formed. It is important to follow the general state of your health, because the well-being of the main and large organ of our body, skin, largely depends on the quality of general immunity. All abrasions and scratches, even the most minor, you need to handle peroxide or iodine - there is no guarantee that the skin without an antiseptics can protect himself independently. An important moment is the responsible treatment of dermatological diseases in a competent specialist, as well as control of blood glucose levels.

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