Treatment of the gallbladder polyposis

The gallbladder polyposis is one of those diseases that often detects only in an ultrasound study office. Agree, this is a complete surprise for a person who considered himself absolutely healthy. Why this happens and what to expect from the disease, we'll figure it out in the article.

In the cunningness of the polyposis of the gallbladder do not have to doubt: after the formation of polyps, a person does not recognize anything for a long time, because any symptoms of what happened missing.

What the polyps look

Gall Bubble, Polypov Treatment, Polypos, Polyps

Concept «polyp» Indicates the abnormal growth of the mucous membrane of any organ of the human body. So, the gallbladder polyps, in fact, are the proof of its mucous membrane, appealing in the inner clearance of the organ. Nature polyp benign.

These rounded formations focus on the neck of the gallbladder or on its broad base. In principle, the polyp can grow in any part of the authority. When the localization of polyps in the cavity of the gallbladder becomes multiple, they say polypose.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in women after 35 years - it is 80% of cases from the total number of ill.

What may indicate a disease

A clear clinical picture of polyposis, as already noted, is absent, and this is despite the fact that the disease most often occurs on the basis of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the gallbladder. However, nonspecific signs of pathology are still present. For example, if the development of polyposis was preceded chronic cholecystitis and dyskinesia biliary tract, patient often worried pain in the top of the abdomen on the right. Pain, which after eating only increases, is distinguished by a sharp, pulling or cutting character.

The appearance of unpleasant discomfort is due to the fact that the polyp that has grown in the cavity of the duct or next to its mouth, overlaps the path to remove the bile and contributes to the stress. If the patient's menu often appears fat and heavy to digest food, then as polyps grow, it systematically begins to suffer from nausea, Funny, acid belching, bitterness in the mouth, weight loss with normal appetite and nutrition, constipation. Among the symptoms you can also highlight the yellowing of the scool of eyeballs and leather.

The reasons for the appearance of polyps and signs of polyposis are largely reminded by another common disease of the gallbladder - cholecystitis. With the slightest suspicion of polyposis, the doctor should figure out the real state of affairs as soon as possible: more than 45% of cases benign polyps over time develop into malignant education.

The reasons for the formation of polyps in the bustling bubble

Gall Bubble, Polypov Treatment, Polypos, Polyps

Due to the lack of a clear clinical picture of polyposis, treatment for a patient complaining of pain in the right hypochondrium can be appointed only after detailed diagnostic studies. First of all, they include:

  • Ultrasound. During the procedure in the gall bladder cavity, a specialist will see rounded polyps that are tightly adjacent to the walls of the organ. In contrast to stones with gall-name disease, such formations are not moved if the patient changes the position of the body;
  • Endoscopic endosonic. The procedure allows you to study the structure of the polypa and the place where it appears;
  • Magnetic resonance cholangiography. The study of this kind gives a specialist the opportunity to inspect the cavity of the gallbladder and its ducts on the subject of other abnormal formations;
  • CT scan. During the examination of this kind, it is possible not only to identify volumetric neoplasms in the bustling bubble and liver, but also to assume whether their benign nature can change the malignant.

Treatment of pathology

Gall Bubble, Polypov Treatment, Polypos, Polyps

So, we found out that the polyps would be very harmless, if it were not for their peculiarity to reincarnate into a dangerous man's tumor. This means that the disease must be treated, and the sooner, the better.

Treatment of the gallbladder polyposis exceptionally operational. When the organ of a small (up to 1 cm) is found in the cavity of the circular polyp on the leg, the doctor will most likely take the expectant position: there will be closely observed for the neoplasm for 2 years, conducting a survey every six months. If the polypa's leg is wide, there is a risk of transition to the stage of malignant growth, so it is necessary to examine it approximately 1 time in 3 months. These actions can be called conservative treatment for the disease.

If possible, it is better to be examined by one specialist on the same apparatus. If the thigh in the bustling bubble of 4 mm in size begins to grow, surgical intervention will be the only right solution. Large polyps (at least 10 mm) having a clearly designated vascular leg, need to immediately operate - the risk of developing malignant tumors is too large.

If the polyps arose on the soil of the inflammatory reaction, it makes sense to carry out anti-inflammatory therapy, as a result of which the growths sometimes decrease and even disappears. However, to find out how the accumulation of uncontrollable cells behaves, no one can, therefore specialists are still inclined to surgical treatment of polyposis. The patient is operated by an endoscopic way, provided that there is no inflammatory process.

MirSoveto warns that during the expectation of the baby on the basis of a hormonal burst, the growth of polyps is activated. That is why from the growths you need to get rid of conception, at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Indications for immediate operation may be as follows:

  • active increase in polyps (more than 2 mm per month), especially if multiple alignments;
  • The presence of a polyp is more than 1 cm
  • Polyps cause pain from which the patient suffers;
  • The formation of polyps is accompanied by a biliary disease;
  • The presence of oncological heredity.

Features of operational intervention and the timing of it are appointed exclusively by the attending physician, which will pre-study and evaluate the characteristics of neoplasms in the bustling bubble and the general condition of the patient.

How to prevent the development of hazardous formations in the gallbladder

Gall Bubble, Polypov Treatment, Polypos, Polyps

Specific methods for the prevention of the appearance of growths in the cavity of the gallbladder does not exist. However, if they have already appeared there, it makes sense to adhere to the right nutritional mode, and there is high-quality and balanced food. Important value is the presence of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet. In no case should not be forgotten about moderate physical exertion, which can be safely called the catalyst for many metabolic processes in the body.

The presence of even small polyps in the bustling bubble is a serious reason for regular ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. Only so you can reduce the risk of the development of a dangerous oncological disease.

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