Manual therapy — The art of treatment with hands that came to us from the depths of centuries. The impact on the spine, joints, muscles, tendons and skin allows you to eliminate the pathology of the musculoskeletal system and adjust the work of the body.

Treatment with hands. It is the hands of a doctor, as a unique therapeutic tool, capable
Redet pain, give the spine flexibility and freedom of movements of patients
Sustavum. Chiropractor — this is not just a massage therapist or healer-fireman,
This is a certified special qualification doctor who owns unique technique
The treatment of the musculoskeletal system without the use of drugs and scalpels,
technique that takes its origins since the time of the hippocracy, from the V century AD.
Manual therapy — This Comprehensive impact on the spine, joints, muscles,
Tendons and skin in order to eliminate the pathology of the musculoskeletal system,
nervous system and internal organs.
The most widely known Manual therapy of the spine. Spine is a complex biomechanical
System. Even a slight displacement of one of the vertebrae under the influence
Excessive load, the wrong position during work or sleep causes
Violation of the stereotype of the vertebral movements — There is a disease, enthusiastic
behind a change in the position of the rest of the vertebrae, the appearance of back pain,
Violation of the work of the nervous system and internal organs. Manual therapy of the spine aims to restore
normal anatomy in osteochondrosis, vertebrate hernias, scoliosis and other
Violations of posture. Manual therapy
With osteochondrosis Allows you to stop pain syndrome and speed up
Recovery with such complications as radiculitis, Ishiaz, Lumbago.
The anatomy of the cervical spine is fraught with the development of vertebral syndrome
Arteries characterized by regular headaches, dizziness,
Hand numbers, violation of brain functions. Manual
Therapy for cervical osteochondrosis normalizes brain circulation and
intracranial pressure, eliminates the feelings and improves memory.
Manual therapy — This Alternative
Means and help in the treatment of diseases of digestive, endocrine, respiratory
Systems. It is shown in vegetative dystonia, functional pains in
heart, omitting internal organs, consequences of stroke, generic and
cerebral injuries. Even disruption of the menstrual cycle in women, prostatitis
And the impotence in men is subject to the hands of a highly qualified manual
large for Manual therapy
There are only two absolute contraindications — Mental diseases I
Malignant vertebral tumors, if assumed Manual therapy of the spine. Neither a common
patient nor senile patterns, nor sharp and chronic infections, nor fresh
Injuries and hernias of intervertebral disks do not prohibit treatment with hands. Exist
Even manual therapy techniques for pregnant women preparing to
childbirth and facilitating postpartum period.
Manual therapy — This Safe I
Effective alternative treatment for traditional medicine.
Manual impact approved by the World Health Organization, widely
Applies both as a separate technique, and in a complex with other hardware and
Medical means. After the patient examination, the manual therapist,
As a rule, it is not limited to the execution of manipulations, and additionally
Assigns physiotherapeutic procedures sparing relaxing massage,
Required medicines.
Manual therapy Do not assume
Passive patient behavior, it requires his active participation, fulfillment
Special exercises, exercises on simulators. Just joint efforts
Doctor and patient can be defeated by a notch and save for a long time achieved
results. Moreover, if a person does not support after the treatment
Proper physical shape and destructive lifestyle, the disease returns
again and then to achieve results in treatment is extremely difficult. Manual therapy — this is art
healing with hands, but even the Golden Hands of the doctor are not able to resurrect the patient,
not wanting to live.