This happens suddenly: it begins to hurt the throat, the chills and weakness appears, and you understand that the cold has nevertheless. It is not always possible to immediately go to the doctor and sit in line for a long time. Something must urgently do. But what?

We are ill because at the time, as we caught up or our immunity we have weakened for any other reason (for example, stress), the virus is entered into our body, which is introduced into the cells and is actively multiplied there, highlighting toxins. The penetration of the virus occurs through the nasophack mucous membrane, so the disease often begins with throat pain and / or nose. And then appear: weakness, lubrication in the body, chills and the temperature rises. And so, you are standing in front of a motley pharmacy showcase, not knowing which medicine will help you.
First of all, you need to affect the cause of the disease - to the virus. That's just the most important thing in this case - to have time to start treated in time - while the virus can still be «stop». If you start taking antiviral pills for 3 days of illness - you will not fall into the virus - it has already disappeared, but the traces of his stay remained - the very symptoms that make you feel broken. It is best to help your own immune system to suppress the virus as soon as it appeared, penetrated the body. This can be done using immunomodulators. Preparations of this group are strengthened by immunity and help him destroy not only viruses, but also allocated toxins. And then your body will still be, with what kind of infection is struggling - with the familiar seasonal viruses or with an unusual virus of swine flu, to which stability has not yet had time to form.
Ideally, the immunomodulator begins to take into preventive purposes with the start of the outbreak. This allows you to bring the immune system to a state «Boat readiness», When it actively protects against any infection. Enough single tablet «Anatheron» a day to protect an adult from influenza. Babysham It is recommended to give children's drugs created specifically for children (and not adult drugs in a reduced dosage). «Anaferon Children» can be given even the smallest - it is recommended by the kids, starting from monthly age.
If you are late with the prevention and the disease already makes it felt as soon as possible start receiving «Anatheron» in a medical dose. It has been proven that reception «Anatheron» Allows you to quickly recover and reduces the risk of complications. This is especially important for young children who have immunity weakened, and any cold threatens to go to complications.
Of course, if you are sick orz or flu, symptomatic therapy will help you: antipyretic, remedy for sore throat and drops in the nose. If you are engaged in self-medication and within three days you do not feel improvements - consult a doctor. Viral infections are able to cause serious complications: bronchitis and pneumonia, and kids and very terrible complications - otitis (inflammation of the ear), which is very hard for the child. And there will be completely different medicines, to assign that the doctor should.
Remember that self-treatment makes sense at light shapes of colds. If you or your child has a high temperature, call a doctor at home without waiting for deterioration. And should not be seduced if you felt better after taking «Anatheron». He really can «Put on the feet» During the day, but it will not be too long for a few days in warmth, without exhausting your and so weakened by the body with trips to your favorite job (which, of course, everything will collapse without you).
Take care of yourself and do not get sick!