Brain swelling - it often sounds like a sentence. People who have undergone this state, as a rule, remain disabled. But there are exceptions, and the wishes of the will of the most patient plays a latter role in this. Example in our article.

Almost two days experts and consultants (candidates and doctors of medical sciences) were walking around me, which could not establish my diagnosis. How through sleep I then remembered that I was trying to ask about something. When the brain edema aggravated, then the struggle began for my life. Somehow at night I opened my eyes and saw the dropper dripping, the hand is tied, but it could not clearly say anything and plunged into unconsciousness again. One day I felt unimaginable ease inside the body, before I never experienced this feeling and discovered my eyes after a multi-day unconscious state in early February 1980. «Returned to live», The first phrase flashed in my head. It was only the beginning of the Great Trial of the Fortress of My Body, Spirit and Will. On time, not recognized meningitis complicated the edema of the brain.
I did not die most likely for the following reasons:
- young organism and in the past long ride classes, physical education;
- Huge desire to live.
And finally, despite the unfinished treatment, I was discharged from the hospital and accompanied by my relatives went home. Then I was only 28 years old and 5 years of medical practice. My diagnosis sounded as a verdict: residual phenomena of meningococcal infection (meningitis and meningococcal sepsis) with elevated cranopy-brain pressure, extrapyramidal (damage to subcortex ganglia brain substances due to encephalitis) and asthenovegetative syndromes.
I re-slowly entered my life, because my consciousness adapts to new conditions of existence. It took about 3 months to fully understand how much common and insidious was not a degree of brain damage, but a violation of cognitive and emotional functions. Having the opportunity to reflect on their situation, I tried my best to find myself. A number of things were different in me when unwittingly compared its abilities before and after the transferred brain edema. It seemed the whole world sweetened and lost the feeling of life. Despite this, even in thoughts, I did not experience the desire to surrender and submit to the inevitable turning of fate.
I did not have difficulty in understanding Speech: Communicating with people, I watched TV programs, I could read, but the meaning of words was sometimes absent. I had to reread the proposal several times to understand the meaning of the written text. During the letter, the letters lay on paper with curves lines and in some words were lost, so it was necessary to check and correct these mechanical errors. The lines jumped before their eyes, I quickly tired, collecting information about drugs appointed during organic lesions of the brain. Vision and hearing were not injured, but the ears laid, especially when changing the weather and sometimes it was difficult to understand the meaning of sounds. To write a handle to me was a problem, since the brush had a bad thing. The usual handle resembled a log, which was difficult to hold in hand, and sometimes it was not immediately able to quickly write a sentence. Before the rain, the right brush weakens, and the right leg stumbled a little. First time I walked down the street stuck, which caused bewilderment from neighboring pensioners. I did not want to watch the transfer on TV, as headaches «We drowned with mind» and I did not know how to find relief from them. Something unimaginable was going on in the head. I took the book and tried to drive everything away, although it helped little. There was no rest in the afternoon nor at night.… Sleeping and painkillers did not make facilitated state, reinforcing the general weakness. It seemed that life had lost all sense to me. It was a very heavy test and strongly frustrated the soul, causing fear and hopelessness, pity. «Why did it happen and will I ever ever «Normal»?», often asked himself a question and could not find a response on him. But some lightness of hope continued to smolden inside, forcing it to cling to this life, among apathy and powerlessness to change the situation, not letting go to complete despair. Soul sick and this pain can not be compared with physical pain! To understand what the difference is, you just need to survive it, feel, move...
Professional memory did not suffer, but I could not immediately remember the names of many actors. There were moments when I turned off for a few seconds, without realizing that I should do. Later, when I already went to work, I was forced to spend polytheph in the department, and during the story I could not remember the necessary word and stayed to find him a replacement. I tried to run in the park, but my head was very spinning, sick, threw on the parties, the convulsions in the legs and the unbearable pain ruined the skull. I had to stop and sit down, and at home falls on the sofa, where the muscles have continued and the trembling in the body with severe sweating. So I stopped further attempts to learn to run. (Before illness I was not difficult to run 5-6 km in the park, which was near the house.) In the word I lost myself and worried myself, deeply realizing my insolent future. Doctors thought me humanly, but could not help with anything, since in textbooks on neurology it was stated that it was necessary to restore drugs and no more.
The attending neurologist, was a good and kind person, every 10 days extended my hospital leaf. Therefore, I came to her at a reception with my appointments that I read out of books and sometimes myself wrote down the prescription drugs. In addition, blind faith in medicinal treatment and the search for another fashionable drug completely removed me from other treatment methods. I was increasingly oppressed by the impotence of our medicine, in which I so fanatically believed and lack of exit from the current deadlock. There were months, the next commission was approaching, and I still trampled on the spot, not feeling a significant improvement. The main problem on the way of restoring my health consisted in the absence of the necessary knowledge on comprehensive rehabilitation, specific practical recommendations and constant digging in itself, as a doctor, as well as spiritual experiences, which extended the time of recovery. I needed psychological support to get rid of my complexes of uncertainty and, finally, believe that I would correct, as the doctors themselves, looking at me, did not believe in it. Mom went to work, and I stayed one on one on one with my thoughts and problems. Loneliness and inconsistency burned me more and more.
Wise and, probably, at that time, the right decision came to me after the familiar oculist doctor from the polyclinic, where I was treated, I gave me the first edition of the book «Fasting for health». I had nothing to lose, and I decided to try this method. I was not frightened by the prospect to die from hunger, as the book described in detail about the nuances and the success of treatment with many «incurable» for official medicine of diseases. There was no information about my illness and especially about a restorative diet there, and only in the scientific works of the regional library I found a description of this diet and a couple of examples of cure after brain edema.
When I started starving, then my mom doctor with a 40-year experience, a participant in the war, did not say me, although I was very afraid that I could die. But when she saw the first positive results of my treatment in 2 weeks, she calmed down. At that hot summer of 1980 for its 24 day fasting on the water, I lost 16 kg, but the coordination of movements was restored, the liver and, accordingly, the color of the face, and most importantly - a large faith appeared in full recovery! Naturally, I did not tell my attending neuropathologist, why I lost so sharply, explaining that I was on a diet and I had a bad appetite. (At that time, alternative methods of treatment, and even more hungering seemed wild to many doctors, and who applied them on themselves, was considered not from this world).
According to the results of the application, I can say that an explicit acidotic crisis, I did not feel hunger, thirst or dizziness did not disturb me. I spent a lot of time in the air, walked in the park, went a lot on foot, saw boiled water and decoction of rosehip, regularly cleared the intestine and took a bath. On the 16th day of his medicinal starvation, I accidentally got into the company where the wedding was celebrated. I had to, without issuing myself, imperceptibly replace a glass with vodka glass of water and skillfully playing a drinking guest. I put a big piece of chicken on my plate, and not having troubles with her. I want to note that the fragrance of food at that moment I was not annoyed. There was no temptation to eat, since I firmly knew that after such food you can just die or at best get strong poisoning.
Hunger completed after 24 days, although planned 25 days. I stopped it before, because they worry the cramps in the legs at night (the result is not so much starvation, how much brain tissue is during meningitis and brain edema). Then I did not know how to prevent them, and before fasting, I did not spend the purification of the raw materials. I think I was lucky, because the liver was «Zashlakova» medicines, so do not repeat the same errors. The recovery period was smooth on juices (carrot, apple), vegetables, fruits, porridge, without salt, sugar and animal squirrel.
Continuing to fight for his health, especially when I had hard on my soul, I tried to distracted by reading books. Many examples of the strong spiritualities that healed naturally from such diseases fueled by my faith and the will to life, inspiring how to restore ways. In the books I read about hot baths, about physical education, how to stop drinking medicines, establish a dream, and, probably, the most important thing for me at the time - how to strengthen the will and overcome yourself! «I called fate I will definitely cure, and I will work only by a doctor, a good doctor, which I would not be worth it!», sincerely believed and many times mentally repeated this phrase.
I was broken physically, but not morally. There were practically no books on natural methods of recovery at that time, but intuition suggested that my efforts should be crowned with success. For eleven months of staying on a sick leave, I had enough time to rethink my past and look for the way of healing. To quickly go to work and eliminate your complex of uncertainty, I went to paid autotransiga courses. These classes have improved not so my general condition, how many contributed to my work and overcoming the complex of inferiority, which developed after a pessimistic forecast of doctors and the very fact of the disease - the consequences of the transferred brain edema.
I loved my work and in January 1981. Embedded to work in the hospital. After work I came home and tired so much that there was no physical or moral forces to do something in the house. Vegetative storms in the body were exhausted, but it was necessary to live and work further. Months passed, but well-being improved very slowly. For doctors, I did not go, perfectly realizing that the less I would analyze my well-being, the faster the health would be back. My problem was that I knew perfectly about many consequences of the moved brain edema and naturally it was strongly oppressed.
In October 1984. I was approved by the head. the therapeutic department, after which my health has improved at once by 50%, although not everyone believed that I can cope with (I was 32 years old). But I did not give up and continued my climbing in life, sometimes at the limit of all my forces. I did not have time to root, or rather, the right to root, it was necessary to further educate my children-twins. (My former attending physician and other physicians from the clinic were still surprised that I was cured, I work as the head of the hospital department, I have the first category on therapy and healthy children. Sometimes, with a chance meeting on the street, asked about my health and success at work.) Night duty, work on wear, constant stress and concerns gradually displaced physical and mental pain.
Previous tips of my attending neurologists preserved themselves replaced by constant stress and overvoltage. I managed to implement my student dream - to become the head of the department and a qualified physician, despite all obstacles! I forever remembered the phrase that there is between confidence and self-confidence in the treatment of a heavy patient of all pillars. After such a life school, any doctor may have to overcome its ailment!
During the disease, I overloaded a lot of medicines, and my face color myself told everyone about it. One day I firmly decided that I would no longer drink a single pill, otherwise I earn cirrhosis of the liver. To quit medication, I spent a course of 10 hot tubs, sitting on the boobs in the water for 20 minutes daily and abundantly sweating, then I put on a sports suit and went to bed for 40 minutes. Worried cramps in the legs, trembling in the body, I endured and went to work. Thus, I detoxified my liver and forever refused to receive any medicines, completely restored sleep, every day improving health and rejoicing new life.
In 1986. I learned to run again, starting with a 15 minute run, and brought it with a little breaks for almost 1 hour. That was not easy. Pot felt with me with a stream, but I stubbornly extended the day before and lengthened my distance that I ran to my illness. I just stopped when the heart was very pounding and the pulse was 120-140 per minute, a few minutes went with a step and again continued to run. So it lasted for several months, worried twitching and tightening the muscles in caviar, but I with fanatical perseverance continued my workouts. I did a lot on the crossbar, the bars, jumped, trained the balance on the log on the playground near the school. Muscle power in hand and memory recovered, headaches gradually gone.
Studying the natural methods of treatment, I realized that the impact on the spiritual level, the consciousness of a person often plays a decisive role in recovery. The main thing to believe in yourself and accurately follow the planned way of restoring health, even if the authorities find doubts in the forecast of the disease and you will definitely defeat the disease. Create yourself difficulties and, most importantly, overcome them, counting only on your strength.
In this case, the awareness of its helplessness and misery allowed me to mobilize all its internal resources according to the basic laws of natural therapy methods, and the impact on the physical level has already played a secondary role in the treatment process. My «Prayer survival» was patience and gratitude, hope and will to life.
Diagnosis is not a sentence, manage your destiny and health. First of all, you need to know that any diagnosis is only a subjective opinion of the doctor. My personal story is a specific answer to the dubious forecast of attending physicians who saved me from death, but practically nothing could help me for the faster recovery. I managed a huge price to defeat this to the end of the incurable disease. And you do not despair in your no simple situation. Coming out of the hospital, after the brain edema, many patients are lowered hands, as they are afraid of the diagnosis of the disease (transferred the enemy of the brain, it means already defective and can not live full life). Meanwhile, there are at least two outputs: Easy - wait on your hand and more complicated - to use your chance, to learn from it to live on, no matter what, be happy and improving the quality of your life.