The development of Cushing syndrome in breast and childhood can be as a consequence of the use of a number of medical preparations, and evidence of the presence of adrenal tumors or pituitary. Read more about this dangerous state in children, read in this article.
Talk about the endocrine system
Any child who has a certain set of symptoms (loss of appetite, acute pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting) and they do not disappear more than 24 hours, must be under medical control to prevent the development of threatening life of the effects of dehydration (acute loss of salts and fluids by the body). Symptoms and signs of this group of disease include chills, cold sweat, pallor of skin, spawned eyes, dryness, indifference to the surrounding and rapid pulse.
The endocrine system is a totality of glands and tissues of the body controlling growth, certain processes in the body and sexual development.
Each hormonal iron produces a hormonal secret (chemical compound) entering blood flow. The thyroid gland controls the change in activity, sleep, nutrition, maintaining blood in due quantities of vital components, such as glucose. The rhythm of daily change in the body is under the control of the interacting certain nutrients of blood, hormones, brain (hypothalamus and / or pituitary - Pulberry iron).
The endocrine system consists of a hypothalamic-pituitary system, thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, sex glands (ovaries and testicles). Adrenal hormones are involved in the metabolism of substances (complex of all chemical, physical and energy processes occurring in living tissues and cells), maintain water exchange by regulating salts, adjusting hair growth on the pubic, in the axillary depressures and on the face (the so-called genital vegetation) and the functional activity of the vegetative nervous system.
The adrenal glands are directly above the upper part of each kidney and consist of two layers: brain and cortical. Each layer produces certain hormones, the activity of which is regulated by the hypothalamus and hypophysome. The function of the adrenal glands also affects such factors such as the intake of salts, starvation, stress arising due to injuries or diseases.
The cortical layer of adrenal glands produces such hormones as cortisone, aldosterone, corticosterone, androgens. Cortisone controls the process of inflammation, stimulates the activity of enzymes in muscles, blood cells and adipose tissue, contributes to the deposition of sugar in the liver. Aldosterone regulates the growth of sex vegetation in adolescence, as well as the activity of hypothalamic-pituitary and sexual systems. Adrenaline and Noradrenalin, Celmons of the brain layer of adrenal glands, participate in the regulation of blood pressure and metabolic functions necessary to maintain a certain level of sugar content and neutral fatty acids in the blood. An excess of one of the hormones can lead to blood pressure lifting.
When impaired adrenal function, severe, life-threatening condition may develop. However, with proper and timely treatment, children with acute insufficiency of adrenal glands, as a rule, completely recover.
Violation of the function of the adrenal cortex includes two main forms: hypocorticism, when the production of hormones is below the norm, and hypercorticism when the production of hormones exceeds the norm. The most frequent forms of hypocorticism are Addison's disease and congenital lack of adrenal cortex. The most frequent form of hypercorticism is Cushing Syndrome. About this very syndrome of Cushing in children and goes on.

In that case, if the Cushing syndrome is not a consequence of glucocorticoids, the cause of its occurrence may be a tumor of adrenal glands or pituitary. These tumors usually appear on the first day of the child's life and tend to metastasize.
For Cushing syndrome, the following symptoms and signs are characterized:
- overweight,
- Slow growth,
- Reduced muscle mass,
- Muscular weakness,
- Skin thinning,
- tendency to the appearance of bruises,
- reduction of glucose tolerance.
These signs are a consequence of an excess of cortisone (or other synthetic glucocorticoids). It is also noted:
- Excessive fat deposition on belly, chest, back, shoulders,
- So-called «Moon-shaped face»,
- The appearance of red or purple stripes on the stomach, chest, lower back, hips.
If due to excessive cortisone production, water and sodium delay is noted, then blood pressure and circulating blood flow increase.
Bowl of all the primary increase in aldosterone products and androgens is associated with a benign tumor of adrenal glands. An increase in aldosterone products causes an increase in blood pressure.
With an increase in the production of androgens symptoms and signs similar to the congenital hyperplasia of adrenal glands, but the fighting of large sex lips is not noted, since these tumors appear only after birth. Malignant adrenal tumors that cause excessive products of cortisone, aldosterone, androgens are rare.
With timely surgical, drug or radiological treatment, the forecast for children with benign pituitary tumors and adrenal glands is usually favorable, for children with cancer, the forecast is less favorable, since cancer cells tend to early metastasis.