Overweight: when hormones are guilty


Overweight: when hormones are guiltyThe desire for a fat person to lose weight makes him fight not just with fatty sediments, but with a way of lifestyle, which have to further kilograms, with culinary habits and necessarily with a violation of a hormonal background. Some it is possible without difficulty, but many have to sweat in the gym for months and even years, but the desired result never comes. Often hormonal disorders do not allow a person to lose weight, despite «Eternal fight against excess weight».

Place of birth: endocrine system

Hormones in the body are produced by the glands of internal secretion, the most important and very sensitive system of the body. The violation of the hormonal background, which occurs with significant physical exertion, stress, uncontrolled visits to the solarium in pursuit of the beautiful color of the skin, unbalanced nutrition, do not allow the arrow of the scales at least a little shower in the direction of descending. A complete person in the fight against overweight ceases to fully eat, flows into depression, feeling his own impotence before the fat deposition in the buttocks, hips and stomach, and in fact — in front of hormones that control the body. Extra kilograms not only do not leave, but also come back with double speed, even it seems, thoughts about food provoke weight gain. This is where the question arises about the work of the endocrine system and those hormones that may cause obesity. For those who understand in the basics of endocrinology, it will be understood that it is not easy and difficult to struggle!

Female sex hormones

Women's sex hormones estrogens and progesterone form a pleasant roundness of the female body and contribute to the deposition of fat for the female type. About the genital hormones are usually not remembered to forty years, while it is time for the preparation of a female body to climax. This is the time when the secretion of estrogen is reduced and when even a small amount of extra food is postponed and forms fat reserves. The brain, having an accumulation algorithm, is valid according to this program, the body steadily and imperceptibly turns fat. This process accompanies the entire period of hormonal perestroika, up to the onset of menopause.

To resist such changes is quite difficult, even physical exertion and various diets are unable to deal with a fat exchange disorder. But reasonable physical activity and proper nutrition with a low content of simple sugars, saturated fat and transgeneral acids helps to cope with menopacteric symptoms and fat deposition.

Cases should be mentioned when weight gain is associated with ovarian diseases, and not with age or physiological changes. This condition requires consultation of the gynecologist-endocrinologist, and not just a professionally verified diet.

Hormones thyroid gland

It is known that the active work of the thyroid gland ensures the production of thyroid hormones, which affect the functioning of almost all organs and systems, predetermining the metabolic rate. Thanks to the processes that occur, all the food we eat is processed into energy, fat is not postponed and does not affect the feminine figure.

Women with overweight in most cases suffer from a lack of thyroid hormones. To achieve weight reduction, they succeed after appointing replacement hormone therapy.

Hormones pituitary glands

Overweight: when hormones are guiltySpecial place occupy growth hormones, so-called somatotropins. They are synthesized in the pituitary gland and have a powerful lipolytic effect, causing fats splitting. These hormones are especially actively working in the body of adolescents and do not simply burn fats, and help maintain the shape of the body, so young men and girls are usually very slight and tightened. With age, the number of somatotropin in the body falls, and by fifty years its development is completely stopped.

Other pituitary hormones, for example, adrenocorticotropic hormone, thyrotropic hormone and melanocytimulatory hormones are also able to split fats and normalize fat exchange.


Leptin — One of the peptide hormones coordinating the energy exchange in the human body. As the main regulator of the process of accumulation of fat, together with other biologically active substances controls the appetite and metabolic rate. Reducing the concentration of leptin steadily leads to the development of obesity.


In the formation of obesity, one of the main roles is given to the hormone produced in the pancreas, — insulin. This hormone has an active lipolytic effect, leading to the release of a large amount of fatty acids. In the development of diabetes mellitus, insufficient secretion of insulin arises, which leads to a significant violation of fat metabolicism and obesity.

Take care of hormonal health

So, we found out that the lack, as well as excess hormones, leads to an imbalance in the work of all organs and organism systems. Study compliance with the recommendations of an endocrinologist's doctor, a course of hormonal therapy in a complex with moderate physical exertion and balanced nutrition will help restore health and gain attractive forms.

The recommendation for complete women can be the inclusion in the diet of iodine-containing products: mollusks, sea fish and sea cabbage.

A significant role in this difficult act is given to a sufficient amount of sleep, since it is at night that the synthesis of growth hormones increases.

In the presence of hormonally dependent pathology, the use of substitution therapy is recommended, but the appointment of hormonal drugs is possible only by a specialist after a comprehensive survey and under strict control. An alternative to hormonal treatment is phytotherapy enriching the food diet with vegetable analogues of hormones.

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