King in children, symptoms and treatment

For several centuries for several centuries, many infectious diseases continue to present danger to humanity to this day. But the thing is that these diseases in a short period of time are able to engage in the pathological dangerous process a large number of both children and adults.

Our site has already introduced readers on their pages with Endemic vapotitis, Scarlay, Krasnha. Today, the story will go about measles. Several years ago, the incidence of measles declined, so future doctors, receiving knowledge in institutions, ceased to pay due attention to the distinctive symptoms of measles. But for the third year in winter there are outbreaks of this infection in different regions of Russia, Europe and other countries. Infectiousists believe that one of the reasons for these outbreaks is the fact that many parents refuse to vaccinate measles. There is such a difference in this infectious disease, epidemiologists prevent - the susceptibility index for it has almost 100% of the population! Let's figure out - how to recognize cortex than it is dangerous?

General information about measles

Diseases, Vaccination, Children's Diseases, Cort, Vaccinations

The disease is attributed by doctors to typical, acutely occurring viral infections. Corey are affected by the top departments of the respiratory tract, the eye conjunctive, there is a specific rash, general intoxication, fever. Cork refer to the most infectious diseases. Kid can «pick up» King, if he was in the room for some time, where he visited the carrier of the virus in two hours. If a person contacts the patient, the risk of its subsequent infection is 98%. The recovered person remains throughout the life of immunity to this disease. The disease usually flashes in children's institutions - gardens, schools. Statistics claim that 1.6 million children died in the world in the world in the twentieth century, 1,6 million children, mainly in developing countries, the culprit, the causative agent of the disease, consider the virus a spherical form belonging to the paralims family. There is an assumption that a measles virus affecting a person occurred from a virus causing Chumka's dogs. It has been established that the virus is rapidly destroyed when disinfection, heating, UV treatment, air ventilation. And the virus is transmitted to another man with air-droplet. In the external environment, he falls in sneezing, the coughing of the ill. For those surrounding the patient, in the last days of the incubation (hidden) period of the disease and the next four days of the pivot. From the fifth day from the moment of rash, the sick person no longer represents danger to the people around him. If a pregnant woman is sick, then the virus can pass through the placenta. Epidemiologists believe that to protect the population from measles virus, it is necessary to make vaccinations of 94-97% of kids to 15 months of age. But among adults there are cases of morbidity in schoolchildren, students, military personnel, because in 10-15 years after vaccination, immunity is significantly reduced.

First, the virus enters the mucous respiratory tract of a child or an adult, gets to lymph nodes, spleen, almonds. Then he with blood spreads further throughout the body, lowers immunity. The action of the virus is very selective: it may affect the mucous surfaces of the oral cavity, respiratory system, eye, leather.

Symptoms of the disease

First, the disease can occur secretly, such an incubation period usually lasts from 9 to 14 days. In most cases, 10 days after infection, the child rises sharply, then symptoms appear, which are very similar to colds: cough, runny nose, lethargy, bad appetite. It can be noted that the lower eyelids erased, blushed eye conjunctivities. The next three or four days the temperature rises even higher (up to 39 degrees), runny nose and cough enhanced, eyes are inflamed, light-in-friendly, tear arises, swells face. Cough is sometimes accompanied by a suffocation or goes into a cough. Baby Capriznitsy, sleep is disturbed. Older children complain that head and belly hurts. There are problems with chairs. On the guys or the inner side of the cheek, you can see small white spots, which are surrounded by red circles, they are called the spots of Filatov-Soclick. And now it appears on the cheeks, behind the ears and on the forehead the rash of pinkish-red. Gradually areas of rash increase, it goes down further down all the body. The difference between Korheva rash is that it consists of small papules, prone to merge, surrounded by stain. Through four days, the rashes fall, but some time on the amazed plots there are dry spots of light brown color, which are peeling. The effects of rashes pass in about five days, the temperature decreases to the norm.

What complications may be?

If there is no complications, then after 10 days the patient recovers. But quite often (in 30% of cases) Kor is accompanied by otitis, Pneumonia, Larygitis, narrowing larynx. Cinema virus sometimes attacks important organs for humans, then encephalitis develops, meningitis, appendicitis, hepatitis, gangrene limbs. Complications are successfully treated with antibiotics or sulfonamide drugs, so lethal outcomes decreased. After measles, some children develop deafness, blindness, mental violations.

Treatment of Corey

Diseases, Vaccination, Children's Diseases, Cort, Vaccinations

Currently, any specific drugs capable of winning Cort, there are no. However, it is clearly adhered to generally accepted in the treatment of this disease of the activities:

  1. Bed regime is required, isolating in a separate room (or hospital ward) Patient Cow.
  2. Power should be lightweight, rational, balanced containing many vitamins and mineral connections. Too salty, first, acidic or acute food for the time of the disease from the ration.
  3. Abundant Drinking, Useful Fresh Fruit Juices, Mors, Compote.
  4. There is evidence that if the child gives vitamin A and products containing it (carrots, tomatoes, mango, melon, Bulgarian sweet pepper, liver), then significantly reduces the risk of complications.
  5. If temperature Very high, the doctor discharges the antipyretic agents in the form of candles, syrups, tablets.
  6. It is advisable to rinse your mouth and throat with chamomile, calendula, sage.
  7. Fitotherapists recommend to do in the thermos the infusion of parsley roots (teaspoon) and glasses of boiling water. After 6 hours, you can pump the resulting medicine and give the child for a teaspoon four times a day before.
  8. Harrow irrigation by sprays (Tantuum Verde, Hexoral) to remove inflammation and pain.
  9. Eliminate nasal congestion and mucous allocations help drops «Pinosol», «Sanarin» (with eucalyptus), ointment «Borisentol».
  10. To combat cough use expectorant means (sily Tablets ACS, «Chest elixir», «Perstissin», «Dr. Mom») or antitussive drugs (Liebeksin, Stoptussin).

To remove eye inflammation, sodium sulphacian solution (in common albucid) 20%, instilled it several times a day.

When the cortex takes place hard, the child is hospitalized in a children's hospital.

How to warn the disease?

Diseases, Vaccination, Children's Diseases, Cort, Vaccinations

If a person did not slander in childhood or a mature age, was not at all vaccinated or after vaccination has passed more than ten years, the risk of infection is quite high. Immunologists and epidemiologists strongly recommend making vaccinations to children and adults entering the risk group. After the introduction of the vaccine in the body, specific antibodies are actively produced, which will be about ten years «on guard», Recognize measles virus if he suddenly tries to escape into the body, destroy a stranger. And when there are small children in the house, visit children's institutions daily, then parents are also desirable to progress and re-vaccinate.

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