Paradoxical breathing - one of the most popular intraparatory techniques. For these exercises do not need devices, only your body and light.

History of paradoxical breathing
According to Strelnikova, the roots are rooted in the 30s of the last century, and she began
From work on the restoration method of a vocal voice. It was noted that
The functioning of many bodies depends on how much the person breathes,
as well as from his psycho-emotional state. Famous patients
Strelnoy Steel A. Mironov, S. Rotaru, A. Pugacheva and many other performers,
the main tool of which is a voice. Later, a respiratory center was created
Gymnastics A. N. Strelnoye, which is now led by m. N. Bristin — student
And the faithful follower of the inventors of this famous method
Paradoxical breathing.
What is respiratory gymnastics a. N. Strelnikova in practice? These are some short and sharp breaths with a nose that allows you to fully straighten
lungs and fill them with air more than 3 times, compared to the usual
breathing. This exercise contributes to the enhancement of gas exchange and active saturation
oxygen blood. Next follows a passive exhalation, forcing it to fluctuate
Voice ligaments and thus massive and train them. In addition to
Respiratory exercises are also carried out dynamic, and movement
limbs and housing clearly correspond to a certain respiratory phase that
leads to the general physiological response of the body on physical exertion and
reinforced oxygen utilization by all muscles and organs.
Paradoxical respiratory
Gymnastics A.N. Strelnoye increases motor activity, increases
The mobility of the joints eliminates the stagnation of venous blood in various organs,
improves brain circulation, normalizes psycho-emotional state of man.
Active breaths, training of lungs and respiratory muscles contributes to normalization
nasal breathing, improving sputum dishellion at broncho-pulmonary
diseases, eliminating adhesions and adhesive processes characteristic of
Long inflammation. Against the background of gymnastic exercises gradually
The posture is corrected, the deformation of the chest disappears. And of course, breathing
According to Streltokova — It is an increase in the total tone and body resistance
infections and stress. Three months of regular exercises are produced
The stereotype of proper breathing, providing the coordinated work of the whole body.
Gymnastics A. N. Strelnoye shown at:
- pregnancy;
- total fatigue and chronic stress;
Depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurosis,
epilepsy; -
inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system,
such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia,
bronchial asthma; -
hypertensive disease and other diseases
hearts and vessels; -
Cardiac and respiratory failure, consequences
myocardial infarction, heart rhythm disorders and others; -
atherosclerosis of brain vessels, chronic
headaches, consequences of stroke; - scarmed sclerosis, parkinsonism, neuritis;
- diseases of the digestive system;
- exchange and endocrine disorders;
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- blood diseases;
- stuttering;
impotence and other sexual violations
character; - female diseases;
- Tobacco and alcoholism, addiction.
Like any effective method, paradoxal breathing has its own
Contraindications, For example, injuries of the head and spinal cord,
spinal column, pronounced cervical and chest osteochondrosis, high
Blood pressure, elevated body temperature, thrombophlebitis and others.
Gymnastics Strelnika is simple and universal, but still to
Avoid mistakes and achieve the desired result, it is better to get advice
Doctor, examine and work out with the instructor.
Engage in respiratory gym. N. Strelnikova and be