Stomatofiti use

Sometimes people turn to a dentist or a precinct therapist with complaints about the inflammation of the dysen in the oral cavity, their redness, swelling, bleeding, pain. Then any food becomes not joy. Improve the condition of the oral cavity can be different. Our site will tell today about the vegetation preparation called «Stomatopit».

Diseases of the mucous membrane currently occupy one of the leading places in the niche of dental problems. In the oral cavity, at the same time a dentist can identify signs of bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. In general, in the oral cavity «live» hundreds of different microorganisms. Fortunately, most of them are recognized as conditional pathogenic. A number of diseases of the oral cavity proceed with impaired integrity of epithelial cells. And then inevitably infection of the emerging wound. This is fraught with inflammation, the appearance of pain. Studies have shown that the complex drug of Stomatofit is a promising means to affect immediately on the symptoms of diseases and units of pathogenesis.

General information about the drug

gum, bleeding gums, dentistry, feromatophy

In the production of stomatofit, seven medicinal plants are used:

  • Oak bark;
  • Chamomile flowers;
  • Sage leaves;
  • Kornevy Aira;
  • Arnica Grass;
  • Timyan Timyan;
  • grass of peppermint.

This dosage form is a liquid extract for local applications, obtained by extraction of vegetable raw materials 70% ethyl alcohol. As a result, a brown liquid is formed having a characteristic smell. During storage at the bottom of the bottle, there may be a small sediment, or noticeably clouding - all this is quite acceptable for such dosage forms. Packaging is carried out in the vials of orange glass at 120 or 45 ml. Machina is produced in Poland by the company «Pithofarm Klenka».

This complex drug was designed specifically for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. The composition is formed in such a way that the impact on various types of microorganisms intensively breeding in the oral cavity and inflammatory phenomena.

Let us list a few advantages of the Stomatofit:

  • does not violate the balance of local microflora;
  • Medicinal plants included in the composition, effectively affect;
  • The drug helps to preserve the feeling of comfort in the oral cavity.

What kind of medicinal action is rendered?

gum, bleeding gums, dentistry, feromatophy

Before cooking rinsing, shake the bottle with extract. Then remove the measuring cup from the packaging. Measure them with 7.5 ml of medication and pour this amount in 50 ml of warm water. Stir this spoon rinse solution. Cancel the throat into the mouth and carry out a rinsing for a few seconds, trying to pass the solution through the spaces between the teeth, wash themselves. Then this portion is spawned, type new and so on until the solution is completed. Take 3-4 such procedures per day. On average, the course of treatment is from 10 to 15 days. Sometimes a doctor can assign a re-course after a while. Shortly before rinsing, you can disinfect the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, irrigating it with antiseptics, for example, Mirismine or Chlorhexidine. There are patients suffering from stomatitis who think about this: «I will make the solution is more saturated, I will add more medicine to it, then the rinse will help faster». In fact, the solution is reckless. Our site warns that in this case you will feel strong plugging and discomfort. Therefore, to achieve a positive effect from the use of the Stomatofit, follow the instructions. With the launched shapes of stomatitis or periodontal disease, prepare for the fact that the treatment will be long. Typically, the doctor complements rinsing by stemotophyt yet by sprays or pills for sinking in the oral cavity.

Sometimes instead of rinsing, it is more expedient to put a viscous solution to the damaged sections of the mucous membrane «STOMATOFIT A» with cotton wand. It is done three times a day. After rinsing or local decomposition of the unit, the rusticide solution should be abstained within 30 minutes from the treatment of liquid or food.

Use rinse «Fresh Stomatofit» very simple. In the morning and in the evening, after you cleaned your teeth, measure the measuring cup 10 ml of this solution. Rinse your mouth with a measured solution for 30 seconds. It is not necessary to swallow this tool. Water rinse the mouth after this procedure is not required.

Are there any side effects and contraindications?

gum, bleeding gums, dentistry, feromatophy

In most cases, the shamatophypite benefits only. But there are people who, after rinsing with this extract, appeared signs of an allergic reaction. Therefore, before starting treatment, be sure to see if the components and plants are included in the composition, which you have ever had allergy. With hypersensitivity to the components of the composition, this drug cannot be used.

Patients used by Stomatophet say that the state of their oral cavity has improved after rinsing courses. Some felt the improvement already on the third day of use, others - to the fifth. Bleeding disappears, the guises acquire a normal look and tightly adjacent to the dental necks after signs of inflammation fall, there is no trace from the wound. Stomatophet can be applied from 12 years old, but «STOMATOFIT A» (which with anesthesia) - from 18 years. Correctly choose the medicine and get rid of dental problems will help you a dentist.

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