Alcoholism is not in vain relating to one of the main problems of Russia. Millions of people die from this destructive addiction. Therefore, it is not by chance that it is in our country new approaches to the treatment of alcoholism are being developed. Achievements of immunology are implemented by Russian scientists in the Innovative Preprogen-100 innovative preparation, which, working on antibodies (in ultra-low doses), reduces attraction to alcohol and probability of repetition.

One of the antibody-based drugs (in ultra-low doses) is positioned by the manufacturer as a means indicating anti-alcohol action. We are talking about a Russian drug – Diproten-100. The developers of the drug argue that proproten-100 reduces the attraction to alcohol and the probability of repetition of. This agent is also used to treat abstineent syndrome (hangover in other words) light and moderate. A heavy hangover requires a whole complex of detoxification measures, and one drug is not to do here.
The question of how proprontane-100 reduces the attraction to alcohol? The instruction says that the drug includes antibodies to a special protein that is responsible for informational and metabolic processes in the brain. Through these antibodies, the drug has an impact on the functional state of the brain structures responsible for the formation of attachments (in particular, alcohol dependence). This changes the functional state of the hypothalamus neurons (the center of pleasure) and the hippocampus (this structure is involved in the mechanism of formation of emotions). Due to complex biochemical reactions, the drug can lead to a decrease in alcohol consumption.
Diproten-100 increases brain stability to toxic effects. As mentioned earlier, it is used to treat abstineent syndrome of light and moderate severity. Diproten-100 facilitates psychopathological disorders caused by alcohol: insomnia, irritability, anxiety, internal tension, reduced mood and need for alcohol. In addition, the medicine reduces the severity of somateptive disorders: thirst, weakness, sweating, headache, hand shake, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), digestion disorder.
Developers of the drug recommend to select the so-called light period to start the treatment – When a man sterval. At this point, he needs to get rid of hangover symptoms (which can be achieved with a new portion of alcohol). Proproten-100 reduces the severity of the hangover, and due to alcohol it is no longer required to «Minimize Health». To prevent the recurrence of the feed, it is recommended to take prophyten-100 for 2-3 months. After accidental drinking alcohol, it is recommended to additionally take 2 tablets before bedtime and 2 tablets in the morning.
Of course, such a serious problem as alcoholism, one pills are not treated. The mood of a person is important, its determination to overcome the addiction to alcohol. Equally important and support for loved ones – Understanding and implacability in the desire for a healthy lifestyle. There is an opinion that alcoholism is incurable – Alcoholic cannot be corrected even forced treatment. However, there are real examples when people won their destructive habit of one will, without resorting to medicines, nor to the services of medical centers (coding and other techniques). Human nature is such that sometimes impossible becomes possible. If you follow this logic, alcoholism can be defeated.
The article is prepared by specialists of the company «Mothers Medica Holding». For all questions related to the use of the drug propront-100, you can contact the hotline by phone: (495) 681-93-00, 681-09-30.