Application of tincture Echinacea

Hellisteners have thought that huge healing reserves are hidden in the human body. It is only necessary to know how to stimulate them correctly. The coherent and effective work of the immune system allows a person to overcome any disease. And equal echinacea in this area are not found.

Today you can meet the most different types of Echinacea: smoothed, dark red, Echinacea. However, only purple echinacea is applied to therapeutic purposes, since in this plant's grade, a whole storehouse of useful trace elements and unique properties are laid.

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Healing Plants, Herbs Treatment, Echinacea Tincture, Echinacea

The unique and extremely rich chemical composition of the plant contains seven groups of active trace elements, among which vitamins, polysaccharides, alkylamides, flavonoids and lipids of the essential type. In addition, Echinacea is a storehouse of essential for immune protection of biological trace elements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, lithium, cobalt, selenium, zinc, copper, molybdenum, iron and others.

Echinacea roots in large quantities contain betaine, vegetable oils, as well as acids: citron, palmita and linolevoy. And in the flower of the plant contains essential oils. The complex of these ingredients made a real small laboratory with a variety of chemicals, each of which is indispensable for humans. From Echinacea today prepare teas, powders, decoctions, add to cream to care hair and leather, make alcohol tinctures. MirSets will tell his readers, in what cases echinacea becomes the first assistant.

Echinacea as a universal leak

Healing Plants, Herbs Treatment, Echinacea Tincture, Echinacea

The question of the possibility and feasibility of the use of Echinacea to children is very controversial, therefore, it is not recommended to make a decision on his appointment to children independently. Stimulation of the immune system - a question that must be approved by the doctor. Under the absolute ban on the reception of the echinacea tincture there are children by age up to 1 year. And drugs in the form of tablets are undesirable to give children who have not yet turned up to 4 years.

Many parents begin to add Echinacea extract in teas at first symptoms of the disease, which is a rough mistake. The reason is quite simple: in the first moments of the disease, the child's body often responds to new drugs allergic reaction. If the doctor appointed the reception of Echinacea to your child, you need to start using when the child has already overcome the disease and in a strictly indicated dosage. In addition, American researchers argue that the reception of the tincture of this plant during the disease does not improve the child's recovery at all. In any case, the correct recipe and advice must be addressed to a qualified specialist.

Recipes for home cooking

Healing Plants, Herbs Treatment, Echinacea Tincture, Echinacea

  • Decoration from the root of Echinacea: put 300 ml of boiling water on a water bath and add 1 st. L. Threaded dry root. Then boil the mixture for half an hour. When the decoction will cool, it needs to be away. Take 2 st. L. before meals, 4 times a day;
  • Dry echinacea tincture: put 200 ml of boiling water and add 1 st. L. Crushed dry grass. Boil for 15-20 minutes. Wait until fully cool and away. Drink the resulting liquid 3 times a day, 100 ml;
  • Root extract: crushed fresh root of the plant pour 95% medical alcohol in such a way that the alcohol is 5 mm covered the plant. Leave to appease for 14 days. Then thoroughly strain the mass, and residue to press. Tincture take 25 drops before meals. Reception frequency - up to 3 times a day. Keep the tincture in the refrigerator, not more than 3 years;
  • Tea: in the kettle on 500 ml to brew 2 hours. L. crushed dry root or 3 flower fresh echinacea or let it stand for 40 minutes, after which it is strain. Take 150 ml in order to strengthen immunity, and in the case of a disease - 500-600 ml, simultaneously with the main treatment.

Contraindications to Echinacea

Healing Plants, Herbs Treatment, Echinacea Tincture, Echinacea

Take drugs with the content of Echinacea forbidden to children under 4, pregnant women and mothers during lactation. It is not recommended to use Echinacea also to people who have rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, Rheumatism, sclerosis or leukemia. Also undesirable to use the drug if an allergic reaction is seen directly to the plant. Do not take an alcohol tincture of Echinacea in the heavy course of an angina.

Attention! Excessive use of Echinacea can provoke insomnia, Increased excitability, symptoms nausea, vomiting, disorders of the kidneys and intestinal tract. Take a medicine in the recommended dosage to achieve a positive result.

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