Apple Diet: Menu, Results

Thanks to the versatility of apples there are several types of apple diets. All apple diets are very effective and allowed in a short time to reset extra pounds. You can apply an apple diet at any time of the year, you will need only the power of the will and apples. Let's deal with what properties and cons has this diet.

You often get upset when looking at yourself in the mirror and see extra kilograms on the waist and hips? You are tired of masking your vague forms to spacious clothes? Not trouble, it will take quite a bit of time, and you will surprise your figure around. You will need only the power of will and apples. Our site will tell about the apple diet in detail and will figure it out, what are the pros and cons.

About the benefits of apples

Apple diet
Apple - in itself not only delicious, and very useful, saturated with nutrients and vitamins Product. Apples are a record holder on the content of pectin, and it significantly reduces the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, is beneficial on the intestinal peristalsis. Apples contain a large amount of vitamin C, B1, B2, iron, potassium, magnesium and others, their use tones the body, increases immunity and performs a number of functions aimed at the overall health of the body.

Apples - low-calorie fruits, 100 grams of the apple contain about 50 calories, and this makes them indispensable for a diet. In addition, apples are available to everyone because of their low prices and are on sale all year round. This means that it is possible to use an apple diet at any time of the year, everyone, in the absence of contraindications.

Despite the tremendous benefits of the human body apples, there are diseases in which the apple diet is not applicable. Not recommended apple with ulcer of stomach and duodenum, inflammatory pancreatic processes, Gastritis.

Varieties of apple diets

Apple diet
Thanks to the versatility of apples there are several types of apple diets. All apple diets are very effective and allowed in a short time to reset extra pounds. However, due to rigid restrictions in nutrition, the diet is not balanced and the necessary nutrients are fully income to the body, therefore it is advisable to receive during the diet period Polyvitamins.

Apple monodette.
It is called a confinement because as a meal you need to take alone apples in cheese and liver form. Duration of such a set of 1 to 6 days.

The total volume of apples eaten should be one and a half, a maximum of two kilograms. Day is better to start from one glass of water, drinking an empty stomach, and in an hour you can start apples. Evenly distribute apples on 5-6 meals, the last reception should be 3 hours before sleep. During the day, if it suffers thirst, you can drink without restrictions mineral non-carbonated water. It is allowed herbal or green tea without sugar. Well, if there will be a chamomile, mint, fenhel fruits - they will remove the symptoms Scotching.

So that the apple diet is quickly tired, eat fruit of different varieties and different colors.

The sparing option is one (two) days per week, these days are also called discharge. Observe diet just one day a week is not difficult, so you not only lose weight, but also clean your body from slags, improve metabolism. If you regularly adhere to unloading days, then you are slow, but you will surely lose weight.

Extreme, but the most efficient apple alone lasts 6 days. Here you need an incomplete power of will, but the result will not make yourself wait a long time. By the end of the diet, you will noticeably lose weight, losses can be more than 5 kilograms. For those who decided to sit on this prolonged diet, there is a little hope, with a strong feeling of hunger, a small Rye Sukharik is permitted a day.

However, due to the fact that the apple diet is not balanced by nutrients, sitting on a six-day diet is often not recommended, so as not to harm health.

Pamper yourself during a diet can be apple tea with cinnamon. In a cup cut into small cubes, the apple of medium size, tea uses your favorite (black or green), plus one cinnamon stick. Pour boiling water, cover, let it be booked and breed. Dessert is ready.

Apple complex diet.

In addition to apples, other products are used in the complex diet. So, an apple-kefir diet is widespread. Duration of an apple-kefir diet 7 days. The meaning of it in the use of apples and kefir at the same time during the day. The required number of apples should be 1-1.5 kilograms (do not forget that apples can be baked), kefir needed 1.5 liters. Kefir must be low-fat (zero or one percent), you can replace kefir with low-fat and unsweequate yogurt. The existing volume of products distribute to 6 receptions, approximately turns out on one apple one cup of kefir. You can eat an apple and immediately drink kefir, and you can drink kefir after half an hour after the apple - here focus on your well-being and features of the body.

There is also an option that implies an alternation of apples and kefira. One day Eating apples (about 1.5 kilograms), another - drink kefir (about 1.5 liters).

Show fantasy, design food in the process of weight loss is important. You can simply eat an apple and drink kefir. And you can cut an apple on a plate and pour on top of the kefir - already beautiful and looks like a real lunch.

Exit diet

At the end of the diet very important right out of it. Gradually add our usual food to your diet. Start with porridge stewed vegetables, then turn on boiled low-fat meat or fish, use vegetable oil. We recommend readers our site to adhere to such a rule: how many days you were on a diet, as much of it and go out, and therefore eat 5-6 times a day very small portions.

The diet is complete, the scales show the cherished digit, and now the main thing is to maintain the result. If you immediately the next day after the diet begin to eat everything in a row, trying to eat everything, in which you were limited, the weight will return in the shortest possible time and your torments will be unsuccessful. Be prudent, try to eat rationally and avoid overeating. To maintain normal weight, make your habit of regular one-day unloading apple days.

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