Application of plantain syrup

About the healing properties of the plantain is known to almost everyone, besides, many since childhood dealt with this plant. Breaking the knees or elbows, we applied the plantain leaf to the patient and believed that so the wound would rather heal. This was how it turned out, the patient was delayed and managed to avoid infection.

Plantain is famous not only with its antiseptic capabilities, its syrup eliminates cough, Lechit bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system.

The benefits of plantain

cough, plantain, cold, cough syrup, plantain syrup

Due to the fact that this plant is a natural antiseptic and an anti-inflammatory agent, it is used in the treatment of many diseases, including the organs of the respiratory system. Cough - one of the first symptoms Colds, However, it can also occur as a result of allergies, as well as in a state of severe stress. This symptom is also called the body's protective reaction to stimuli, which are in the airways. Regardless of the causes of cough, without appropriate treatment, it is very difficult to get rid of the disease, because in advanced cases, light shames may end with complications.

To eliminate wet or dry cough Modern medicine actively uses plantain-based syrups. They can be purchased in any pharmacy or prepare themselves. This is a natural medicine, as an excellent alternative to expensive drugs, is absolutely safe for children and adults, because it is well perceived by any organism.

The main therapeutic effect has a special plant mucus. If the respiratory tract in the mucous membranes hit, it is evenly distributed there, thus preventing the reproduction of malicious infection.

Indications for the use of plantain syrup are such symptoms:

  • Complex treatment of diseases of the respiratory system;
  • dry and wet cough;
  • asthma;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • Cough smokers.

Due to the fact that the full safety of the use of the means to pregnant women and nursing the means has not yet been proven, then to take the syrup of the plantain this group of patients should be with extreme caution.

Cases of overdose of medicine were also recorded. They appear in the form of allergic reactions to the skin.

Syrup plantain

cough, plantain, cold, cough syrup, plantain syrup

Reception Rules:

  1. If the cough defeated, then the syrup of the plantain must be taken 2 hours.L. Daily while eating to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
  2. It is allowed to combine the drug with other components, for example, with honey. Such a means are taken 30 minutes before meals for 1 hour.L. Honey mixture will help to sore throat and annoying cough attacks. Beautifully combined plantain syrup with essential oils.
  3. With bronchitis to eliminate sputum, this syrup can be prepared from the plantain:
    • 3 st.L. plantain leaves Pour 200 ml. boiling water;
    • Let it breed for 30 minutes, then add 150 g of honey there;
    • Mix all and again warp on the stove.
  4. Chilled and lesion syrup It is recommended to take when there are problems with bronchi. Three times a day for 1 h.L.
  5. Syrup of the plantain add to herbal teas, for example, in a decoction of the thyme. Enough add 2 h.L. Medicines and take tea 2 times a day.

Cough syrup for children

cough, plantain, cold, cough syrup, plantain syrup

Whatever seemingly harmless vegetable composition of the plantain syrup, it is recommended to give it to children with caution and only on the advice of the doctor. Often kashel in children is productive, that is, with natural expectoration of mucus from the bronchi. However, if the sputum does not leave or it is too viscous, then in this case you need to help the baby and give the plantain syrup.

This tool can be suppressed by cough syndrome and dilute the wet. Take his children easily and with pleasure, as the drug has a pleasant taste and aroma. Up to 2 years old, you can give syrup after consulting a pediatrician.

In pharmacies, you can find a variety of types of syrups as one-component (for example, plantain syrup) and with several components. Safe syrups for infants are also sold.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to the use of the drug are the following circumstances:

cough, plantain, cold, cough syrup, plantain syrup

  • Increased acidity of the stomach and too active production of gastric juice. Taking plantain syrup is permitted during remission Gastritis;
  • Prank ulcer and duodenal estate;
  • increased blood clotting and tendency to the formation of thromboms;
  • Individual envelopery of the plantain and allergies to it;
  • With fructose intolerance, as well as Sugar diabetes It is forbidden to take this drug;
  • The same rule concerns people with impairment of glucose absorption, and a congenital shortage of sugar;
  • If a child who has not achieved a three-year-old age, laryngitis suffered, then it is impossible to give a plantain syrup.

People suffering from allergies and asthma, especially carefully begin treatment with syrup and other preparations based on plantain. To begin with, our site recommends adopt a small dose, then gradually increase it and follow the reaction of your body. In case of new unpleasant sensations, the reception is better to stop.

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