Parkinson's disease, symptoms


What is Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is one of the most complex
Neurological disorders. His reason remains a mystery to this day.
However, in this area there are active research.

In 1817, English doctor James Parkinson described «Short palsy», which manifested her hand and leg shakes,
The slowdest of all movements, «stiffness» limbs and body, and
Also instability and equilibrium impairment. This disease received
Name Parkinson's disease.

In the early 60s of the last century, researchers identified
Very important fact about Parkinson's disease: the loss of brain cells,
Drug-producing dopamine. This discovery was the first successful moment in
Treatment of Parkinson's disease and has become a starting point in further
Research. In Parkinson's disease, the brain section is affected,
Called black substance where dopamine is produced. Function
Dopamine is to enforce the impulse transmission to provide
Normal movements.

Diseases of Parkinson decreases dopamine products,
The normal transmission of nerve pulses is disturbed and basic
Symptoms of Parkinsonism, such as:

  • Tremor - trembling of hands, legs, lower jaws and face;
  • Rigidity (refractory) limbs and torso;
  • Bradyknesia - slow motion movements;
  • Body Coordination Violation

Parkinson's disease, symptoms
The sequence of the appearance of individual symptoms is different - in
some cases are trembling, in others - stiffness and slowness
movements. Diving symptoms of Parkinsonism can be when defeated
brain with hypertension and / or atherosclerosis, after
injuries (or repeated injuries) brain and some others
chronic brain diseases.

In Parkinson's disease, these symptoms first appear, and
Then there are more pronounced on one side of the body. Under Parkinsonism
Of these origins, these manifestations are more often symmetric and
Combined with other symptoms of damage to the nervous system: violations
coordination, sensitivity, etc.

In addition to these disorders of movements, in patients with illness
Parkinson is lost expressiveness of facial expressions. Patients may look
indifferent, indifferent, although in fact they usually worry that
or other situation as healthy people.

The involvement of speech marginal muscles leads to violation
speech - it can be a little modulated, illegible. Close
Patient people often bargain because they think that the patient
Carelessly pronounces phrases. This awkward situation can be overcome,
If close people understand that the patient can not speak differently.

In Parkinson's disease, patients often oppressed
State of Spirit (Depression). This is due to two reasons: first,
the patient is distinguished by the fact that it cannot act as fully,
as before neither work, nor at home; Secondly, in the nature of the disease itself
lies damage and those brain departments that provide a person
Balanced mood.

Parkinson's disease is chronic and progressive
disease. The disease is not contagious, that is, not transmitted from
One person else.

Parkinson's disease - the most common form of Parkinsonism -
groups of disorders with similar. Diseases of this group combined
listed four of the above-described diseases and based on them
lies the loss of cells producing dopamine. Parkinson's disease also
called primary parkinomism.

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