Modern woman want stable and efficient contraception. And besides, it is desirable that critical days it was smaller, and discomfort at this time is minimal. Is it possible to achieve this with modern means of contraception?
What kind of women are origins? What is the essence and nature? Protect, Love, Be's Mother, Home Floral Keeper... The female organism is arranged in nature so that all these functions do without prejudice to themselves. Stay back like lived Women in ancient? They grew, became girls, got married, pregnant, fed….Then again pregnant and fed… And so happened not two and not three times. Their body worked in a natural cycle: childbirth pregnancy - a few menstruation - again pregnancy and so on. With such «dense schedule», The share of critical days for the whole life did not fall out and much time. Yes, women tired of pregnancies, feeding. But they did not lose every month of 80, and even 100 ml of blood. In addition, in the absence of effective contraception of choice, they especially did not.
And we? For 30-40 years of fertile age, taking into account one or two pregnancies and feeding, menstruation occurs 350-400 times. Multiply by 100ml blood… Of course, the body Modern woman, With such a high pace of life in need of a special care. And monthly blood loss create an additional load. But how to minimize all these inconveniences that we get along with the monthly? Constantly pregnant and breastfeed the circumstances and life plans do not allow. Woman, on the contrary, want stable and efficient contraception. And in dreams - even more critical days was smaller. After all, in addition to the loss of blood, there are also ordinary discomfort: with abundant and painful menstruation, you need to drink painkillers every month and take care of literally every couple of hours.
Modern methods of contraception
But the situation is not hopeless. Hormonal contraception allows you to shift, if necessary, cycle, skip several cycles in a row or in some cases forget for years about monthly. Several options:
ordinary combined oral contraceptives. Woman only changes the reception mode without interruption between packs to move or skip several cycles in a row. In general, it is not difficult, but requires organized and self-discipline. And at a modern pace, constantly remembering the pills does not always work.
- Intrauterine hormonal system. Suitable for women who do not want to take tablets daily. It is installed in the uterus cavity and gives effective protection against unwanted pregnancy for up to five years. Installation usually passes normally, but a few days are possible unpleasant feelings. Many women in its use periods become shorter and less abundant, less painful. Most women in its use of menstruation lasts 1-3 days and require only gaskets for daily use. This type of contraception will absolutely reverse and, if you want To become mom again, The system can be removed at any time and get pregnant. By the way, it is recommended and as a drug selection for nursing mothers, for which protection is very relevant. About the method of lactation amenorrhea For a long time, all myths are debunked - conception during breastfeeding is possible, even in the first months, even at small intervals between the attachment of the baby to the chest. So young mothers need to choose a particularly reliable way of contraception, because repeated pregnancy almost immediately after delivery - a strong load.
In addition, it is the local impact of a hormone that makes an intrauterine system available for some patients who are oral contraceptives are contraindicated due to concomitant diseases or side effects.
So, hormonal contraception gives a woman that stability and confidence that she is so necessary in the conditions of intense rhythm of life. Modern drugs allow you to independently shift the cycle, making menstruation more scarce, not so painful, significantly reduce blood loss.
And the female organism gets the necessary rest - without strong blood loss, with normal hemoglobin indicators. This state is close to what is laid by nature. The difference is that the view and duration of the use of the contraceptive chooses the woman itself. And the doctor will help her.
More details about contraception methods can be found on the site