Addiction: what you need to know everyone. Part 1


  • Question number 1
  • Question # 2
  • Question number 3
  • Question number 4
  • Question number 5
  • Question number 6
  • Question number 7
  • Question number 8
  • Question number 9
  • Question number 10

  • Question number 1. What is drugs?

    Drugs are substances that can cause the condition of joyful intoxication - euphoria, and with systematic use - addiction and tough dependence.

    Question # 2. What is drug addiction?

    Drugs are natural origin, known from antiquity (marijuana, hashish, opium, hemp), and synthetic, t. E. mined by chemical path. Psychotropic drugs are sometimes used as drugs.

    Question number 3. What impact on a person has drugs?

    A man in a state of narcotic intoxication ceases to experience spiritual and physical pain, the feeling of lightness appears, comfort. The feeling of lightness leads to loss of control over oneself and loss of feelings of reality. There are cases when a person begins to seem that he can jump out of the window and fly through the air, and t. D. The state of narcotic intoxication continues only at a time when the narcotic substance is contained in the blood.

    Question number 4. What is toxicism?

    Toxicomia is a type of drug addiction in which poisons affect the nervous system, the brain,. These are usually organic solvents: adhesives, varnishes, gasoline. Toxicism occurs even in young children, is distinguished by malignant flow and rapid development of dementia.

    Question number 5. Are narcotic substances in official medicine?

    Yes. Drugs are used as a strong painkillers in limited quantities and under strict medical control.

    Question number 6. What «Narcotic breaks»?

    After some time, the regular use of drugs euphoria is replaced by tough physical dependence. With a sudden separation from the reception of drugs, anxiety arises, insomnia, depression, lubrication and pressure in the joints, very unpleasant, painful sensations in the muscles, may be cramps in the limbs, and.D. (chills, heartbeat). In a similar state, a person is ready for any act, just to get money for a new dose of narcotic substance. Drug addicts because of this make many crimes. Not everyone is able to withstand breaking, and therefore many prefer to continue the reception of the drug as the only means of solving the problem.

    Question number 7. Is it true that there are special drugs, «Safe», To which is almost no addiction?

    Drug addiction: What you need to know everyone. Part 1 There are drugs from which drug addiction develops later, there are drugs from which drug addiction can develop in a week of admission. But this does not mean that drug addiction cannot develop from T.N. «soft» Narcotics - marijuana, hemp and t. D. (Almost everyone who became a drug addict, starting with them.) «Soft» Drugs almost do not cause physical dependence, t.E. The phenomena of abstinence (cliff) are expressed in an easy degree: light sleep disorders, increased excitability, discomfort in the field of heart, lack of appetite, drowsiness.

    However, there is a pronounced mental attraction, mental dependence in the form of an irresistible (or difficult to surpassed) desire to live in the illusory world, t.E. In the intoxication, a person feels his power, allegedly exacerbating intellectual possibilities, maybe «By request» Call bright illusions, hallucinations with a feeling of bliss. «Soft» Drugs are also dangerous - it is only about the relatively longer periods of the occurrence and less intensity of physical dependence, and the need for care to the unreal world, the desire of Euphoria, T.E. Mental dependence with cooling to real life - the same. Drug division by «soft» or «Hard» not scientifically and does not correspond to the real position of things.

    Question number 8. How drug addiction is developing in people who use «lungs» Drugs?

    The one who constantly uses drugs is gradually reduced sensitivity to them. This is the general pattern of pharmacology. After some time, to achieve the euphoria of ordinary doses, there is no longer enough. Victim of drug addiction is forced to increase the dose. Subsequently lacks this, then there is a transition to a stronger drug substance. So, gradually, a person is attached to strong drugs, the disposal of which is almost no. If you first receive a drug gives «Bliss», then the absence of it brings deep suffering.

    Question number 9. What harm, except addiction, bring drugs?

    Absolutely all drugs in nature are poisons affecting all organs of organs and tissues, but especially the central nervous system, brain, sex system, liver and kidneys. As a rule, people with the most stronger health with regular drug use live no more than ten years. Most dies earlier. There are very common cases when people who use drugs die during the first year from the date of the narcotic substance. Since drug addicts are not sterile syroles, among them the many diseases transmitted through blood - AIDS hepatitis and others. From these diseases, they often die earlier than the body poisoning occurred.

    Question number 10. How does drug addiction affect the spiritual appearance?

    At the beginning there is only an increasing cooling to reality, which seems uninteresting, gray, flat, completely inspired and captured by memories of narcotic intoxication, the desire to experience him again. Emotional devastation is gradually growing, irritability, apathy, relaxation of will arise, and in the use of individual drugs (nyukhana glue) is growing dear. Externally, all this is manifested by lethargy, worn, rudeness, egoism, falseness, noncriticality. A man who uses drugs loses control over his life, deeply reborn, becomes completely different. He has worried, rudeness, cruelty, egoism, falsehood. Gradually decreases intellect, t. E. mental capacity. He becomes uncritical to himself, does not see his flaws. The victim degrades and completely loses personal freedom.

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