Cervical erosion


Cervical erosion
Cervical erosion — Common disease provoking growth
Cell division rates. The disease violates the structure of the epithelium on different
Depth, it is in the depth of the lesion that three degrees of severity of erosion are separated. This is
The disease belongs to the group of precancerous, which means high risk of development
ill-quality tumors in the absence of timely treatment.


The most common cause of the development of erosion
cervical cervix is ​​a human papilloma virus, his DNA is detected from
The overwhelming majority of patients. Medicine is known more than 20 species of this
Virus, some of which cause the erosion of the cervix.

Other risk factors for erosion

  • early pregnancy and childbirth (up to 20 years);
  • chronic form of cervicitis;
  • indiscriminate sex life;
  • Veineral sexually transmitted diseases

Erosion of the cervix is ​​not characterized by specific
Symptoms and most patients are found only during inspection
Gynecologist. Patients with HPV can appear pointed condylomas on
Vulva, walls of the vagina, in the rear pass.

and treatment

Asymptomatic nature of the course of the disease
significantly complicates the diagnosis of erosion, so regular gynecological
inspections for women of inheritant age, especially if there are risk factors.


Cervical erosion
The erosy of the neck is diagnosed during inspection
Gynecologist, to identify it may require a number of studies, including:

  • Inspection on the gynecological chair using
  • Cytological Survey Maps
    cervical shells;
  • Analysis of PCR smear from the mucous membrane of the cervix
    To identify HPV and determine its type;
  • identifying other urogenital infections;
  • biopsy and scraping (assigned by testimony
    In some cases).

and prevention

Erosion of the cervix is ​​not treated by folk remedies,
Therefore, all therapy should be carried out under the strict control of the attending physician. IN
The quality of the treatment with most patients are offered surgical methods
treatment (cryodestruction, laser vaporization, conization, etc.), whose choice
depends on the degree of leaving the epithelium.

For the prevention of erosion, it is necessary regularly
visit the gynecologist and check the strokes from the mucous membranes of the cervix. At
Detection of the precancerous disease or infection of HPV is important
strict adherence to all recommendations of the attending physician. Vaccination against
HPV is also an effective method for preventing erosion, it is performed for
women from 11 to 26 years before the start of sexual life.

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