First aid for anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock is called a rapidly pronounced allergic reaction, the lightning flow of which ends for the victim fatal. Man in your eyes has become bad - suddenly this anaphylaxis? How «calculate» Dangerous condition and provide first help?

Immediately recognize an anaphylactic reaction difficult - she has a lot «masks» (in medicine it is called polymorphism). How many cases are so many different external manifestations related to the affected body directly.

Anaphylaxis forms and their signs

Allergic reaction, allergy, anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock, immunology

  1. Lightning reaction. A person does not even have time to understand what happens to him: Allergen in the blood is enough to 1-2 minutes to «Disable» Consciousness unhappy. The patient is sharply pale, his breathing is hampered, sometimes pronounced symptoms of clinical death. After some time, the acute cardiovascular insufficiency is developing, and the person dies without coming into consciousness.
  2. Heavy reaction. Signs of anaphylaxis can be seen 5-10 minutes after the penetration of allergen in blood. The patient can not make a full breath and begins to choke, his heart hurts. If a person is not available in time, he will die.
  3. Medium reaction. After half an hour after blood saturation, the human allergen is overwhelmed with a strong headache, rises temperature Body, there is an unpleasant feeling of compresses in the chest. Deadly cases as a result of this type of anaphylaxis are very rare.

Anaphylactic shock can «Attack» The body is immediately in several directions. Among the alarming symptoms of this allergic reaction is distinguished:

  • Skin - in the form Horpivnitsa, shallow rash, redness, Email Qincke;
  • Respiratory - expressed Digger, noisy breathing, swelling of the upper respiratory tract, suddenly appeared Rougom. Often anaphylaxis are accompanied by asthmatic attacks;
  • Cardiovascular - With a strong impact of Allergen, a person seems like his heart is about to pop up from the chest - so strong and often it beats. At the same time, the patient feels a strong sore pain. Very often a cardiovascular system «Reacts» on Allergen a sharp spasm of vessels, as a result of which a person loses consciousness;
  • Gastrointestinal signs are expressed in gravity and spasms in the stomach, Nausea, vomiting, stool with blood admixture;
  • On the nervous ground due to anaphylactic shock, convulsive syndrome appears, anxiety and panic is growing.

The causes of anaphylaxia

Allergic reaction, allergy, anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock, immunology

Call ambulance. In some cases, it is not difficult to establish the cause of the allergic reaction, so you need to immediately interrupt the contact of the patient with the allergen object. For example, if a person has become bad after Unsflower bite, Remove the sting from the wound and cool the bite. If you are indoors, open all the windows so that fresh air freely penetrates the room. Put the patient on the side. Well, if at home will be an ampoule of antihistamine - without delay, make the injured injection. If there was no medication at hand, wait for the ambulance brigade.

If in this terrible situation you have ever been able to act as a victim, then you should probably know that people who are prone to anaphylactic reactions should always have a dose of epinephrine. Medicine is injected into any part of the body at the first symptoms of anaphylaxis to «hold out» Before the arrival of doctors.

Emergency medical care for anaphylactic shock

Allergic reaction, allergy, anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock, immunology

Doctors combine drug and non-drug procedures and act very quickly, so as not to lose any valuable second.

If the reaction appeared on the medicine, its introduction will immediately stop. All injections for emergency care are only intramuscular, because you can significantly save time without being distracted by the search. If the symptoms of the anaphylactic shock occur with the intravenous drip administration of the drug-allergen, the needle from the vein is not taken out to introduce anti-shock tools through it.

Of great importance is the position of the body of the victim: it must be put on a flat solid surface, a little raised where the legs of a person are. The head of the patient turns the side, at the same time his lower jaw, so as not to provoke the attack of the suffocation due to the language of the tongue. If possible, the patient is stripped or simply weakened by the squeezing body.

Then the adrenaline solution is mixed with an isotonic solution of sodium chloride in the proportion of 1:10 and glue the drug to the introduction of the allergen substance. If Allergen fell into the body orally, primarily washed the stomach. When anaphylaxis evaluated in response to an allergen medication to the nose or eye, then the nasal mucous membrane and the eye conjunctival must be rinsed with a large number of running water and dripped drops with hydrocortisone (0.1%).

Basic medicine in emergency care - adrenaline. The solution of the preparation (0.1%) is administered intramuscularly at the rate of 0.1 ml per 1 year of life. If after 10 minutes the reduced blood pressure is not normalized, re-injected adrenaline in a half dose. In addition, such drugs such as prednisone, dexamethasone, pepolfen, suprastin, dipstrol, calcium gluconate (antihistamines) are integral part of measures to save the life of the patient.

Bronchospasm is removed using a solution of Eufilin (2.4%) - 0.1 ml of the drug for 1 year of life. In heart failure, the patient's condition stabilize, applying heart glycosides and diuretics. If as a result of the actions of the brigade «Ambulance» The expected effect of victims are hospitalized to the hospital, where resuscitation activities and intensive therapy will be held.

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