Inflammation of facial nerve

It happens that as a result of finding in drafts and supercooling, after the injury, or as a result of complication of a viral disease, a person overtakes inflammation (or neuritis) face nerve. The disease can cause serious discomfort due to the fact that this nerve is responsible for facial expressions and such actions like chewing, sucking, sneezing, the movement of the eyelids and lips.

The causes of the neurut of facial nerve

pinching nerve, facial nerve, neuralgia, neuritis, neuritis facial nerve

The causes of inflammation of the facial nerve can be:

  • complications after transferred diseases of the ear, parotid gland, soft fabrics;
  • inflammation of near-block fabrics, unsuccessful intervention of the dentist;
  • vascular disorders, hypertensive crisis;
  • injuries of the middle ear, tempolina and other facial, generic and surgical injuries;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • infectious lesions, in particular the virus Herpes, Poliomyelita, toxoplasmosis, borreliosis;
  • diabetes and other diseases associated with exchange of substances;
  • hormonal changes in the first trimester of pregnancy and the consequences of pain in childbirth;
  • nervous exhaustion, long stress or depression;
  • Tumors, intoxication.

Neuritis often provoke supercooling and drafts, sitting under the stream of cold air-conditioned air, near the open window in transport. Stress, chronic overwork, the decrease in immunity contribute to inflammation of the facial nerve under the infection, right up to Influenza or herpes. Basically, there is a one-sided lesion of the facial nerve.

Symptoms of inflammation of facial nerve

pinching nerve, facial nerve, neuralgia, neuritis, neuritis facial nerve

In case of inflammation of the facial nerve, our site strongly recommends immediately consult a doctor. After the course of treatment, most patients comes full recovery.

The duration of the treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve on average is about three to four weeks. But the full recovery may take up to three to six months. In the case of severe lesions of the mimic muscles, they resort to surgical intervention to restore the symmetry of the face.

With the neuro of the facial nerve, anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, antispasmodic and painkillers, vitamins are prescribed. Physiotherapy procedures are used in a comprehensive treatment complex:

  • medicinal electrophoresis;
  • UHF therapy;
  • therapeutic physical education, articulation gymnastics;
  • Massage of the field of the face, the nape and the collar zone;
  • acupuncture;
  • Fitotherapy.

In the rehabilitation stage of the treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve, therapeutic physical culture is used (there are special exercise complexes, including passive and active gymnastics). These exercises are recommended to perform prior to physiotherapy procedures. In addition, articulation gymnastics (pronunciation of sounds and phrases).

Treatment with folk remedies

pinching nerve, facial nerve, neuralgia, neuritis, neuritis facial nerve

In addition to drug therapy with neurites of facial nerve, the use of funds is shown Folk Medicine.

Treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve by folk remedies well complements drug therapy. The distracts are popular, painkillers that improve blood circulation procedures using:

  • ointments, tinctures for rubbing and compresses based on medicinal plants, honey and mummy;
  • Informants and brave of medicinal herbs for internal use.

Consider several proven folk recipes:

  1. The fir oil has proven well as an anti-inflammatory agent at neurites. Apply a small amount of oil on a painful skin area.
  2. Credit with pain when inflammation of the facial nerve will be helped by compresses of linen seed. A small amount of flax seeds put in a bag of gauze or other fabrics, negotiated a few minutes, cool a little and apply to the patient.
  3. In the region of the inflamed facial nerve, rub a 10% mumi solution (sold in a pharmacy). You can also cook a warm drink: Take a glass of milk, add a tablespoon of honey and a small amount of mumm.
  4. Proven soft remedy for the treatment of inflammation of facial nerve - Tea of ​​red rose petals. Crushed red rose petals brew boiling water (take 1 tablespoon of petals on a glass of boiling water) drinking like ordinary tea.

Before starting treatment of neuritis by folk remedies, you must consult with your doctor.

Prevention of inflammation of facial nerve

pinching nerve, facial nerve, neuralgia, neuritis, neuritis facial nerve

As a prevention, our site recommends that you carefully monitor your health, prevent the heating and injuries of the head, to regularly visit the dentist, in time to treat inflammatory and infectious diseases of the ear and nasopharynx, which can provoke inflammation of the facial nerve.

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