Tendtion: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Life is designed so that the musculoskeletal system of any person, especially the athlete, is exposed to mechanical loads every day. Sometimes microtraums of tendons or muscles, connective tissue, capillaries. If after the load it follows a full-fledged rest, then damaged tissues are healing, restored. If the rest is not enough, then the microtrauma can turn into tendtion.

General Information about Tendtion

Achillovo tendon, muscles, stretching, tendon, tendinite

This name happened from the Latin word connection «Tendo» (Meaning «tendon») And suffix «-ITIIS», indicating inflammation. In other words, the tendinitis is an inflammatory process in tendons flowing with pain, redness of the skin over the inflammation zone and the restriction of the mobility of that limb, which is damaged. And usually the pathology from the inflammation of the tendon vagina (the state is called tendovaginitis), or with damage to the tendon bag (this condition is called tendobursite). If there is also a number of muscle tissues into the inflammatory process, the process is called motendinite. Most often, the tendons of knees, shoulder belt, elbow, hip, heels, the base of the thumb. Tendinites are sharp and chronic. Ostroactive tendinites can be aseptic or purulent. Chronic forms are divided into fibrous and besifying (go with deposits in salts tissue). Much less often occur parasitic forms. Here are some of the most common types of tendinite:

  • temporal;
  • Shoulder joint;
  • biceps;
  • wrists (styroiditis);
  • elbow joint (epicondyl);
  • Achilles tendon (heel);
  • knee joint;
  • thighs, berry muscles.

Why Tendinit occurs?

Achillovo tendon, muscles, stretching, tendon, tendinite

During inspection and palpation, the doctor notes where the pathological process is localized, what a tendon suffers whether there is an edema, crepitiation, reveals the intensity of pain. An experienced doctor will immediately differ, tendinitis in a patient or arthritis. If there is a suspicion that the disease arose due to infection or is associated with the rheumatoid process, laboratory research is carried out. X-ray shows pathology only in cases where calcinates (deposits of calcium salts) are already present, this happens at the later stages of disease progression. This method allows you to notice the tendinite connection with Bursitis Or arthritis.

CT and MRI allow you to identify the presence of areas of degenerative changes of tendons, breaks, states requiring operational intervention.

Ultrasound examination - an additional diagnostic method, with it, you can identify changes in the structure of the tendon, its contractile ability.

Magnetic-nuclear resonance method allows patients with a chronic form of the disease to identify areas with abnormal impulses, which indicate the presence of irreversible degenerative-dystrophic changes (scar tissue) in the surveyed tendons. Then may need surgical intervention.

Recommendations for treatment

Achillovo tendon, muscles, stretching, tendon, tendinite

General principles of treatment at the initial stages of the disease are:

  1. Exclusion of physical exertion on the area of ​​leakage of the tendon, providing some rest to this place for some time (his immobilization). For this, elastic bandages are used, Bandagi, Langeta. Sometimes you have to resort to the help of orthopedic shoes, crutches.
  2. In case of tendinites, it is possible to impose cold, and with tendovaginites - heat.
  3. Application of NSAIDs (type Ibuprofen, Aertal, Orelophene, Ketoprofen, Naise) - preparations capable of reduce the amount of inflammation mediators produced, gradually eliminating the symptoms of inflammation that bind pain. They can be used in the form of injections, dragee, tablets, gels, creams, ointments. Take inside without breaks for a long time (more than two weeks) such drugs are not recommended, otherwise they can have a negative impact on the state of the gastric mucosa.
  4. If the tendinit is caused by infection, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs, for example, Antibiotics.
  5. Sometimes they resort to injections of corticosteroid.
  6. When the sharp stage begins to calm, then physiotherapy is shown (Electrophoresis, Magnetic and laser therapy, use of ultrasound and ultraviolet rays, shock-wave therapy). In chronic tendenity, mud and paraffin applications are recommended.
  7. When it was possible to remove the aggravation of inflammation, then you can start a complex of therapeutic exercises aimed at stretching and strengthening the ligament and muscle.
  8. In the case of purulent tendovaginitis, it is necessary to make an autopsy and pump off the purulent contents from the tendon vagina.

During the treatment, the tendinite is very useful to add to the seasoning of turmeric, three or four times a day to drink tea with ginger root (teaspoon of crushed fresh root for 250 ml of boiling water, the insistence lasts at least 15 minutes).

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out surgical operations, for example, with a tendon break, pronounced degenerative changes in them, by stenping tend. At the same time, excision of the affected tendon. Recovery after the operation goes for two or three months.


Achillovo tendon, muscles, stretching, tendon, tendinite

To avoid the development of tendinite, our site will give several recommendations:

  1. If you are engaged in sports, then before the main training session, do not neglect the warm-up and warming exercises.
  2. Do not overload, take care of yourself from injuries.
  3. The intensity and duration of any loads must increase gradually.
  4. The degree of load during training and work should change.
  5. Try to avoid monotonous movements for a long period of time.
  6. Remember that your body needs a timely rest.

Now in the arsenal doctors there are many means and methods to combat tendinities of different types. The main thing is to be patient and strictly observe all the recommendations of specialists. Then the treatment will be successful.

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