Why many understand the danger of health and are thrown easily, others with difficulty, others, as a rule, are lazy and justify their motivation of self-decedecy?

Psychoanalyst Olga Tarasova says:
Smoking – This is a complex conditionally reflex psychological process, which is the cause of the so-called «Bronchitis smokers» With the defeat and narrowing of blood vessels, when the brain suffers, heart, kidney. Sexual activity is disturbed, the emotional pallor accumulates, which leads to a hidden depression. It is noted that nicotine increases blood sugar concentration and pressure. Such concomitant diseases as conjunctivitis, angina, laryngitis are difficult.
Smoking women more often suffer from disorders of the menstrual cycle and infertility. And if a woman smokes during pregnancy, the risk of having a child with mental or physical pathology increases ten times. Another possible trouble smoking woman – ectopic pregnancy.
Factors affecting tobacco-dependence:
- Ecology, quality tobacco, stressful situations.
- Psychological and social (Habits and Making Thinking)
- Biological – Violations of exchange processes of organs and systems.
Why Many understand the danger to health and throw easily, other with difficulties, Third, as a rule, Lena and justify their motivation by the protection of self-deception?
Tobacco and other addiction is Neurotic consequence in the form
deprivation or attraction syndrome, What pulls behind the feeling Anxiety, swirling, impulse irritability, emotional offense.
Smoking thinks – «If you do not go, I feel fatigue», And the refusal of failure causes stress, and over time is manifested by a sense of guilt. Motivation of failure or reducing the number of cigarettes Erased. The reality of taking goal goes to the game of imagination with himself - light tomorrow, «We live to Monday and throw».
Works unconscious reflex script without time.
In this scenario, the decision of an adult is supported Children's «desire» With provocation – all smoke, everyone communicate, and the behavior of the smoking is supported by false confidence. Depth Children's mechanism causes «Virtual fairy tale joy smoking». Turn on «Pictures» vitality Attributes – Colored «the beauty» Things, T.E. Lighters, type of cigarettes.
Psychotherapeutic unique techniques Perfectly help to deal with feelings, pictures, installations, systematic use scenarios, depending on Constitution of the nervous system of the smokers. This allows you to instantly abandon smoking or change the tactics of behavior. Stabilizes nervous – The psychological process is blocked by the impact of nicotine on the cholinergic periphery and brain system. Successfully selected individual scheme for autotraining the significance of the program, Replacing taste and feeling of joy and pleasure. In the future, the termination or change of smoking and the number of cigarettes will not cause depression.
If you want to quit smoking – Visit psychoanalyst. Necessarily help!