Treatment of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis calls the chronic disease of the elastic and muscular-elastic arteries of large and medium caliber. It develops when atherogenic (causing deformation) begins in the vascular grid).

Against the background of this process, connective tissue grow and fibrous (cholesterol) plaques appear, vessels are modified, ischemia and pathological disorders in the bodies in which blood flows through these vessels. At any stage of the disease due to a sharp increase in blood pressure or spontaneously (unfortunately), the plaque can crack or break. This leads to the formation of a thrombus and further aggravates the progress of blood according to the vessels.

Causes of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis, heart disease, vascular disease, treatment of atherosclerosis, heart, vessels

Factors whose veins suffer from our vessels, not fully understood. But those that will be listed below are considered sufficient prerequisites for the development of the disease.

  1. Chronic stress.
  2. Addiction to fatty products rich in refined carbohydrates.
  3. Diseases of endocrine and exchange systems (obesity, diabetes, cholelithiasis).
  4. Arterial hypertension.
  5. Increased blood clotting and viscosity.
  6. Dilipoproteinemia.
  7. Smoking.
  8. Predisposition to early atherosclerosis, Needed not from the gene level.
  9. Hydodina.
  10. Age after 40 years.

Symptomatic picture of atherosclerosis

The nature of the symptoms is determined by the place where the disease «settled». The main indicators of atherosclerosis are the ischemic disorders in the organs that struck the atherosclerotic process and the chronic shortage of their blood supply.

Most often the target of the disease becomes breast and downward part of the aorta, crown, common sleepy, brain, renal, mesenterical and femoral arteries. The presence of symptoms of several atheromatous foci indicates generalized atherosclerosis.

Types of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis, heart disease, vascular disease, treatment of atherosclerosis, heart, vessels

The diagnosis is confirmed by clinical and laboratory and instrumental research.

  1. At Biochemical research of blood The patient has an increased percentage of cholesterol and triglycerides, low density lipoproteins and lipoproteins of very low density, fatty acids.
  2. Chest X-ray diffuses seals and extension of the aorta in the chest and peritoneum.
  3. The method of isotope renography allows you to find disorders of secretory-excretory kidney functions, if there are suspicion of atherosclerosis of renal arteries.
  4. The degree of damage to vessels is visually installed in the distance that the patient can overcome without pain in the legs.

Treatment of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis, heart disease, vascular disease, treatment of atherosclerosis, heart, vessels

Therapy of the affected vessels is based primarily on the program of general recovery of the body. This is a healthy food on the table, a systematic fight against extra kilograms, getting rid of bad habits, prevention and treatment of hypodynine.

People suffering from atherosclerosis must stick to a low-calorie diet. Having reducing the volume of animal fats consumed, it is possible to significantly limit the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of the vessels. And vice versa - the predominance in the food diet of vegetable fats, vegetables, fruits and vitamins is only welcome.

To prevent the absorption of exogenous cholesterol, prescribe drugs cholestyramine, Kevera, Colestipol. The amount of total cholesterol, triglycerides reduce, at the same time raising high density lipoproteins, with the help of niacin and enduracin. Also for these purposes use clofibrate, myckeron, bezafibrat. Must be prescribed drugs affecting the synthesis of cholesterol, - Lovastatin, Handustatin, Simvastatin, Fluvastatin. Doses of drugs and the duration of the course of treatment establishes exclusively attending physician.

Prevention of the disease

Atherosclerosis, heart disease, vascular disease, treatment of atherosclerosis, heart, vessels

MirSees offers its readers a few simple recipes that will help your body as long as possible to remain healthy as possible. The main thing is not to be lazy - to prevent any disease is much easier than cured.

  1. Tell «No» Meat of fatty varieties, fatty dairy products, honey, sugar, confectionery. Limit Soloi consumption. Give preference to eggplants, garlic, carrots, bows, boiled fish, sunflower oil, berries, - these products will help your vessels to avoid the formation of cholesterol plaques and thrombov.
  2. In order to give up cigarettes and perform at least the most elementary exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 times a week.
  3. Many practices and techniques for the prevention of atherosclerosis developed Tibetan medicine: It is assumed to use phytopreparations that purify the liver from toxins. Also in the complex procedures Treatment of leeches, acupuncture and point massage. Metal popularity acquired such techniques like moxotherapy (cigar treatment) and stounteady.

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