Quartz lamps in medicine


  • Useful properties of quartz lamp
  • Features of safety safety when using quartz lamps
  • Bactericidal action of quartz lamps

  • Useful properties of quartz lamp

    Quartz lamps in medicineUnfortunately, most of their lives every compatriot, due to climatic conditions, spends without the beneficial effects of direct sunlight. Sunbathing and getting the life of the Sun is interferes with either unfavorable weather that is replete «average» strip, or walls of a house or office. Of course, no quartz lamp will replace the sun for one hundred percent, but, in any case, it will help strengthen the body in the most dangerous for health autumn and winter time. The quartz lamp as a whole positively affects the body, strengthens immunity, helps to fight fatigue, fatigue and many dangerous diseases, and also improves blood circulation. Quartz lamp for home - a solution that will allow you to keep your health!

    In medicine, quartz ultraviolet lamps are effectively used as an ingloring and anti-inflammatory agent for various diseases of the joints, to compensate for acute solar failure. As a result, the resistance to infections is increasingly dangerous for a weakened organism. Also quartz lamps help to cope with diseases of peripheral nervous, respiratory and muscular systems (neuritis, radiculites, bronchitis, plerites, mosites), gynecological problems and impaired metabolic processes in the body. Skin inflammatory lesions, such as fungus, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema, also successfully treat quartz lamps. Quartz lamp for home is a real «home» Lecker, comfortable, efficient and inexpensive.

    Many suffer from a large number of freckles on the face and body. After regular procedures using a quartz lamp, pigmented areas will be less noticeable or disappeared at all, which depends on the initial state of the skin. Moreover, to achieve the expected result of several (two-three) procedures per week. Also, if we talk about the positive cosmetic effects of using a quartz lamp, we should not forget that it is an excellent means to combat hair loss. Quartz lamp for home - this is also a professional personal cosmetologist.

    In pediatrics, light treatment is used to prevent rickets at an early age, enhancing immunity and protective properties of the children's body, the treatment of sharp respiratory diseases.

    Features of safety safety when using quartz lamps

    The irradiation time of the quartz lamp should be increased gradually: starting from about two minutes per day, and then gradually increasing the interval and reaching, therefore, up to twenty or twenty-five minutes. In any case, this limit to exceed which in any case is not worth. The main thing is to know the measure. The quartz lamp for the house will last for a very long time, you just need to contact her correctly.

    There are several uncomplicated safety rules when contacting a quartz lamp. For example, you should save a certain distance from the lamp to the treated surface and carefully take care of the light of the eye. In any case, first should be carefully familiar with the instruction manual. During the treatment of certain diseases, for example, such as psoriasis, ultraviolet lamps must be used in a complex using drugs discharged by a qualified physician. To the treatment of fungal infections, it is recommended to start only after passing the appropriate analyzes and obtaining the correct diagnosis. The quartz lamp for the house is the same professional innovative device as any medical equipment.

    Bactericidal action of quartz lamps

    It is well known that many infectious diseases are capable of transferring air-droplet. Therefore, if an infected person appeared in a residential or work room, for example, a flu virus, a person, then automatically danger threatens to all those present. In order to cope with annual epidemics that undermine health and take off from important cases, it is necessary to establish «Risk zones» Modern and highly efficient bactericidal irradiators.

    The structural features are distinguished by closed and open devices. UV closed bactericidal irradiator can be used in the presence of people, as it disinfects air in an isolated glass space, and then releases it through the ventilation holes.

    Bactericidal emitters are often built into quartz lamps. Ultraviolet bactericidal emitter quickly and efficiently displaces the air and all items in the room, destroying most pathogenic organisms. The use of a bactericidal emitter will allow you to reduce the likelihood of the disease during the flu epidemic. Due to the destruction of harmful microbes, the organism resistance will significantly increase with viral infections. UV bactericidal emitter - an indispensable thing in the house, not to mention medical and preventive institutions of various focus.

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