Very often, parents ask a simple question: Does the child need a massage? And if so, what? After all, it is obvious that the universal complex for all babies in the world can not. Let's try to figure it out.
It is quite clear that a healthy child will grow and without massage. On the other hand, if the developing organism will receive rack loads, it will have more developed muscles, stronger bones, trained cardiovascular system, well-balanced nervous system and system of the internal secretion glands.
Previously, the function of the digestive system will be adjusted and adjusted. «The structure determines the function» - Speak Osteopaths. Therefore, competent massage and gymnastics for children will not interfere. Well, those babies who have a pediatrician, a neurologist or orthopedist put some kind of diagnosis, massage is shown more than others. With many early-age problems, a good massage is able to help, often even better than medications.
But here there is a question of the qualifications of a massage. As parents who first encountered children's massage, evaluate the work of a specialist? How to understand that the procedure will be benefit for their Chad and there will be no harm?
Use with tears?
There is the most affordable and most important criterion for evaluating the work of a massage. He should not be «Opoah», When a child goes in screaming from pain and anxiety. Before arguing with this statement, take any book on children's massage. One of the contraindications to the conduct or continuation of the massage procedure is an incessant baby's cry. No wonder about a good pediatrician or a good baby masseur say: «Children love him!» And love the children of such a person who loves them and belongs to them with respect. And in no way gives them pain.
I heard from one children's masseuse with an extensive practice operating in this field of the second decade, such a phrase:«How tired of these children's screams!» In response, I recommended her not to make children hurt. She was surprised, because in the children's massage there is a strange stereotype: if the massage therapist is not «Potted», then it probably scholluril. I assure you, there is no direct connection of the number of kilodzhoule massage therapist and benefit from the procedure.
Mom one little girl retraced me a dialogue with my friends. She was asked: «Well, make a massage to you?» «Yes»- Mom girl is responsible. «Oret?» «No.» «Then this is not a massage!»
In the root of the erroneous opinion.
Unfortunately, I often hear from the parents of the kids that they were conducted or tried to carry out massage «Opoah» Methodology. What do you think that the kid would say if he could say, or what would he do if he could stand up for himself. It turns out that the child is doing «Good», Using his helplessness. That in the end? When the child shouts, his muscles can not be relaxed. If the muscle tense muscle is inevitably the micrographs of muscle fibers occur. Later on these places will appear scars.
In Osteopathy, one of the basic principles is respect for the body and its tissues. We will reveal to you another large osteopathic secret: the thinner and gentle the impact, the stronger the effect. The fact is that the body is protected and closes from any aggressive impact, from any disrespectful invasion.
It is quite natural, and bad when it is not. If the body does not protect, it means that it is already broken. Accordingly, all the forces «Scuttle massage» are aimed at combating the body, and hence the wasted wasted. Only gentle, point exposure to competent massage can bring to the child.
Psychological trauma
Rude violence that is «Scuttle massage» Harm not only with tissues, especially heavily injured the psyche of the child. In the subconscious of such a baby, bold font will be recorded: «I am defenseless, other people's people can come and do with me what they want. Mom do not worry my cries about help or she is not able to help». It is unlikely that such a child when he grows, tells parents about his problems or ask them to help them in some question.
Masseur must respect the identity of the baby. Even in the womb, the child has its own temperament, its own characteristic of him only habits. Women who do not wear the first pregnancy, on the behavior of the baby in the stomach can say, for example: «The first was a philosopher, and this shaloon!» Kids in the tummy moms feel the mamino mood, worrying with her stress, engaged with her physical education (kids in athletes, continuing classes, are born with well-developed muscles). Already in this period there is a personality. Violence over personality is unacceptable.
The main component of the children's massage is love. Without this component, what is called massage - fiction.
Massage without tears
What you need to do so that the child does not shout? Need to take into account his interests. What he asks you about? Maybe he wants to eat, maybe he has a stomach or head? You tried to do fitness when you have a stomach? Imagine you want to leave the gym, and the instructor tells you: «We must still work out, it is useful!» In the end, the kid may simply not be the appropriate mood. First you need to solve the most actual problems, interest the young patient, and then engage in massage and physical education. Of course, it requires additional efforts, but it is impossible in a different way.
- From what age you can and need to do a massage? There is no restrictions on the age for massage. Important, as always, an individual approach. The impact force may differ in tens of times depending on the age, gender, the constitution (hypersthenik - normostic - asthenic), other individual characteristics, and finally, from the well-being of a child at the moment. Criterion of correctness - a positive kid reaction.
- How to choose exercises? From the first days of life, tender stroking from the head to the tips of the fingers and legs, as if the baby's painting body, bring a lot of benefit. Imagine what a powerful wave of nerve impulses will go from the skin receptors to the sensitive centers of the brain. Let each of the millions of these impulses be charged with love. Such a massage may well do dad and mom.
There are many books on massage and physical education for children up to the year. Most of them duplicate each other. Choose the one that you will like more. My wish: Do not feel about classes formally, go to them creatively. Do not insist on the exercises that do not like the child, even if it is written that at this age he should do them.
Make focus on what it turns out better or think up a simplified exercise option that does not go. Do not strive to do for one occupation the whole range of exercises. Make your favorite exercises before logical completion, t. E. Before fatigue. About what is tired, the child will inform you or simply will not do this exercise.
- Another important principle of children's massage: it is better to launch than to rearrange. For example, fulfilling the recommendations of the neurologist, parents or not a qualified massage therapist can overdo it in the fight against hyperthnot and weaken the muscles holding the stop of foot and ankle joint. Result - Flat-Valgus Stop. Even in the desire to ideal, you need to stop.
- How to relate to dynamic gymnastics and baby yoga? I am convinced that as an adult is more suitable for one sport and does not suit the other, so and the kids may be more benefit to bring some kind of physical education and less approach another. For example, dynamic gymnastics is not suitable for children with increased elasticity of connective tissue and joint hyperslamine. At the same time, it is well suited for young gymnasts with high tone. Trust your kids only to proven professionals and be careful when independent classes. Do not make what is not sure. And those goals that are wanting to achieve baby yoga specialists can achieve humane and environmentally friendly means of osteopathy.
- Whether children are shown to swim? No. There are children who do not like to swim and dive. To begin with, try to reduce the intensity and complexity of classes, add game items. If it does not help and this may be worthwhile to do land sports.
The most important thing to remember is why all this is done. The worst option is when the admission of the signature to surprise friends and acquaintances. Classes should bring joy to all their participants, have fun in the process, and then the result will be the health of the child - both physical and spiritual.