Colitis does not cake?


  • Question number 1
  • Question # 2
  • Question number 3
  • Question number 4
  • Question number 5
  • Question number 6

  • When colitis, quantitative and qualitative changes occur in the bacterium intestinal flora. Broodile and putrefactive processes can significantly increase, it leads to the blown of the abdomen, rricing and transfusion in the intestine, gases are recycled. Pain in chronic colitis are quite often, especially typical pains associated with the intestinal emptying.

    Question number 1. What else is happening in a fat intestine in a healthy and in a sick person?

    In the thick intestine ends the digestion of some types of food. Liquid part of intestinal content is absorbed, and healthy people have a normal tight consistency. When colitis, the consistency of the feces is usually disturbed, it is made liquid or cascidious. The intestine is valid several times during the day. Diarrhea sometimes replaced by constipation. Colutes can also be expressed in systematic constipation.

    Together with the feces, with colitis, the products of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa - mucus are often distinguished, and in more severe cases, in the aggravation stage, - pus and blood.

    Question # 2. Only because of the disease there is a liquid chair?

    In the background of diarrhea, there are two reasons: or an increased separation of intestinal juice (intestinal hyperscecration), or, more often, faster promotion of contents in the thick intestine - reinforcement of the motor (motor) intestinal function.
    Secretor and motor intestinal activity is regulated by the nervous system. Violation of this activity often depends on nervous disorder. Diarrhea can be caused by strong excitement.

    Question number 3. What is experiencing a sick colitis in addition to specific pain?

    First of all, it should be said that the intestinal flora plays a well-known role in the assimilation of vitamins. Some vitamins under the influence of the processes of life bacteria are destroyed, others, for example, some vitamins of group B, synthesized by microorganisms. Therefore, when colitis, when the bacterial intestinal flora changes, the body often lacks vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamins of the group in.

    If the painful process limited only to a large intestine, the general condition of the body is usually little suffer, since the processes of digestion and food absorption are mainly not in the thickness, but in the small intestine. The simultaneous disease of both intestinal departments (it is called enterocolitis) more often leads to evil and different impairment of metabolism in the body.

    Prolonged violation of the normal intestinal operation is reflected in other digestive organs - stomach, liver and biliary tract. Therefore, chronic colitis is often combined with stomach cathams, cholecystitis, hepatitis.

    Patients with colitis often extended mood, gloomy thoughts. Typically, such mental reactions depend not so much from a bad physical condition, as from false ideas about the nature and severity of the disease and from unreasonable fears.

    Question number 4. Why do people fall chronic colitis?

    Catch does not roll? There are a lot of reasons. Other diseases of the digestive organs are significantly affected by the emergence and course of colitis: gastritis with reduced acidity, pancreas, liver, small intestine.

    The most frequent reason is not fully cured acute infectious colitis. In some cases, colitis turns out to be real chronic dysentery, that is, the disease causes the causative agent of dysentery. But it happens more often that dysentery as such passes, the dysenteric stick disappears, and the colitis remains, since the transferred infection led to changes in the state of the mucous membrane and the neuromuscular intestinal apparatus, in its bacterium flora and T.NS.

    Sometimes chronic colitis is caused by gloves or simple microorganisms: giardia, trichomonas, amoebami. Relatively often chronic colitis develops as a result of the use of spoiled products - stupid meat, swallowed and boring dairy products and T.NS. Together with these products in the body, harmful bacteria or poisonous substances may fall as a result of the vital activity of these bacteria.

    The cause of chronic colitis can be other food errors: irregular food, excessive food by volume, rough, difficult to digest food - immature fruits, vegetables, or very fat porridge, as well as abuse of spices, sharp seasonings, specific additives, alcohol.

    Colitis can be caused by prolonged use of drugs irritating intestines, especially laxatives.

    Question number 5. It is believed that chronic colitis - the disease is incurable and that at best can only be achieved by temporary improvement. Is it so?

    Fortunately, this is not the case, and «opinion» it is just a prejudice. In many cases, rational and purposeful treatment helps to achieve solid health restoration. True, this treatment requires time and patience - it should be a long, systematic and systematic and can be carried out only under the guidance of a doctor. Attempts to be treated independently or on the advice of acquaintances usually lead to sad results.

    The main method of treatment of chronic colitis is a diet that the doctor prescribes depending on the state of the patient. In the exacerbation stage, you need food that is easily absorbed and not annoying the digestive organs. Different foods in different ways affect the engines of the intestine. Savoric substances and products containing organic acids are accelerating this activity (sour milk, kumys, kvass, black bread, sour fruits, berries). The same properties have mineral waters, products containing or forming acid, such as kefir, solid rich, and cold food. In gentle power modes, these foodstuffs are excluded and, on the contrary, are introduced such that inhibit the motor function. For example, products containing tannika (blueberries, tea, cocoa, red wine). And besides, mucous soups, crushed porridges and hot liquids. To limit the fermentation intestinal processes, a large amount of carbohydrates and mechanical coarse should be avoided. This also contributes to a decrease in rotten intestine.

    Catch does not roll? The patient's diet with colitis should contain a sufficient amount of protein - at least 100 grams per day - and a lot of vitamins. In the initial stages of treatment, cottage cheese, chopped meat. To enrich food with vitamins in a diet include a vitamin infusion, in which there are many vitamin C, as well as yeast containing group vitamins in. You can use both vitamin preparations.

    But restrictive gentle diets are needed only in the stages of exacerbation and only for a short time.

    Sparing diets do not contain all substances necessary for the normal life of the body and proper intestinal activity. They do not stimulate compensation processes that play a major role in the mechanism of recovery. The patient's condition suffers the same as his psyche. Every meal resembles a person about illness. As a result, fear of food is developing, many patients begin to more and more limit their diet and sometimes bring themselves to an extreme degree of depletion. Abuse of gentle diet leads to the fact that the method of treating the diet turns into a factor that supports the disease.

    It is possible to be successfully treated, only gradually being accustomed to a more complete and diverse nutrition.

    In most cases, chronic colitis is successfully treated in outpatient conditions. Only seriously) fall into the hospital. Everybody without exception is useful to the patients, sufficient holidays, healing physical education, hydrochief.

    Question number 6. Not to hurt, you need to remember the poster «

    Wash your hands before eating»?

    Yes, it is necessary to carefully protect yourself from intestinal infections and from parasites. It should not be not only clearly unfaithful food, but also such that causes doubt. If even light diarrhea appeared, it must be carefully treated. Well, the main way of warning chronic colitis is rational, full and regular nutrition.

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