There were times when only a few laboratories produced it in negligible doses. And he was then the basis for the production of dynamite. Huge devastating power was buried in nitroglycerin. But if we take a substance in very small doses, then it becomes a medicine that can save in some cases.
MyMedinform.COM offers to talk about nitroglycerin, its pharmacological properties, methods of use, contraindications and unwanted effects.
A bit of history
Trinitrate Glycerin, namely, he is an active substance Nitroglycerin, for the first time was received by a chemist from Italy Askalo Sobero in 1847. This ester was formed in the reaction of glycerol and nitric acid and was used initially only as an explosive. By the way, it was Sobero that noticed that if you try a small amount of this substance into a language, it arises strong headache. Konstantin Gering in 1849, during research on volunteers, confirmed that the substance contributes to the appearance of headaches. He hoped to use nitroglycerin as a means of homeopathy in the treatment of headaches, guided by the principle that «Similar to treat it is necessary». Goering gave a substance name «Glonsoin», It is used in homeopathy and now. In 1851, Alfred Nobel began industrial production of nitroglycerin as an explosive in Sweden, patented its production method. Fate is irony - Nobel, who suffered from heart attacks, rejected in those years, the use of nitroglycerin as a medicine. William Merrel (English Doctor), who observed the state of workers engaged in the production of Nitroglycerin, noticed that pairs of substances affect their health condition. This doctor for the first time in 1876 used this tool for removing the attack «Chest toha» (this is exactly what was called angina in the 19th century). The patient dripped into a language of one or two drops of the trinitrate of glycerin, after which pain in the heart of the heart was swept. Later, a solid form of the drug was developed. One of the well-known US firms in 1882 engaged in the production of nitroglycerin drug in five different dosages. This is how Nitroglycerin entered medical practice. In 1998, Luis Ignarro, Robert Ferchgott, Ferid Murad were awarded the Nobel Prize for the disclosure of the mystery of the influence of nitroglycerin (more precisely, the release of nitrogen oxide with valence II) on the tone of the vessels.
Nitroglycerin application as medicines
This is a vasodilator (peripheral vasodilatologist), widely used in cardiology, refer to the group of organic nitrates.
The anesthetic effect of the drug is manifested very quickly (after 1.5-2 minutes), and after 45 minutes of tracks from the medication in the blood no longer. It affects the coronary arteries, venous vessels and vessels in the brain. When receiving the drug, the redistribution of coronary blood flow occurs, that is, the blood carries nutrients and oxygen directly to the ucheissed portions of myocardium. In the small circle of blood circulation decreases pressure. In addition, nitroglycerin drugs relax a smooth muscles of biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract and other organs.
In what cases can be resorted to nitroglycerin?
- In the spasms of the blood vessels, to remove (or warn) the attack of angina, to stop the pain of cardiac origin. Many cores take the nitroglycerin tablet under the tilt to prevent the attack of the angina, if they have an emotional or physical activity (for example, in front of the rise in the mountain, the stairs, before an exciting public performance).
- At Myocardial infarction, Legally delicate insufficiency.
- When dyskinesia of biliary tract, liver colic, acute pancreatitis.
- Embolia that occurred in the central artery of the retina.
- Pulmonary edema.
How to take medicine?

The drug is produced in the form of a dosage sub-alpine aerosol, tablets, drops, capsules used sublingual (that is, under the tongue), films (glued on the gum), the concentrate used for the preparation of the injection solution, tablets with prolonged action.
One sublingual tablet contains only 0.5 mg of active substance, in addition to which there is glucose, povidone 25, milk sugar, crospovidon, macrogol 6000.
So that the medicine was effective, it would be beneficial to know the rules of its reception. If you have a heart pain when you gave a physical load of the body (or ended with emotional loads), then first calm down, stop the load for a few minutes. At this time, put one tablet nitroglycerin under the tongue or capsule. Under the language there is a mucous membrane, well-supplied with blood vessels, so very quickly (about two minutes) the tablet resolves, the medicine will immediately fall into the bloodstream. After 60-120 seconds, an improvement in the state must come. Important moment - before putting a medicine under the tongue, try to sit down, sometimes the drug causes dizziness or even fainting (in the elderly). If a person is in a very old age, then it is better to take the drug at all. With the appearance of pain in the chest area at rest first, take half the tablet, if it does not help, then after 3 minutes, accept the whole pill sublingual. No improvements - it is allowed to take another five minutes a tablet. If after 15 minutes the attack never stopped, then it is necessary to urgently cause «Ambulance», After all, it can be a sign of myocardial infarction.
If you take nitroglycerin in life in life, first put only half a tablet under the tongue (sometimes people have increased sensitivity to this medicine).
The dosage form in the form of spray is used as follows: the patient sits down, then presses one or twice on the dosing valve, introducing the drug under the tongue (or on it). Breathing must be delayed, after which it is immediately close. For 15 minutes you can enter only three doses. Please note that the packaging should not be embarrassed!
If you have capsules in the first aid kit, then they are accepted in a similar way, like sublingual pills, only they are not divided into halves. If your red capsules say that inside them the oil solution, such capsules can not be used to urgently remove the attack, they are suitable only as a prophylactic agent.
Dosing a nitroglycerin solution is necessary as follows. Consider that 3 drops are equal to one tablet. Therefore, drip 2-3 drops immediately into the language (or under it), another permissible option - to dissolve a piece of sugar under the tongue, on which the indicated dose drunk.
In more severe cases, for example, under the acute stage of myocardial infarction or ethylene edema, the drug for intravenous administration is used.
More than two tablets can not be applied at once, and the highest daily dose is 6 tablets. If a person exceeds the dosage, the collapse can develop - the state when blood pressure drops sharply. Then the man pale, his sick, felt the weakness.
On side effects and contraindications
The advantages of nitroglycerin significant. Sometimes he saves people life, being an anti-infanal means of emergency. But the worldswiths want to warn readers, which happens and side effects when it takes:
- headache;
- a sharp decline in pressure, dizziness, up to faint (in particularly sensitive to the preparation of patients);
- heartbearance;
- Redness of the skin, the feeling of heat, the noise in the ears;
- Anxiety or, on the contrary, inhibition, allergic reactions are extremely rare;
- Pain in the abdomen, felling.
All these undesirable phenomena can be mitigated or eliminated, if you take a medicine in the sitting position. Recall that the people of old age should be given, if possible, when they lie. And start treatment only with half a dose to check how the body will respond to the drug. If a person does not tolerate this tool, you can try to combine it with Validol. Either use carniland or drops, containing not only nitroglycerin, but also menthol, tincture of plant components - Lily of Lily, Valerians, beauties. Patients inform that it is better to carry such a complex by taking it to 10-15 droplets.
And now our site will list serious contraindications to the Nitroglycerin reception:
- myocardial infarction flowing with a sharp drop of blood pressure;
- Hemorrhage into the brain, hemorrhagic stroke;
- glaucoma;
- increased intracranial pressure;
- Most recently transferred by the patient's head injury;
- Collapse, shock;
- toxic edema lungs;
- Heavy anemia;
- increased sensitivity to nitrates;
- Entering the fetus and the period when a woman feeds a baby breast (the reception is allowed only in special cases).
Children up to 18 years of age do not prescribe this drug, as there is no data on whether it is safe in such an early age.
If the patient has liver (or renal) failure, it is necessary to be particularly careful when using nitroglycerin.
During treatment, it should be refrained from alcoholic beverages (this is fraught with a collapse). In the treatment, it is impossible to drive vehicles and other mechanisms for production.
Storage Nitroglycerin
It should be remembered that the active substance of the tablets is rapidly destroyed in warmth and in the light. Therefore, it is advisable to store them in the refrigerator. The container and rolling on it are treated with a special solution capable of reduce activity loss by the active substance. After the tablet was taken out, try to immediately close the bottle in order not to reduce the effectiveness of the product. No need to remove several tablets from the container and package them into a piece of paper, they say, «On the track», When you go for a walk.
If the medication has an expiration date, it is impossible to use it. Usually tablets are stored for 2.5 years, and drops and spray - 2 years. Take care of these drugs from children and fire.
Taking the basis of nitroglycerin, pharmacologists have created many drugs with prolonged action, they are prescribed to patients with angina disease to prevent attacks. The most famous: Nitrosorbide, Sustak, Nitrong, Trinitolong, Nitronganong ..
Scientists continue to look for new funds that could shoot (stop) attacks of angina, but while the old savior is actively used - nitroglycerin in different forms. And yet certainly consult with a cardiologist if you suffer from pain in the heart.