Skin neoplasms

There is a conviction that if there are many moles on the body, papilloma or warts, it means that a person has a predisposition to oncological diseases. And it is partly true. And although these are just observations, you should always comply with certain security measures. And with any alarming factors in the development of skin neoplasms - contact the dermatologist or oncologist.

The fact that moles can not be removed unauthorizedly, known to all. But what to do in the case when a mole or a sudden spot started to change in size, crusts are formed on them or they begin to bleed? I suggest readers our site to deal with what actions should be taken to prevent undesirable consequences and complications.

So, the first thing to be done when detecting a suddenly beginning to grow the moles, the appearance of hair, changing the sizes of the stains on it - contact the dermatologist or oncologist. This must be done because the above signs are alarming factors in the development of malignant skin neoplasms.

What could be the neoplasm?

Skin neoplasms
There is a kind of conviction - if there are many moles on the body, papilloma or warts, it means that a person has a predisposition to cancer. And it is partly true. Despite the fact that these are just observations, a person with the number of Moles more than 8 on the body and face should be carefully observed for them, avoid excessive insolation (not to sunbath), not to be in the sun from 11 to 15 hours, wear underwear and clothing, not Traumizing the surface of the moles.

Even with a small number of moles should not ignore security measures. This, of course, does not mean that during excess insolation, a malignant tumor will definitely. There are both benign and border tumors, and malignant. Their principal difference, as well as all tumors, is the ability to metastasize into other organs, give complications in the form of lymphadenitis and cause fatal outcome.

So, to benign neoplasms include nevi, epithelial tumors emanating from sweat (siring) and sebaceous (atters, Adenoma) glands, from vessels (lymphangioma, hemangioma), mesenchymal origin, as well as from fibrous (fibromes), nervous (neurofibromes) and fatty (lipoma) tissues.

Border tumors (prejudice) are represented by keratoacanta, elder kerata, pigment kservoch and other less common neoplasms.

We will try to figure out when you can suspect each of the possible skin neoplasms.

Benign skin neoplasms

Nets, A «in the people» - Roda spots, may appear at any age. Their number is also not limited. In some families, the location and form of non-units are inherited. This confirms the main theory of the emergence of malignant formations - a person is already born with tumor cells, but their growth and time of tumor manifestation is determined by the state of the body as a whole.

So, the universities can have different, but necessarily sharply limited edges, while the form and color are the most diverse. The surface of the birthplace of spots may be striped, and even. A variant of warthogs of the nevus, with a diameter of up to 2 cm. They should be distinguished from soft fibris on the presence of hyperkeratotic layers on the surface (dense peeling crusts).

A special danger is a pigment border neve, which has melanin and is able to transform into melanoma. He, most often, congenital. It is possible to determine it is possible for a number of signs: the form of a flat knot of brown, dark or gray with a dry uneven surface; without hair (even powdered). The dimensions of such a godded spot can reach 5 cm.

In adolescence, Lentigo may appear. At any part of the body, this benign formation has a form of a smooth brown stain, an oval shape, a diameter of up to 1.5 cm. Also lentigo (only called senile) appears in the elderly people in open areas of the body.

Quite often, people of mature and elderly meet and atters. This tumor is developing from the sebaceous glands. Localization location - all over the body, but more often in places of large clusters of the sebaceous glands (sickness of the scalp, face, forehead, supercine region). Atheroma is a single education, painless, leather over which is not changed. With its inflammation and suppuration, the skin bluses and pain may appear. Most people atheroma does not cause discomfort, some periodically «squeeze out» Contents that may be like a dense white mass and translucent liquid. Remove atters surgically, surgery together with a capsule, otherwise relapses are possible.

Capillary hemangioma
Another commonly occurring benign neoplasm are hemangiomas. If the capillary hemangioma may occupy up to half of the person (being a serious cosmetic defect), then cavernous hemangioma, located more deeply, large sizes do not reach. Color may be different (from red to blue black) and depends, first of all, from the structure of the tumor itself. Hemangiom treatment operational and consists in excision of a tumor with subject to layers. But there are a number of problems: firstly, capillary hemangiomas have large sizes, so when surgery is often required sebut transplantation. The complexity is that it is necessary to find a close area of ​​the skin, while observing the remaining laws and transplant laws. The second problem is the excision of a deeply located cavernous tumor, the integrity of many structures of the body disrupts the integrity of many.

Preiodine skin neoplasms

A group of precancerous tumors is constantly the subject of the dispute of many scientists. Which of them should be considered a prejudice, and that already the initial stage of cancer ... We will adhere to a certain tactic - to this group we will assign the disease that, in the absence of treatment, can lead to reincarnation in malignant neoplasm.

Pigment Keroderma on the face
So, the precancerous neoplasm of the skin includes pigment kservochmaum, skin horn, keratoacant, senile keratosis.

Pigment Keroderma is a genetically determined tumor that begins to manifest themselves since childhood. Such people instinctively avoid the sun, in some cases lights can develop. After even short-term insolation on the skin, pale pink or red spots appear, which after some time form pygmentation sites, resembling freckles or teleangectasses. After a few years in such sections, the skin is thinning, it becomes dry. Such skin lesions may be accompanied by eye damage (keratoconjunctivitis), iris. People with this disease should avoid any insolation, apply sunscreen and lotions. Removal of Keroderm elements produce a laser, diathermocoagulation, cryodestruction or surgical method within healthy tissues.

Old keratosis
Old keratosis (or sunny) appears in older people in open areas of the body in the form of rashes at first orange or yellow, with a diameter of no more than 1 cm. Then the scales are formed on these rashes, dry peels, peel which is quite difficult. If try «contemplate» Such an element, a small bleeding appears.

It is worth paying close attention at the time when a seal appears at the base of the element, or it will start to bleed. This is the first sign of the initial mischief of the tumor!

Women over 42 years old around the nipple and a plot of redness with infiltration, peeling, mocking can appear on it. After some time the crusts are formed on it, the nipple is drawn. This is a disease of Pedge. The process develops for a long time (up to a decade) and some oncologists consider it the initial stage of cancer.

Malignant skin neoplasms

Differentiate malignant neoplasms on the skin is difficult for an hour and experienced doctor. Predisposing factors were listed above. For readers, our website will only note that ideally, any neoplasm must be investigated for the presence of malignant cells in it.

Basaloma appears in open areas of bodies exposed to excess insolation. In its development, the most often plays the role of a genetic factor, and one of the features of this tumor is the ability to differentiate in the direction of various structures. That is, Basaloma appeared, and for several years a flat-cell skin cancer was formed.

At the beginning of Bazaloma has a nodule of a whitish color with a crust on the surface. Some formations are possible, therefore, individual diseases and malignant neoplasms are considered.

PlateLock Cancer Cancer (Epithelioma)
PlateLock Cancer (Epithelioma) arises less often and leaks heavier. Usually it is localized in the perianal area, on the red border of the lips, on the external genital organs. From cancer of another localization, it practically does not disordinate, quickly gives metastases. Initially, this is a spherical formation, a diameter of up to 1 cm in the thick of the skin. Then, as it is grown in or out, ulceration appear on the surface, Warts. Then the surface is ulcerated, it becomes very painful, the edges are dense, uneven. After metastasis in lymph nodes, the person's condition is rapidly deteriorating. Death can occur both from bleeding caused by the collapse of the tumor and damage to the vessels and from cachexia (sharp depletion of the body). Treatment is also carried out surgical with removal not only the tumor itself, but also lymphatic nodes. If necessary, the radiation therapy and chemotherapy are carried out.

Melanoma - the most famous and frequently appearing malignant skin neoplasm. Feature - finding the primary hearth exclusively in the skin. Most often melanoma is the progression and malignant reincarnation during injury or severe pigment nevus burn. Thus, a direct risk factor appears for rebirth - a pigment nevus injury. Moreover, the birthmarks located on the nail bed, the perianal region, on the soles of the stop, in places of frequent friction of clothing, are particularly dangerous. This is the most striking example of rebirth.

With the first injury or excess insolation, the birthmark gradually increases in size, begins to peel. At the same time, at the same time, the possibility of repeated injury. As a result, bleeding, suppuration, infection appears. It even more increases the possibility of repeating injuries. Next appears a tumor, flat, with uneven edges or in shape resembling Nesus. Surface rough, uneven, waving, the blood peel is constantly formed on it.

The diagnosis of melanoma is usually carried out by determining the level of accumulation of the radioactive phosphorus tumor. She accumulates it ten times more in comparison with a healthy cloth. Also, the tumor temperature will be significantly (more than 4 degrees) higher than healthy fabrics. The radioactive method is used and when solving the question of the volume of operational intervention. In the diagnosis, histological and cytological examination of prints-prints from the surface of the ulceration should be done. Tumor treatment - surgical with possible use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

And, of course, the forecast of the disease depends, first of all, on the time of tumor detection. Therefore, once again it should be reminding the importance of prevention. In this case, it comes down to the three most important aspects: carefully follow the changes in the neoplasms, avoid increased insolation and at first doubts contact the specialists.

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