Hemorrhroo Treatment and Prevention

Sitting work, a sedentary lifestyle - all this leads to hemorrhoids. According to the statistics of hemorrhoids there is every fourth adult. If you spend most of the day in the office, and then go home and get off to relax on the sofa - you are in the risk group. In order not to replenish the number of patients, read this article.

Sitting work, a sedentary lifestyle - all this leads to such an unpleasant Diseases like hemorrhoids. According to the statistics of hemorrhoids there is every fourth adult. If you spend most of the day in the office, and then go home and get off to relax on your favorite sofa - you are in the risk group. So as not to replenish the number of patients read the carefully this article.

Symptoms hemorrhoids

The reasons for the development of hemorrhoids are a lot - this is an unbalanced diet (abundance of oily, spicy and acute products), and excessive physical exertion in which intraperous pressure, alcohol, obesity, long-lasting diarrhea and, finally, anal sex.

Hemorrhoids begins gradually: first there is a non-mounted itch in the anus area, then pain occurs during defecation. These symptoms can be maintained for years without causing anxiety. But more often hemorrhoids quickly goes into a sharp period when blood appears in the cartoons.

Tip from our website: If blood appeared in the chair, immediately refer to the proctologist, as the blood can appear not only with hemorrhoids, but also with malignant intestinal tumors.

If blood appearance is caused by hemorrhoids, you should wait for others «Swallow» - Dropping of hemorrhoidal nodes. The hemorrhoidal node is a waist, extended veins of the rear pass. In other words, hemorrhoids are like something like phlebeurysm: Because of the above-listed causes, the venous outflow is broken and a hemorrhoidal node occurs. Bleeding with hemorrhoids arise due to the fact that the walls of the nodes are thinning, often inflamed (the rear pass - the place of hemorrhoids is constantly irritated, the walls of hemorrhoidal nodes are constantly irritated.) and bleeding.

Stages of disease development

Stages of the development of hemorrhoids
Doctors allocate four stages of hemorrhoids. In the 1st stage of the patient, periodic bleeding and pain before and after defecation. When the disease passes into the second stage, the hemorrhoidal nodes drop down when the press voltage is added to the bleeding (at this stage the nodes are directly in themselves). At the 3rd stage, the nodes fall out at each defecation and it is possible to correct them only by hand. In the future, the nodes fall even in coughing or lifting heavy items. In the 4th stage, the hemorrhoids of the nodes fall even in calm state, falling immediately after the right. Thrombosis develops frequent abundant bleeding.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids is diagnosed on the basis of finger research, aososcopy and rectoromanososcopy. At the finger study, the doctor introduces a finger into anus and gently feels the walls of the rectum, evaluates the stretching of the intestinal walls. When the finger is extracted, estimated the contents of the intestine - feces, mucus, pus, blood (if any).

If the doctor cannot make the final output after the finger research, aososcopy is appointed. The patient makes a cleansing enema, the anus is introduced into anus by 6-8 cm. This is a small device, with which the doctor visually «Get acquainted» with the rectum of the patient. When anoscopy is visible hemorrhoidal nodes, malignant Neof formation.

The most reliable way to diagnose the intestine is the range modelososcopy. RectorOnoscopy allows you to examine the intestine for a distance of 30 cm from the anus. During the procedure, the patient stands on all fours, the intestine is served in the intestine - so that the intestinal lumen is stripped, and the rectoscope is slowly promoted. The rectoscope is equipped with an increasing optical device, which allows you to see any, even the smallest changes in the intestine.

After the presence of hemorrhoids has been established and the stage of the disease is determined, the doctor will select the treatment scheme.

Hemorrhoid treatment

You can begin to treat hemorrhoids at any stage of the disease, but the earlier the patient will contact, the faster and easier will be treated. Acute hemorrhoids developing suddenly, after severe physician work, a sharp lift of weights or deviations in a diet. Acute hemorrhoids are treated with huntspomno (see. Treatment of hemorrhrom 1-2 stages), and after the symptoms disappear, the patient must comply with a balanced diet, avoid excessive physical efforts.

If hemorrhoid has a chronic flow with periodic exacerbations, several methods of treatment are used. If hemorrhoids are 1-2 stages (the patient torments pain, burning in the anus area, occasionally bleeding), the doctor can offer a patient with medication treatment. In the initial stages, the disease can be successfully restrained for years, applying medications and observing non-good rules: it is not acute, oily and spicy food, not to carry gravity, do not sit for a long time, not to transfer and not practic anal sex - but it does not guarantee a person full of cure, however will reduce the frequency of exacerbation of the disease.

To remove pain, various ointments, gels and candles are used - bupivacaine, lidocaine, anesthesine, ultrafrokt. If the pain is unbearable, the doctor will perform a novocaine blockade of the rear passage - there are several novocaine injections in the fabric next to the anus. If the pain is caused by an anal crack, they use a balallgin, a spasmalgon or a nitroglycerin plaster.

For cessation of bleeding, hemostatic means are prescribed such as Vikasol, intramuscularly or in Vienna. Normalize blood microcirculation with hemorrhoids such drugs like Detralex, Ginkor Forte, Gylänenol, Cyclo-3 Forte, Endotelon.

If the patient suffers from frequent bleeding, also applied candles with adrenaline, collagen sponges, as well as sponges from Takhokombon, Androchon, Beryllast. Collagen sponges are made from natural collagen - natural material with high hemostatic ability.

Long ago, people began to use ice to treat hemorrhoids - ice removes pain, narrows vessels, allows you to stop the bleeding. Modern medicine does not deny the advantages of ice and to facilitate its use, the device Crinus has been created. Crinus is easily introduced into the anus, and the ice is in the tank, which slows his melting. The device itself is made of plastic, due to this ice does not contact directly with the intestinal walls, which means there will be no cold burn. By the way, a special cooled fluid is used as ice in crinus, which melts is much slower than the usual ice. Ice treatment, including with the help of crosses, brings relief, but does not cure the disease.

The main medicine with hemorrhoids are drugs that improve the tone of the veins are the same Detralex, Ginkor Forte, Cyclineol, Cyclo-3 Forte, Endotelon. But it is impossible to do without drugs, removing pain that prevent thrombosis. Therefore, an integrated approach is always applied to effective treatment with hemorrhoids, using several drugs aimed at stopping bleeding, and to remove pain and to improve the state of the veins.

When the patient cease bleeding, you can start using seating baths. Baths use either ready-made antihemorrhoidal collection, or one of herbs: clover, nettle, alder leaves, grass of a peppermall. Prepares infusion from the grass, it is cool to + 36c, after which the patient sits in the bath or pelvis for 15-20 minutes. It is possible to freeze the infusion - it turns out the phytold, and apply it to the anus.

If conservative treatment does not give results and hemorrhoids continues to develop, go to the following treatment techniques.

Minimally invasive treatments for hemorrhoids

Minimally invasive treatments for hemorrhoids
These techniques are used for treating hemorrhoids 1-3 stages. Hemorrhoidal nodes eliminate with the help of laying latex rings. Patient make a small cleansing enema. The doctor then takes a ligator, whose working part is put on latex ring. Hemorrhrodal node draws inside the ligator, the ring is put on the base of the node. After about 10 days, the hemorrhoidal node falls off. In his place remains the wound, which is sutured. Sometimes the treatment takes 3-4 weeks.

With hemorrhoids, 1-2 stages are sometimes performed by sclerotherapy - 5% phenol solution in peach oil, which causes emptying, gluing and rejection of the hemorrhoid unit to the hemorrhoidal node. Sclerotherapy is quite effective, and is used when unsuccessful conservative treatment. And so that the result of treatment is preserved for a long time, it is necessary to carry out the same recommendations as in the medical treatment of hemorrhoids. T.E. It is recommended to minimize physical exertion, avoid a sedental position for a long time, not to transfer, and also exclude acute and fatty food from its diet.

A very dangerous complication of hemorrhoids - thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes. When thrombosis appears, the use of minimally invasive treatment methods is not allowed. To prevent thrombosis, heparin and throksevazine ointments, hepathotromube, G, Nigepan, rooted. All these drugs impede the formation of thromboms. If the thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes was complicated by inflammation, used proctusing and hepathersbin r (in the form of ointments, gel or candles). These drugs have a comprehensive effect: anesthetics, inflammation is removed, hampered thrombosis.

Hemorrhidectomy - Surgical removal of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhidectomy - Surgical removal of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhidectomy do with hemorrhoids 3 and 4 stages. Hemorrhoidal nodes are finished, then the skin section is cut near the anus and part of the rectum located above the hemorrhoidal node, and the node itself is removed. The wound left on the site of the node is made to the tissues of the rectum. Hemorrhidectomy is held within one day. After surgery, nitroglycerin pain relief cream. Cream not only relieves pain, but also removes sphincter spasm.

It often happens that after surgery, patients experience fear of defecation, and it provokes the development of constipation. So that there is no constipation, patients give a laxative and abundant drink - so gradually normalizer.

The result of the operation is preserved for 3-5 years, but when not comparing the recommendations of the doctor of bleeding and hemorrhoidal nodes may form again.

What method of treatment you need it - only the doctor will determine.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid treatment is very long and often unsuccessful, so it is better to take care of yourself in advance. The more often you take the baths, the better blood microcirculation in the rectum and the less chance of the development of hemorrhoids. Personal hygiene after defecation is of great importance - not only a soft multilayer toilet paper is needed, but also to die after each defecation. Constipation provoke the development of anal cracks and the development of hemorrhoids. Similarly, it is harmful to the rectum of diarrhea - during the diarrhea of ​​the microflora, the intestine is damaged in the intestine walls. Here our site recommends that you adhere to balanced nutrition, keep track of the chair and spend time Purification of the intestine With the subsequent use of biological products that normalize the intestine microflora.

To avoid hemorrhoids, try not to sleep during defecates - excessive muscle tension leads to cracks and bleeding. The hypoints cause impaired blood circulation of the rectum, and this can cause the development of acute hemorrhoids or exacerbation of the already existing. As you know, hemorrhoids - disease of professional drivers. So those who spend a lot of time driving, we recommend that you often make breaks and do not neglect exercise. In addition, patients with hemorrhoids need to constantly remember the diet. Acute food and alcohol enhance the bloodstream in the anus area, and this can cause severe bleeding.

Well, finally, with the slightest suspicion of hemorrhoids, immediately contact the doctor. Only a doctor will give you an accurate diagnosis and appoints optimal treatment, and our tips are designed to help you do not make mistakes.

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