Treatment of atopic dermatitis

Today, our site will tell about one allergic skin disease, which is chronic, and accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms - rash at different parts of the body and skin itch. The disease is called «atopic dermatitis».

Usually the first signs of the disease Parents notice from the child even in early childhood. Later may occur periodic exacerbations (relapses). We will tell readers why this ailment arises, what are his distinctive signs. We will talk about the effective methods of treating atopic dermatitis, special attention will be paid to the right nutrition, preventing exacerbation and deterioration of the condition of the skin. So, about everything in order.

Why atopic dermatitis occurs

Atopic dermatitis, dermatitis, dermatology, skin diseases, skin care

The main reason for the physicians consider the hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions. This state is called the term «Atopia», As formed the basis of the name of the disease. People with atopic dermatitis have a gene that is responsible for the increased production of special immune cells by the body, they are allergic. As a rule, in the family of ill-painful data from dermatitis, the child already has relatives suffering from pollen allergies, animal wool, any food or having a diagnosis «bronchial asthma». Another impetus provoking the disease may be the presence of golden staphylococcus on the skin of the child. Products of vital activity of this microorganism and cause allergic reactions. Another reason for allergic manifestations may be causative agents of seborrheic dermatitis in children (Mary Sabea Furfur), as well as fungi genus Candida and others. Another number of factors contributing to the appearance of atopic dermatitis at the appearance of atopic dermatitis are revealed:

  • complicated pregnancy at mom;
  • viral diseases and reception of some medicines during pregnancy;
  • non-compliance with the diet during the waiting period of the child;
  • Later, applying a baby to the chest or artificial feeding;
  • Early or improper input of luch;
  • Balance of microflora in the intestines, situations where pathogenic microorganisms dominate there (Dysbacteriosis);
  • violation of the child's contractile ability of the gallbladder and difficulties in the dishevement of bile by ducts (dyskinesia);
  • Glice diseases in children;
  • Frequent Colds, Sinusitis, Frontits, Gaymorites, tonsillites, bronchitis, tracheitis and other ENT diseases at an early age.

Characteristic symptoms

Atopic dermatitis, dermatitis, dermatology, skin diseases, skin care

If the parents have noticed the signs of the disease from the child, they will certainly need to contact the pediatrician, which will send to a dermatologist, an allergist. Experts will make a diagnosis, after conducting a number of surveys:

  • skin tests (tests showing what is allergic reaction);
  • Definition in the number of specific antibodies, immunoglobulins.

It is these surveys that will allow the doctor to give the right prescriptions to the patient regarding the further treatment of atopic dermatitis.

Recommendations for treatment

Doctors believe that it is impossible to fully heal the disease, because it wears a genetic predisposition. You can only extend the periods of remission and reduce the symptoms. Remistration can be achieved by the following methods:

  1. The elimination of the contact of the baby with the allergen, which causes exacerbations.
  2. The use of funds that reduce the symptoms of the disease. Sometimes the doctor appoints Advantan, Elokom, other hormonal creams and ointments, giving detailed recommendations and instructions on their use. ELIETE cream is safer (even for infants), it does not contain corticosteroids. Appropriate use of moisturizers, such as brands «Mustela», Mousse or cream «Atoderm». If there is a risk of infection, then the doctor prescribes fuccin, a gentamicin ointment, for the fight against fungi can be applied lowow.
  3. Erius, Zirtek, Supratine recommended inside. In severe cases, the injections of prednisolone, dexamethasone.
  4. Special, individual for each little patient diet. It can be recommended for the period from six months to two years.
  5. Purpose of drugs that normalize the work of the immune system.
  6. Prevent factors that may potentiate disease.

Children who have atopic dermatitis need special care and attention from adults.

Carefully choose for kid creams, ointment, washing powder, shampoo, soap and other means. Prefer hypoallergenic products. Well rolled linen.

Do not allow the child's swelling.

A special approach is required when choosing clothes, it should be remembered that some woolen or synthetic tools can aggravate the disease.

Diet with atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, dermatitis, dermatology, skin diseases, skin care

And now we will dwell on the basis of the treatment of atopic dermatitis - compliance with hypoallergenic diet.

Here are the main principles that adhere to such a diet:

  1. We certainly exclude products that can cause degradation of the condition of the skin and exacerbation of allergies. These are the so-called allergens. Every patient has their own. The most common and well-known: chocolate, citrus, nuts, strawberries and other berries, tomatoes and other vegetables, red fruit, milk, fish, beekeeping products.
  2. Will have to avoid products rich in histamine. Among them, sausages, smoked, baking with yeast, canned fish, bananas, kiwi, coffee. Even the release of histamine enhance such components of finished foods, like emulsifiers, flavors, preservatives, taste amplifiers, various dyes.
  3. It is desirable to include as many products containing substances that protect the skin cells from damage contributing to the healing and tissue healing and regeneration.
  4. Do not overload heavy food liver, which is very busy work on cleansing the body from harmful toxins and other consequences of allergic reactions.
  5. Reduce the flow of gluten (for example, products containing wheat flour), since with allergies it is poorly tolerated by many patients.

Correctly chosen by an allergular diet, compliance with other useful recommendations will help lengthen the stage of remission. If they will again arise rash and itching, then in smaller quantities. And one more farewell from MirSees: the child should surround a friendly and positive environment in the family, learn it correctly and calmly undergo stressful situations, because if a person is nervous, frustrated, worried, then it leads to many diseases, including skin.

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