Protrusion of intervertebral discs

Among various types of disk degeneration, the protrusion of intervertebral disks is most often found. At the same time, the intervertebral disk is beyond the vertebral column, which causes quite severe back pain.

back pain, diseases of the spine, spine, protrusion, protrusion of intervertebral discs, spin

Vertebral discs, as you know, have an oval shape and spongy structure. Their offset usually occurs due to injuries or age-related changes. Back pain people with such displacement does not feel until the irritation of one of the nearest nerves will occur.

Typically, when the vertebral movement in the spine, their depreciation occurs with vertebral disks. Over time, these discs wear out and as a result they are pronounced outside their normal position. True, the wear of the vertebral disks occurs gradually. This process can be divided into several stages. The first stage is damage to the disk. At this stage, the inner part of the disk is shifted from its normal state and is protruding towards the fibrous ring. In this case, the resulting bulge can be more than half of the circle. The second stage of wear is the formation of hernia and an intervertebral disk protrusion. When forming hernia, damage to the fibrous ring. And the inner part of the neoplasm sometimes goes abroad of this ring. The state of the protrusion is characteristic of the internal part of the intervertebral disk to the vertebral channel.

A person who has formed disk protrusions often also has other health problems. At the same time, various methods of phytotherapy are used to treat these problems. Other therapeutic procedures can be applied.


back pain, diseases of the spine, spine, protrusion, protrusion of intervertebral discs, spin

It is worth noting that this spine department usually suffers most often. This is due to the pronounced load and the big amplitude of movements. As a result of this, the intervertebral discs of this spine have a greater inclination to damage and the appearance of a protrusion. This type of pathology can develop at a young age. Although age degenerative processes can make the situation even worse. At the same time, a person usually complains about the new pain in the lumbar department, which arises with a duty of lying, sitting, standing or after a long walk. In addition, with heads head forward or when picked up, stretching pain occurs in the zone of the waist. In the future, new pain in the legs, which gradually descends to the foot. At the same time, a person feels tingling in the footsteps and he has the state of the so-called «cotton» foot. Also MRSOVOVOVA notes that with this ailment, it is hard to carry out the movements in the lower back. Pains, headaches, and may also occur «fire» in the lower back.

Pathology in the cervical spine

As you know, the cervical spine has seven vertebrae. Between each vertebrae there are intervertebral discs. When discs begin to wear out, protrusions appear, which can lead to the compression of the spinal cord or its nerve endings. If there is an impact on these structures, the person begins to complain about muscle weaknesses in the limbs and elbow, he has numbness and tingling in his hand, as well as pains that can hand over. People with such a violation also occur chronic neck pains.

Protrusion in the Breast Department

back pain, diseases of the spine, spine, protrusion, protrusion of intervertebral discs, spin

This type of pathology meets much less often than other types. This is due to the fact that mobility in the thoracic spine is much lower than in the area of ​​the waist or neck. For this reason, excessive impact on discs here less significantly. However, a small amount of movement still has. Therefore, when wearing intervertebral discs in these places, protrusions may also occur. When making a diagnosis, it is important to exclude other diseases with similar symptoms. The main symptoms in this case are pain in the thoracic spine in the field of blades and intercostal neuralgia. Also possible pain in the middle of the back, the weakness of the muscles of the press, stiffness and soreness in the back and expressed numbness and tingling in the chest.


Most of all information on the state of the spine can be obtained using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). MRI is quite complicated, but at the same time a secure study method. With this diagnostic method, you can get all the necessary data on the size of the protrusions, the width of the spine channel, the presence of other pathologies, as well as information on how expressed inflammatory changes. To diagnose the protrusion of intervertebral discs, use computer tomography, but this method does not give full and correct information. Sometimes CT can show even wrong protrusions.


back pain, diseases of the spine, spine, protrusion, protrusion of intervertebral discs, spin

A person who has suffered such a paragraph should not pull with treatment. After all, if you do not carry out the necessary treatment on time, then the protrusion over time can lead to the complete destruction of intervertebral disks. Sometimes in order to avoid disability may even need surgical intervention. Of course, it is better not to bring. In order to eliminate both symptoms and causes of illness, it is necessary to conduct comprehensive therapy. In general, methods of therapy from Tibetan medicine often use for the treatment of various types of protrances of intervertebral disks. These methods make it possible to treat without surgical interventions, only due to a special comprehensive impact. In order to eliminate pain and remove spasms in the muscles, point massage and professional acupuncture. With these methods, you can remove pain, improve the passage in the tissues of nerve impulses, deeply relax muscles, improve the nutrition of the tissues and normalize blood supply, especially in the areas affected by the protrusia. In addition, the methods of Tibetan medicine stimulate the supply of intervertebral disks with nutrients and blood. Inside the disks themselves, all metabolic processes come back. Thanks to all this, their normal functions are restored.

It is believed that the most difficult to treat the protrusion of the cervical spine. This is due to the fact that the cervical department is the most subtle and complex area. Patients with such a diagnosis are usually assigned a massage course, healing physical education. In addition, they are found for several years to be observed by a doctor.

With any kinds of protrusions, such drugs such as muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds can be appointed. If there is a need, painkillers are prescribed to the patient.

To activate metabolic processes, eliminating muscle blocks, improving blood circulation and eliminating stagnant phenomena, such therapeutic methods are used as Hirudotherapy, Moxotherapy, Stoundarya and Vacuum Therapy. With the help of adequate treatment, you can achieve the most important thing - to include the natural mechanism of recovery.

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