Treatment of off-haired linga

Freewood (color) deprived - skin disease, whose pathogens are fungal microorganisms of the Malassezia family. Complete and nearby disease occurs where people are forced to adapt to a sultry and dry climate. However, nobody is insured against the attack: up to 10% of residents of countries with a moderately continental climate faces this disease.

Colored peeling spots on the skin were deprived in the time of hippocrat. Now this term is common to most dermatoses of different nature. Skin problems arise for various reasons: due to excessive sweating, due to pathogenic microbes, due to weakened immunity. But the origin of certain types of low-tech is still unexplained.

Causes of the disease

virus, skin diseases, deprived, deceive deprived, color deprived

Man, «marked» Deeply deprived, for those surrounding special dangers does not represent. The disease can be transmitted only if people do not adhere to the elementary rules of personal hygiene: they do not break through common towels, clothes, resting on natural beaches.

All patients who encountered this delicate skin problem are carriers of Malassezia fungus - it is multiplied in the coarse glands of the epidermis, but for some time he does not declare. Specialists have identified a number of factors that «Forced» Malicious microorganisms move from the stage of rest to active actions:

  1. Strong stress.
  2. Increased sweating.
  3. Heredity.
  4. Ionizing radiation.
  5. Synthetic clothing.
  6. Reception corticosteroids.
  7. High blood glucose concentration.
  8. Related immunity.

As soon as the most comfortable conditions for active breeding fungus, it certainly «Get out» to the surface of the skin in the form of unsightly brown spots.

Clinical picture of a closed debris

virus, skin diseases, deprived, deceive deprived, color deprived

Treatment of fungal diseases need to be entrusted with a literate specialist, otherwise its frequent relapses will become the result of independent unsystematic attempts to get rid of deprivation.

Gate the skin from aggressive fungus will help antifungal drugs. Triazole row drugs are especially effective: fluconazole, itraconazole, medicines and medicinal cosmetics based on selenium sulfide. In addition, the good results showed antifungal therapy with preparations, which contains imidazole: bifonazole, levamizol, dibazole, ketoconazole. Many positive feedback from the technique that combined treatment with fluconazole using a shampoo nipped. Cycloserin tablets come to the aid, if the result of treatment is changing natural skin pigmentation.

In the process of treatment of different forms of the seduction, degraded uses various forms of drugs: sprays, solutions, lotions. Drugs in the form of ointments - Clotrimazole, Nystatin, Mofungar - are also effective, but extremely inconvenient in use, if deprived, settled under the hair on the head or in the groin region.

Doctors recommend to patients not only to change regularly, but also be sure to stroke clothes - so you can protect yourself from the exacerbation of the disease.

Filly-shaped deprived and traditional medicine

virus, skin diseases, deprived, deceive deprived, color deprived

The fungal microorganisms and the diseases they cause are known from time immemorial, and therefore the number of ways and recipes of combating them with each century everything increases.

ethnoscience has a whole arsenal of means for the destruction of pathogenic microbes. So, the positive effect was noted after applying the skin of natural oils on the affected deprived. Among them, the fuel, hunter, peach and rosehip.

The undiluted apple cider vinegar is also a very popular tool for the treatment of low-tech. Flap spots on the skin need to be lubricated them 6-7 times during the day, and in the week the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

The root and seeds of sorrel also found the use of: 1 cup of crushed seeds and roots need to pour 1 cup of water and boil for 5 minutes, after which it was insisted for half an hour and strain. Spots on the skin wipe this infusion as often as possible.

Savalous leaves and stems are valuable raw materials for the preparation of therapeutic agent. They need to grind them, mix with a fat sour cream, and then cover the sick skin with this mass.

The onions takes particular popularity in traditional medicine. In the fight against the unreasonable, deprive its fresh-heated juice use as wipes: lubricate spots 3-4 times a day.

In order to overcome the itching of peeling skin, it is prepared by hunting oil: for this, a pinch of dried and loss in the Powder of the Jerobyu is combined with a vaseline or a smalle.

How to eat patients

People who attending a deceive deprived, should not rely only on pills. Success in the fight against fungus depends on the correct correction of the diet. Minimize the number of consumed simple carbohydrates - the underlying condition of therapeutic nutrition during. So, sugar can be replaced by a modest portion of honey, and sweet pastries - bakery products with the addition of bran.

Every day you need to eat fruits and berries, which contain complex carbohydrates, and fresh vegetables - invaluable source of useful nutritional fibers and genuine fiber.

Prevention of the disease

virus, skin diseases, deprived, deceive deprived, color deprived

MyMedinform.COM talks about simple precautionary measures that will help to avoid unpleasant illness.

If you think that for one reason or another can «earn» Freedy-shaped deprived (for example, you suffered in the family), take care of yourself in a hot summertime. So, in hot sultry days, the skin needs to be wiped with salicyl alcohol or water with a pinch of citric acid dissolved in it, since the fungus does not tolerate the acidic medium. For skin treatment, you can safely use lemon juice and diluted vinegar juice.

If in the past you have already come across a deceive deprive, carefully follow your clothes: hats (Panama, hats, winter caps) From time to time, it is necessary to disinfect in the soda-soap solution. The same applies to waters and bed linen. To completely give up synthetic clothing, which overlaps access fresh air to the skin.

Refrain from excessive physical exertion in order not to sweat abundantly, take a cool shower at least 2 times a day, and also try to protect yourself from stress that is rich in the life of a modern person.

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