Pulmikort for inhalations

Cough is a permanent satellite of many diseases of the respiratory system, and sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of it. Wet cough is accompanied by the release of mucus, and with dry cough, the irritable mucosa of lungs and bronchi suffers. To get rid of cough of different etiology, the bulvikort is successfully used.

Action of the drug

Breathing, inhalation, cough, lungs, nebulizer, bulvikort

The active ingredient means - budesonide, quickly removes inflammation and blocks various allergic reactions. After use, the substance is firmly combined with proteins to subsequently leave the body along with the urine, then and tears. Under the influence of bulvikort, the lungs begin to produce much less mucus, and the intensity of the inflammatory process is reduced in bronchi. The medicine belongs to a group of corticosteroids and has several forms: powder, suspension and solution. It is used for inhalation to get rid of cough. The beneficial effect is noticeable in 10-14 days after treatment with the drug. Against the background of receiving the bulvikort, there is no need for the use of bronchodilians.

In what cases is the drug effective

List of diseases in which it is advisable to take bulvikort, very large:

  1. Chronic obstructive lung disease.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. As an auxiliary therapy in the treatment of glucocorticosteroids.
  4. Acute and chronic runny nose of various etiology.
  5. Pharyngitis and NazoFaringitis.
  6. Allergic dermatitis.
  7. Emphysema lungs.
  8. Psoriasis.
  9. Red flat lichen.
  10. All infectious respiratory diseases.
  11. Chronic cough of unexplained etiology.

Pulmikort and contraindications to its use

Breathing, inhalation, cough, lungs, nebulizer, bulvikort

Before each use, the instrument is cleaned, guided by the rules that contain its instructions. After completion of the procedure, the nebulizer (its camera and other components) is thoroughly washed with warm water with the addition of gentle detergent (special detergent). After cleansing the device needs to dry well.

MirSetov offers readers to familiarize themselves with the rules for using bulvikort for inhalations in the nebulizer:

  1. Gently making the rotational movement, shake the capsule with therapeutic agent.
  2. Before the procedure, install the capsule vertically and open it, slightly pressing and turning it «wing».
  3. Carefully lower the capsule into the nebulizer and squeeze its contents.

On a capsule with a dose of bulvikort, designed for 1 time, there is a strip that indicates the level of suspension. The amount of funds is 1 ml. The contents of the capsule are extruded to 1 ml level, if you need to use one dose of the drug. Residues of the mixture can be saved in a dark place until 12 o'clock. Before the next inhalation, the capsule shakes slightly.

Pulmikort Turbochaler and its features

Pulmikort Turbochaler - anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic powder for inhalation treatment, containing a high dose of active substance. It is prescribed mainly to suppress the bouts of bronchial asthma, while taking into account contraindications to its use: the presence in the history of the patient diagnosis «tuberculosis» and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract of unknown origin.

Adults are prescribed from 400 to 1600 μg / day from 2 to 4 times, children - 200-800 μg / day 4 times. Portability of the turbo school pulmikort with long-term use is satisfactory.

Pulmikort and side effects

Breathing, inhalation, cough, lungs, nebulizer, bulvikort

The side effects of the bulvikort can be expected both after its long use, and after exceeding the maximum allowed dose. Basically, the following deviations from the norm are observed:

  • irritation of the mucous membrane in the mouth;
  • Skin rash of unexplained origin, hives;
  • irritability;
  • Sleep disorders.

In addition, it is necessary to know and remember some nuances regarding the use of bulvikort. In no case can not allow funds to! The drug can not be frozen and leave under the right sunlight. Remember that an empty container of the drug can not be applied to fire or saw. Cold container is heated exclusively in the palms, other ways are not allowed. Prolonged storage of the bulvikort is undesirable.

When using the drug with patients suffering from renal failure, there is a risk of deterioration of their state, so patients are under constant medical inspection. Applying a pulmicort in the treatment of a child, constantly control the level of growth hormone in its blood.

Pulmikort for children

Breathing, inhalation, cough, lungs, nebulizer, bulvikort

The drug got widespread in pediatrics. In the children, who, at the same time, taking glucocorticosteroids, should certainly control the processes of physical development, because these drugs can cause slow motion synthesis of growth hormone. Before appointing bulvikort, the doctor should relate a potential risk to a small patient's health with the expected effect. By the way, laboratory tests did not reveal the dangerous effects of the drug on the children's body of 3 years, provided that the dose of bulvikort does not exceed 400 μg / day. At the same time, practice shows that the use of this drug for the treatment of bronchial asthma in children can cause a significant slowdown in growth. Pulmikort does not represent any danger for children who have already been 11 years old.

Pulmikort interaction with other medicines

If there is a need to take a bulvikort with other drugs, then first of all assess their influence on budesonide absorption, which they ideally have to increase. For example, ketoconazole has such actions.

In addition to bulvikort for the treatment of asthmatic cough, Berodal is often used. This drug is cheaper than bulvikort and is appointed for children from 6 years. In the case of attacks of acute suffocation, the patient takes parallel in parallel, which significantly increases its chances of weakening the symptoms of bronchial asthma.

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