Filling a lack of calcium in the body

The number of advertising dedicated to the calcium mineral is not comparable to any other element of the Mendeleev table. Our site will answer a few preliminary questions - and is it necessary? For what? Who exactly and in what quantity? And how to determine what is missing it? Are there any situations in which it is harmful? On this and stop.

The number of advertising, including on well-known TV channels and with the involvement of recognizable movie stars and business shows dedicated to the calcium mineral, is not comparable even closely with any other element of the Mendeleev table. The need for it in our diet for no one for a long time. And, as always, the accumulation of knowledge without them «Packaging» The system in the head of a simple consumer gives rise to a lot of questions, discrepancies and other confusion. And therefore before talking about what products are more calcium and from where it is better absorbed, our site will answer a few preliminary questions - and is it necessary? For what? Who exactly and in what quantity? And how to determine what is missing it? Are there any situations in which it is harmful? On this and stop.

The role of calcium in human life

Nutrition specialists and a wide circle «Interested public» It is known that there are two groups of minerals needed by a person, one of them are called macroelements, others - microelements, and already from these names it can be concluded that the first are required by the body in sufficiently large quantities, the second - in small, sometimes in microDos. Calcium refers to the first group, its participation in the exchange of substances of the human body is enormous.

Without going into the details of the complex thing called «metabolism», Let's call the main spheres of the application of the famous mineral:

Calcium is the basis of bone tissue, teeth and skin appendages - hair and nails

  • Calcium is the basis of bone tissue, teeth and skin appendages - hair and nails.
  • He takes part in the process of contraction of myocardium - heart muscle - and thus affects heartfall - pulse, pressure and others.
  • In addition, calcium participates in the work of the central nervous system and the absorption of food.

Based on these knowledge, it can be assumed that the lack of a mineral will lead to a violation of the structure of bones, teeth, nail fragility, impaired cardiac and nervous operation, redundant weight. Basically, it is.

Is there any age in which you need to start passing tests and think about the shortage of this mineral? Many and now believe that osteoporosis is a state that most people are associated with a lack of calcium - begins with age, or in 40, or in 60 years. In fact, unfortunately, for states associated with the disadvantage of this mineral, there are no age borders. Lack of calcium may occur even in breast babies, and later - at any age. And the reason for this may be the insufficient use of calcium with mom during pregnancy (remember the old saying - for each child, the mother gives the tooth - it was not just that our ancestors came up with her!), and in the future, if in the food kid, later a child, a teenager, adult calcium lacks. And about the elderly, we are talking only because it only concerns women) with an age reduction of estrogen level (female sex hormone) The process of washing out calcium from the bones is significantly accelerated and more.

It is the reason for such a person known as physicians and phenomena, as a sharp deterioration in the state of the bones after the removal of the uterus and appendages at any age and for any indications - estrogen is not!

In children, osteoporosis is not rarely developed, and appears externally in such a common phenomenon, as a disorder of posture, designed to scoliosis. Take any child with steadyly broken posture - you can not doubt, calcium does not have enough. It will be appropriate to remember another one, not all the well-known thing - osteoporosis, especially in youth, is hand in hand with hypodynamines, and children with severe scoliosis (if there are no other good reasons, injuries, for example), «Unfortunate» Children not running, not jumping, but sitting at home, anyway, in front of a TV, computer or with a book on the sofa. Reasonable exercise improves bone exchange, calcium assimilation. Also osteoporosis begins or accelerated with forced long-term depression without movement, after injuries, for example.

Lack of calcium will lead to a violation of the bone structure
Before summarizing the above and move to the topic of the correct calcium replenishment in our body, our site would like to raise some more often found, but completely wrong ideas.

For example, this - calcium increases blood pressure, and therefore contraindicated hypertensive. This thought is entirely coming from the physicians, because in fact, when pressure drops, we introduce a patient with calcium, but here it is already not about food, we are talking about resuscitation. In the norm, calcium is absolutely necessary for the correct work of myocardium, and adopted inside, not in Vienna, pressure does not increase.

Another argument - calcium can be postponed in the kidneys, in the walls of blood vessels, and because it will be better enough of it than a lot. We will not talk about the mechanism for the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, this is a separate topic, we only note that calcium deposition wherever it is - the result of the violation of its exchange. This is due to hormones, there is still a lot with what, but not completely connected with the amount of it in the bones. That is, it can be deposited in the kidneys, even with a general low content. Here it is necessary to treat the main disease. And only in the case of severe renal failure - when the body is generally difficult for something withdraws and we are talking about hemodialysis or kidney transplant, we do not give patient calcium, as, however, many other products and medicines.

Calcium content in the body: grabs or not?

Filling a lack of calcium in the body
So far, to determine whether a lot or little in the calcium body, calcium ions are often used in. This figure is definitely important, but does not always give a faithful picture of the state, in particular, bone tissue. Of course, if calcium is completely small, it will be little and in the blood, that is, a decrease in the content (I do not know the numbers here, they are still not remembered, and they require the interpretation of the doctor) speaks of an explicit lack of mineral. But the increased numbers, and they are also often found, do not necessarily show that calcium is much. The fact is that with osteoporosis (this term means «softening» bones, reduction of their density) calcium is washed out of the bones and enters blood, and we investigate it, and we see high numbers, which does not mean well-being.

Absolutely accurate methodology showing the condition of the bones for their density, is a simple and affordable method called densitometry. At the same time, X-ray (there are other ways) determines the density of certain, «iconic» bone system sites (these are lumbar vertebrae, wrist bones, may be others). And then it is not necessary to guess, why the calcium in the blood is increased.

Calcium products and preparations

Now, having decided that calcium needs and use it necessary for everyone, let's try to figure out where it is better to take. Longtime dispute between producers of dairy products, classic source of calcium and those who make biooduddes and Vitamin Mineral Complexes, It is not easy to solve, because in its own way and those and others.

A large amount of calcium is contained in dairy products
First (still writing on boxes with dairy products the number of calcium in them) and the second (claiming that in modern milk made of powder, there is no calcium and need to be additives), they think, first of all, what is important for them - About the sale of your products, and truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.

Of course, the overwhelming number of factory milk and products from it are made of milk recovered, that is, first of the solid fresh milk prepare powder - it is well stored, it is transported, it does not depend on the season. And then milk is restored from the powder. And, of course, as a result of such technological processes and the amount of calcium, and its digestibility from products is reduced, although not to zero. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to drink fresh milk (but only from the famous cow - there should be no use of antibiotics, widely used for treatment and prevention Tuberculosis and other cow infections, the absence of hormones and growth stimulants, which are added to the feed, as well as chemically clean and free from pesticides «menu» your burenki) - our site recommends that it preferred as well «home» Cottage cheese, sour cream (with the presence of aforementioned conditions). Then all recommendations on the amount of calcium in the glass of milk will actually be performed.

Apply dairy products and in the event that you are forced to buy them: Let the daily rate of calcium you do not get, but in milk there are many other useful things, and milk protein is absorbed easier than others (if there is no lactase deficiency - lactase is missing - passion on which, however, are greatly exaggerated. People who do not carry milk usually know about it from youth, and use fermented fermented).

One of the sources of calcium, the benefit of which is not rejected by anyone, is cheese, especially solid varieties, with its production calcium is lost in the smallest quantity. Creator is also definitely useful.

In general, with the use of dairy products, one must know one thing - this is certainly useful, although it may not cover the needs of calcium, especially in people risk groups. And the second - the lower the fat content of the product, the higher the calcium content in it. This is already a technological thing, and it is applicable both to Molok and Curd, Yogurt and T.NS. So there are sometimes tasteful qualities to be neglected.

In addition to dairy products, there are less well-known, but no less useful sources of calcium, it is quite a few in greenery, for example, in spinach, as well as in eggs, almond, and the champion of its content is sesame. It is clear, this is a product, a lot of which you do not eat, but now we produce kozinaki from sesame. And there is also sesame oil - no cheap and not very tasty, but it is precisely exactly in the state of the powder, and it is digested by it perfectly, possessing, except for calcium, «Bouquet» useful things, so it is possible to fix the salad - very useful.

Regarding various drugs and complexes - to take them, in my opinion, it is necessary, especially those who are inclined to osteoporosis, hypertension, overweight (and how often we observe all this person at the same time!). And at the same time, choosing from a huge set of what they see in the pharmacy, in health stores, it is necessary to guide the advertisement, but two very simple rules:

Vitrum Calcium vitamins
First. There are calcium salts that are absorbed better, eat worse. Read the composition of the additive and if you see - calcium citrate, calcium hydroxyapatite or lactate - this substance is well absorbed, you can safely take it. Worse digested salts - gluconates.

Common calcium gluconate tablets, nevertheless, work, but if you are slipping a tablet and drop on it with a lemon juice, until it hits - it will be better. At the same time, gluconate goes into a light curtain citrate, which is very fast and completely absorbed in the intestine.

And the second important condition. Calcium consumption per day for an adult is 800-1200 mg. Accordingly, the lower digit is young, healthy and movable, second - pregnant women (only under the supervision of the doctor!), teenagers, elderly people. Here is from this and proceed by choosing the desired biodeadow. Because it often happens, the drug is advertised at every corner, and in it calcium - 5 mg. Whatever they say, but such a composition does not harm, of course, but the expected benefit will not bring.

Another little-known fact, but specialists in nutritiology - additional nutrition - especially, the adherents of St. Petersburg school, believe that the best calcium is absorbed in the evening, after 19 hours (this is due to the daily fluctuations of the hormonal background of the person), it is at that time better and taking drugs Calcium, and there are products with its high content. Therefore, cottage cheese and yogurts are better transferred from breakfast for dinner, and in the morning eat oatmeal with fruit, for example.

Caffeine and alcohol suction worsen, well, to use cottage cheese as a snack like not accepted, but there is a better sandwich with cheese separately from a cup of coffee, especially since you should not drink coffee tablets Calcium.

In conclusion, our site will bring a brief summary. The reception of food rich rich in calcium must be made familiar in every family, and these products must be diverse and, if possible, are made of whole milk (with a deadline for storing a few days in the refrigerator, and not 3 months at room temperature). It is also necessary to use greens, green vegetables, which are not enough that they themselves contain calcium, but also improve his assimilation from other products, normalizing intestinal microflora, improving digestion in principle.

IN «Critical» In terms of calcium periods - accelerated growth, menopause, condition after bone fractures, it is necessary to take biologically active calcium preparations. Of course, in contrast to food, calcium in tablets should not be accepted constantly, only courses for several months with interruptions. The criterion for choosing such drugs should be not the price or «promotion» in the media, and a quiet study of dosages and composition on the package.

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