Fight cerebral palsy


  • Causes of children's cerebral paralysis
  • Basic methods for the treatment of children's cerebral paralysis

  • Causes of children's cerebral paralysis

    This disease may occur for various reasons from which the main is the disease of the mother, for example, diabetes, heart defects, endocrine system - hyperthyroidism, hyperandrogenation. All pregnancy, which is often pathological or premature, such women «Sit» on hormones. By the way, prematurity is also a risk factor. Very often there is a children's cerebral paralysis in children from the Film, and one baby is born healthy, and in the other other times the children's cerebral paralysis develops. The cause of the development of this disease can be abortions in mom, which lead to low placenta (placenta fastening) and, as a result, chronic intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus. Sometimes a certain role is played too young or, on the contrary, too mature age of pregnant.

    Child cerebral palsy can develop if the mother during pregnancy was infected with toxoplasmosis, enterovirus infection, hepatitis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia and t.NS.

    As you know, the development of the child has its own rules: in 3 months the baby must be able to keep his head, in 4-5 months - to roll over from the back on the stomach and back, in 6 months - to sit down, at 8-9 months (but not later than the year and three months) - walk from the support, a year - to speak 8-10 words («mom», «dad»), in a year and a half - the next 20-30 words, a phrase speech should appear («Mom Dai»). Mom should wander if a child «Does not reach» to normal. Any delay in motor development - also the risk factor for the development of the disease.

    Not always diagnosed «cerebral palsy» put immediately after birth. The disease can flow under different «Maskami» - muscle hypertonus, dystonia, hypotension, high neuropsychiatric excitability. Children with such diseases need to regularly pass medical examinations, and both the orthopedic and the speech therapist. Children's cerebral palsy must be treated at the time of the formation of pathology. And, most importantly, not to miss it.

    Basic methods for the treatment of children's cerebral paralysis

    Fight cerebral palsyBasic Methods for the Treatment of Children's Cerebral Paralysis - Medical Physical Culture, Medicines and Massage. It is desirable that the massage did a specialist. The parents themselves should not be done. The scheme of the procedure is selected individually. At the same time, they are trying to restore the balance between muscles - flexors and extensors, inconsistency in which leads to a delay in development, improper postage.

    Starting the massage is preferably not earlier than in 1.5 months, because at an earlier age, the cause of pathology is not entirely clear.

    There are many types of massages: classic, segmental, point, manakov, cryoissage.

    The complex of treatment also includes jogging on the treadmill, in front of which the mirror hangs, which allows the child to see himself and adjust its movements. Kids ride a special bike, with fixation of hands, legs and backs. For those who are badly moving, there are special classes. And to develop a vestibular device help trampolines.

    Such children are happy to splash in the pool. This procedure is called balneotherapy. In the water they change the body weight, and they are not afraid to take a step. Paradoxically, but some kids first learn to swim, and then walk. Those who still do not know how to walk, get into the pool with a lift. Swimming is complemented by a very efficient and pleasant hydromassage.

    Many kids suffering from cerebral palsy, prescribe mud. Dirt has a total reflection chemical impact, stimulates nerve endings. Warm dirt - good remedy for hyperthnot. Remove the muscle spastic (tension) with children's cerebral paralysis, the electrophoresis is helped, and magnetic therapy is used to improve vascular regulation. An integral part of treatment - physiotherapy and paraffin therapy.

    And now - a very important item that parents must know about. Children with childrens cerebral palsy need to show speech therapist. Motor Delay is often accompanied by a slowdown in the development of mental and speech. With hyperthonus, even the tongue of the baby happens in a tone. It prevents the child to talk, so the speech therapy massage and course of drug therapy may be required.

    The course of treatment is held every six months and lasts an average of 35-40 classes.

    Since children's cerebral paralysis is neurological pathology, it is also treated with nootropic drugs (piracetam, glycine, cerebralized), which stimulate mental activity.

    One of the syndromes of cerebral paralysis - increased intracranial pressure, reduce which helps massage, magnetotherapy and electrophoresis. Vascular preparations are prescribed for the improvement of blood flow, for example, diakar.

    If the children's cerebral paralysis is not treated in time, in addition to the muscular, orthopedic deformation can appear - kyphosis and cyfoscoliosis of the spine, hip dysplasia, flatfoot. In the treatment of such diseases, it is necessary to impose orthopedic tires and struts, wear orthopedic lantheets and anema, be sure to wear orthopedic shoes. Reflinator applies to straighten the spine. Dysplasia often emerges dislocations and sublits, which requires operational intervention. Operation is necessary and with persistent orthopedic deformations.

    You can defeat the consequences of children's cerebral paralysis, and the earlier treatment started, the more chances to achieve success. With due rehabilitation, a child may forget about the disability, become an independent person and a full member of society.

    Evpatoria Central Children's Clinical Sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is a major rehabilitation center for children. Sanatorium more than 80 years specializes in the rehabilitation of children with children's cerebral paralysis (cerebral palsy) and is considered the best comprehensive sanatorium base in this direction.

    The presence in the sanatorium of the operating and dressing unit with pre- and postoperative chambers is due to the wide use of the surgical treatment of diseases of the bone-muscular system in children. Sanatorium surgeons are performed by complex reconstructive operations on large and small joints of the limbs, elongation of modified limb segments, a tendon muscular plastic. Doctors, the sanatorium belongs to the priority in the use of stage gypsum bandages in the treatment of children's cerebral paralysis. In comprehensive rehabilitation of patients, doctors take part in various specialties: orthopedists-traumatologists, neuropathologists, pediatricians.

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