Get acquainted with the Donnik
Both of these kinds mainly as weed herbs grow in the fields, forest edges, lawns, near the roads, on the slopes of ravines. The stalks of the donon are a reprehension, branches, thin, height from 30 to 100 cm, sometimes stretch to 150 cm. On the roots there are nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Leaves with long stuffs are trees, gear around the edge, are located alternately, equipped with pricing. Flowers are small, collected by 30-70 pieces in beautiful loose brushes. Blossom occurs from June to September, gradually ripen fruit - oval shapes of beans containing egg-shaped seeds. At the dynamon of medicinal, more studied, the flowers are yellow, and in white, of course, whites.
Preparation of raw materials
In the dynamics of medicinal (yellow), scientists discovered the following substances:
- Kumarins (affect the work of the heart and blood pressure, improve brain and peripheral blood supply);
- Mellodin (it was from it after enzymatic splitting during drying, a coumarin is distinguished);
- choline (normalizes the work of the liver, the gallbladder, participates in the assimilation of fats, is important to reduce cholesterol in the blood, stimulates cardiac activity, improves attention, strengthens the nervous system);
- Dikumarol (prevents blood turning);
- saponins (reduced blood pressure, inflammation is removed, there can be a slightening, expectorant, cereal, choleretic and diuretic action);
- tanning compounds (binding properties);
- mucus (help in treatment burns, organs of digestive and respiratory systems);
- resin (anti-shirt, antimicrobial action);
- flavonoids (antimicrobial, antitoxic, anti-allergic, wound-healing, antitumor, antispasmodic, hypotensive effect);
- proteins, starch, fatty and essential oils, ascorbic acid, carotene, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, chrome, selenium, nickel, molybdenum;
- Vitamin E (accelerates wound healing, slows the aging of the skin, stimulates the production of estrogen and the work of the genital glaze).
Due to this rich composition, the donon is used as an anticonvulsant, expectorant, painful, sedative, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing agent. Preparations from it can help with:
- headache because of Hypertension;
- Cystitis;
- Cough, Costood;
- convulsions;
- Liver diseases, meteorism;
- reduced blood cell blood content (after chemotherapy, radiation sickness);
- increased blood intake;
- climacteric neurosis;
- hysteria;
- Neilstation, migraine, insomnia;
- Thromboflebit, Gout;
- Furunkula, rows, guns, burns;
- Mastitis, purulent wounds;
- bruises, stretching, diseases of the joints.
The grass is added to the fees used to treat oncological, gynecological diseases, rheumatism. It is shown to women at:
- problems with the menstrual cycle;
- Painful, scant menstruation;
- inflammation of the ovaries;
- infertility and other female diseases.
Infusions of the donon of yellow give nutritional women to increase their milk generation.
In the color of the photo found:
- Ocumaric acid - has an antiseptic effect;
- Essential oil - shows its anti-inflammatory, soothing, antispasmodic, antimicrobial properties;
- Tanin - allows you to use the donon white with burns like rinsing, to eliminate the effects of poisoning poisoning, heavy metals;
- Kumarins, resinous substances, choline, ascorbic acid, oily oils, vitamin E, proteins - our site has already told about them earlier.
The donon white slows down blood flowing, dissolves blood clots in vessels, can be used in the treatment of veins thrombosis and arteries, shows anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound healing effects. The donon white in folk medicine is used to get rid of worms, treatment of injections, yasers on the skin, furunculov. This species is poisonous, so it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage when preparing preparations and use inside.
How dononnon applies?
From the Dumbs make infusions, decoctions, extracts, tinctures, ointments, compresses and baths. For the preparation of the infusion, it is advisable to use a thermos, pour 2 teaspoons of the grass of the form dollars and pour 400 ml of boiling water. An hour later, the infusion can already drink. Dosage: Three times a day 20 minutes before meals.
For outdoor use, it is prepared by such an infusion: a tablespoon of crumpled grass of the forming is poured 200 ml of boiling water. An hour later, the remedy can be strain and used for washing the wound surfaces, compresses, wiping of guns, ulcers, pneumans of nipples in the cormilitis, baths for articular pains.
To restore the hormonal background, for the treatment of endometriosis, infertility, migraines make such a tincture: 50 ml of vodka are poured 50 grams of chopped grass. Insoleization is carried out 14 days in a dark place, periodically shaking. Dosage Next: Three times a day 15 drops in a small amount of water before meals. Store the cooked tincture in the refrigerator, on the door.
In the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) and inflammation of the ovaries, a collection is made, consisting of:
- Herbs of yellow donon
- herbs of souls;
- Flowers and stepmother;
- Grass gold masculine.
All ingredients are taken in equal shares, for example, 2 tablespoons and mixed in a bank. For the preparation of infusion, take two tablespoons of this collection and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Two hours later, the remedy can be strain. Dosage: five times a day 100 ml. Course - 30 days.
For the treatment of carbunculov, purulent wounds, furunculov successfully used ointment: dried flowers are first mastered (or grinding in a coffee grinder) to powdered state), and then 50 ml of vegetable oil is poured or mixed with vaseline.
White donel use:
- for baths at mositis;
- as ointment for the treatment of wounds;
- tincture in integrated ovarian cancer therapy;
- In the form of infusion or tincture with hypertension, atherosclerosis.
Preparations from the donon can not be used at:
- internal bleeding;
- low blood consumption;
- hemorrhagic diathesis;
- severe kidney lesions;
- Pregnancy.
Careful need to be with a tendency to hypotension.
Other applications of the Donoka
White and yellow donel - wonderful turbines, nectar from whom bees can collect four months. This honey has therapeutic properties, aromate and tasty.
Ground leaves as a spice can be added to salads, fish dishes and soups. Such a peculiar seasoning often use residents of Central Asia, the Caucasus. Some beer varieties are flavored by the Donel.
Delicious hay - Delicious and useful food for domestic cattle. Preparations from the donon are used in veterinary practice.
White donon has insecticidal properties, it can be used to scare off bloodsowing insects, for this it is necessary to the torn plant to smoke, crowded until the formation of juice. In the villages used to make pads from the dried grass of the Donon, and laid out in the cabinets between things to scare the mole.
Application from the Donovnie versatile, nature endowed it with many properties, but before treatment, you will definitely receive advice from the doctor, follow the dosage strictly.