Children with Down Syndrome. Opportunities for social adaptation. Part 1


  • What is Down Syndrome?
  • As recognized by Down syndrome?
  • How does an excess chromosome manifest?
  • Parents learn that the baby has a violation of development
  • Acquaintance with baby
  • How to inform others
  • Conversation with brothers and sisters of a newborn
  • How to help baby?

  • Children with Down syndrome. Opportunities for social adaptation. Part 1

    What is Down Syndrome?

    Word «syndrome» Indicates many signs or features.
    Name «Down» Comes from the name of the doctor John Langdon Down,
    which first described this syndrome in 1866. In 1959
    French Professor Lezhen proved that Down syndrome is associated with
    Genetic changes.

    The human body consists of millions of cells, and
    Each cell contains a certain number of chromosomes. Chromosome - that's
    Tiny particles in cells carrying precisely encoded information
    about all inherited signs.

    Usually in each cell is 46
    chromosome, half of which a person gets from mother, and half - from
    Father. A man with Down syndrome in the 21st pair of chromosome has a third
    Additional chromosome, as a result of 47.

    Down syndrome is observed
    one of 600-1000 newborns. The reason for which it happens,
    still not clarified. Children with Down syndrome are born from parents,
    belonging to all social strata and ethnic groups, with the most
    Different level of education.

    The probability of birth of such a child
    increases with the age of mother, especially after 35 years, however
    Most children with this pathology are still born in mothers, not
    reached this age.

    Down syndrome can not be prevented and it is impossible to cure. But
    Thanks to the latest genetic studies now
    Functioning by chromosomes, especially about the 21st, well known more.
    Achievements of scientists make it possible to better understand the typical features of this
    syndrome, and in the future they may allow you to improve
    Medical assistance and socio-pedagogical methods of supporting such
    of people.

    As recognized by Down syndrome?

    The presence of Down syndrome is usually detected shortly after birth
    child, since the doctor, nurse or parents detect characteristic
    Damn. And then chromosomal tests are required to
    Confirm the diagnosis.

    Kid's corner eyes slightly raised, the face looks somewhat
    flat, oral cavity is slightly smaller than usual, but a slightly more.
    Therefore, the baby can handle it - the habit of which gradually
    You can get rid of. Palm wide, short fingers and slightly
    curved inside the little finger. On the palm can be only one transverse
    fold. Light muscle lethargy is observed (hypotension), which
    passes when the child gets older. Length and weight of the newborn
    less than usual.

    Children with Down syndrome. Opportunities for social adaptation. Part 1

    How does an excess chromosome manifest?

    Extra chromosome affects health and development
    Thinking. Some people with Down syndrome can be serious
    Other violations from others - minor.

    Some diseases occur in people with Down syndrome more often,
    For example: congenital heart defects, some of which are serious and requires
    surgical intervention; often there are shortcomings of hearing and still
    more often - vision, often occasion of thyroid disease, as well as

    In people with Down syndrome, there are usually disorders of intelligence in varying degrees.

    Development of children with Down syndrome is very different. As well as
    ordinary people, becoming adults, they can continue to learn if they
    This opportunity is given.

    However, it is important to note that, as for everyone
    An ordinary person, to each such child or adult it is necessary
    Treat individually. Just like predicted in advance
    The development of any infant is not possible to predict in advance
    Baby with Down Syndrome.

    Parents learn that the baby has a violation of development

    All parents who survived this moment said that they experienced
    terrible shock and reluctance to believe in the diagnosis - as if it came to the end
    Sveta. At this point, parents are usually scared, and
    It seems that they want to escape from this situation.

    Some parents try not to watch the truth in the eyes, hope,
    that an error occurred that chromosomal analysis was carried out incorrectly,
    And at the same time, they may be ashamed of such thoughts. This is natural
    reaction. It reflects the striving for all people to hide from
    Situations that seem hopeless.

    Many parents are afraid that
    The birth of a child with Down syndrome in some way will affect them
    social position, and they will fall in the eyes of others - as people who gave
    Life to a child with a violation of mental development.

    To return to your usual state, start
    everyday affairs, establish usual ties, required not one month.
    Perhaps sadness and feeling of loss will never disappear finally, and,
    However, many families faced with this problem,
    testify about the beneficial effects of such experience.

    They are
    felt that life acquired a new, deeper meaning, and became
    it is better to understand that in life is really important. Sometimes such
    crushing hit gives strength and splits the family. Such attitude K
    Situations are more likely to affect the child.

    Acquaintance with baby

    Some parents are recognized in their unwillingness to get closer to
    Newborn. However, at some point they overcome their doubts
    and fears, begin to consider their baby, touch him,
    take it on the handles, take care of him; Then they feel that their kid
    First of all, the baby and much more like it does not look like, on others

    Entering into contact with the child, mom and dad feel better «normality». Parents usually seek to seek to meet
    Individual features of the newborn.

    Each family requires different time in order to feel
    Himself with the child is good. The feeling of sadness can appear again, especially
    when some circumstances remind parents that their child with
    Down syndrome does not know how to do what his ordinary peers can.

    Children with Down syndrome. Opportunities for social adaptation. Part 1

    How to inform others

    Having learned that the kid's Down syndrome, parents often can't immediately
    decide whether to report this relative and familiar. In any case, relatives,
    Friends, acquaintances will see that the child looks a little unusual, notice
    Station and sorrow of parents.

    They will lead a conversation about the newborn, and
    it can cause awkwardness or even make relationships
    stretched. Conversation, let it be painful, can become an important step for
    Returns to parents of the former self-confidence and spiritual equilibrium.

    In turn, friends and relatives also do not always know how
    react to such a sad news. They are afraid to offer help,
    so that it was not regarded as interference in other people's affairs or idiot curiosity, waiting for some sign that their presence is desirable, and
    help can be useful.

    It happens that the relationship rushes if
    parents are waiting and do not get evidence of the former location of loved ones
    to yourself. The most reasonable thing in such a situation is to start affairs, usually
    next to the birth of a child: normal, generally accepted signs
    help parents better feel.

    During this period, grandparents may need separate
    help. Their attention focuses on adult children - parents
    kid, and they painfully reflect on how to protect them from stress.

    Conversation with brothers and sisters of a newborn

    If a junior child in the family is born with Down syndrome,
    Parents get up to another difficulty: what to say to your senior children.
    There is a natural desire to protect them from aging adults.

    Parents overestimate the sensitivity of their children to experiences
    adults and their ability to notice anything unusual in appearance and
    Development of the newborn. However, experience shows that it is important with them
    talk as soon as possible.

    How to help baby?

    Parents of children with Down syndrome, just like all moms and
    Pope are concerned about: what future is their children? What are they
    Wish for their children?

    • Be able to fully communicate like
      ordinary people and with people whose capabilities are limited. Have
      true friends among those and others.

      Children with Down syndrome. Opportunities for social adaptation. Part 1

    • Be able to work among ordinary people.

    • To be
      welcome visitor to those places where other members come
      societies and participate in common events, feeling at the same time
      Comfortable and confident.

    • Live in the house that would meet wishes and material opportunities.

    • Be happy.

    In order to learn how to interact with ordinary people,
    As it should, a child with Down syndrome should visit the usual
    State school. Integration into a regular school will give him the opportunity
    learn to live and act as it is accepted in his surrounding world.

    Integration can be different. The student can carry out all the educational
    day in the usual school atmosphere, while it turns out
    Required assistance: Special teaching aids are provided, with him
    Additional staff is engaged, it's a special
    (individual) curriculum.

    Or, although the main educational environment of the child
    there will be a regular class, part of the time student can carry out in a special
    class. In this case, the number of hours spent in a special class,
    Installed in accordance with its individual needs and
    agreed with parents and school personnel in the process
    drawing up an individual curriculum.

    Many teachers and parents are convinced that children with limited
    opportunities, regardless of the type of violation, you should visit those schools,
    in which children living next door. If a child is in
    some other school, he immediately becomes in the eyes of the public
    such as all. In addition, in this case it is much more difficult for him to establish
    Good relationship with peers and find friends among them.

    The right of children with Down syndrome, like other guys with limited
    opportunities, maximum social adaptation, that is, on
    A visit to the usual kindergarten and school, in Russia are fixed


    oneAccording to the Rights Convention
    child (approved gene. UN Assembly November 20, 1989.),
    Ratified Decree of the USSR Sun of June 13, 1990. №1559-1, «disabled children with deviations in mental development, including children with
    Down syndrome, children with multiple psychophysical disorders,
    have the right to receive education and rehabilitation in the conditions of the greatest social integration in the system of general or special (corrective) education».

    In accordance with P. 1 Art. 16 of the Law «About education» Organs
    Education management provides «admission of all citizens who
    live in this territory and have the right to receive education
    corresponding level». At the same time, parents have the right «choose learning forms, educational institutions» For their children,
    provided for P.1st. 52 of the Law of the Russian Federation «About education».

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