How to make a neck massage yourself


Neck massage helps to relax not only a collar zone that strains most of all, but also to ensure the body as a whole pleasant feeling of lightness and relaxation. Especially useful neck massage to those who work at the computer. Although any other work that is not associated with a constant diverse movement (perhaps, any activity, except for sports), also requires compensation. And sake massage – Simple and extremely effective means leading to the improvement of the entire body.

Well, if you periodically pass the professional massage courses. Not bad if your spouse, a friend or buddy regularly kneads the neck. But even if you do not have any masseur, nor a loved one who knows how to make a neck massage, you can make it yourself. It is enough to master a few extremely simple techniques.

Our Tips for Neck Massage Technique are suitable for both men and women.

Difficulty level: just.

1 step

How to make a neck massage yourselfPick up your hair if they go down on the neck. Sit comfortably so that you can relax your back. Grasp the neck with two hands and start the nex stroke of the neck from the back, performing palms of divergent movement from the roots of the hair to the shoulders.

For greater ease of sliding palms on the skin, you can use massage oil (for example, avocado oil, grape bone or simple pharmacy apricot or peach).

This step will provide advanced skin warming before more intensive effects.

2 step

How to make a neck massage yourselfWhen the skin is heated after the first step, put the right palm on the left side of the neck. Start pressing the pillows of the fingers on the neck, pulling rotational movements. Alternate this movement with strokes described in step 1, but more intense. Pour into the muscle tissue along the spine in the direction from top to bottom with large and index fingers. Change the hand. Repeat the entire scheme on the other hand. When the snorkee will appear, you can make moving with two hands at the same time.

Gradually move hands to the larynx. Spend the right palm on the left side of the larynx, and the left – On the right side. Chin on this neck massage better keep a little raised.

3 Step

How to make a neck massage yourselfThis neck of the neck of the neck must be carried out using the usual nutrient face cream and only after the daily skin cleansing procedure lotion. (By the way, we highly recommend men not to neglect the procedure for cleansing a person with the help of special means.)

Grasp the neck on the right and to the left of the larynx with large and index fingers and the circular movements of the fingers, spend from the collar to the chin and back. Again easy to push.

For all three steps of such a massage of the face you will spend 5–10 minutes. And this is quite enough to help the muscles relax after working day.

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