The use of chlorophyllite for throat

In the pharmaceutical market, the drug chlorophyllip is not the first year, but still remains popular and demanded by the medicine. Let's find out what the secret of this vegetable antibacterial agent.

Estimation of ages Man and microorganisms exist side by side. With microbes that bring illness, people have learned from time to fight with Antibiotics. These medicines initially were exclusively natural, and the combined drug chlorophyllipte is the brightest representative.

The composition of therapeutic agent

Angry, antibacterial agents, throat, throat, chlorophyllip

Powerful antimicrobial properties chlorophylliput provided extract, the source of which the leaves of the eucalyptus. This substance gives the solution of the drug bright green.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can see chlorophyllipte in the form of tablets, spray and solution, which is prepared on the basis of oil or alcohol. The oil solution of the drug contains about 2% of the biologically active component, and its amount in the alcohol medication varies from 0.25% to 1%.

Alcohol-based chlorophyllip solution (100 and 200 ml bottles) is intended for internal and outdoor use. This is an effective water diluted with water, often used to rinse the sore throat.

Oil chlorophyllipt (25 ml bottles) are used externally, in particular solution is treated with inflamed mucous membranes.

The injection solution (25%) is released in packages by 10 ampoules 2 ml each. This form of the drug is rarely used only by appointment of a doctor.

Chlorophyllipt in the form of spray (0.2%) irrigate larynx to eliminate inflammatory reactions and pain.

Tablets (12.5 mg; 25 mg), which need to be dissolved, are also recognized as a very effective means for the treatment of organs of the upper respiratory tract. Often the composition of the drug in tablets is enriched with useful vitamin C.

Healing action of a natural

Angry, antibacterial agents, throat, throat, chlorophyllip

To achieve a full-fledged therapeutic effect from rinsing in the preparation of the solution and conducting the procedure, you need to adhere to some rules. The optimal dose for an adult is 1 st. L. Alcohol preparation (1%), diluted in half a glass of warm boiled water.

Prepare a large volume of the solution is impressed, the fluid should be enough for exactly one rinse. If you leave diluted with water medicine «for later», It will lose its therapeutic effect.

The oral cavity is wicked after eating at least 4-5 minutes, making it carefully, so as not to swallow the medicine. To do this, dial a little solution in your mouth and tramp head back. When rushing, try to pronounce sound «NS» - Language drops below and discovers access to inflamed glands.

MirSoveto reminds that the alcohol solution of chlorophyllipte has a local action, and therefore it is necessary to rinse the throat as closely as possible to wash the disease in the literal sense of the word. Within 30 minutes after the procedure it is impossible to eat, drink, brush your teeth. For operational facilitations of the state, the throat is set every 3 - 3.5 hours. If you get sick, Pharyngitis or tonsillitis, to use chlorophyllip mortar from 4 to 10 days.

Application of the drug for the treatment of children

Angry, antibacterial agents, throat, throat, chlorophyllip

Infectious diseases of kids «Pick up» Much more often than adults, because their immunity is at the stage of becoming. Rinith and inflammation of the throat are even among newborns and infants. In a situation where most of the antibacterial drugs are contraindicated, natural chlorophyllipte comes to the rescue with its wide range of action. However, before using the drug, you must certainly find out what the child's doctor thinks about this.

Treatment of a newborn baby is carried out by an oil solution of chlorophyllip, but how to treat the throat is inconsistent? You can do this:

  • cotton swab, impregnated in the medium, carefully grease the baby larynx;
  • Mix the nipple in the oil solution and give the baby;
  • dissolve a few drops of alcohol solutions in baby food.

For the treatment of angina and other inflammatory diseases of the larynx in older children, as well as adults, chlorophyllip solution (1%): 1. L. The drug is diluted with 1 glass warm boiled water. The throat of a child needs to rinse at least 3 times a day after eating.

Using the drug during pregnancy

Angry, antibacterial agents, throat, throat, chlorophyllip

The instruction that is attached to chlorophyllip reports that the possible effect of the active substance of the drug on the body of the future mother has not been studied. However, it can be assumed that a substantial harm to a pregnant woman will not bring a drug, since its composition is absolutely natural. Of course, the question of the use of chlorophyllipt The future mother should be discussed with a precinct therapist or a gynecologist leading pregnancy.

It is also necessary to take into account the high sensitivity of the woman during the waiting period of the kid. From the sudden development of an allergic reaction, no future mother is insured. The cause of the rash can serve as food and various components of drugs. Based on this, before allowing pregnant in chlorophyllip, the doctor must evaluate the course of pregnancy, the term and general condition of the woman.

In the pharmacy chlorophyllipt you can buy without a recipe. According to the power of influence on bacteria, the universal medicine can be worthy competition to some antibiotics. The main thing in treatment is to comply with the rules for use of the drug.

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