High-quality green tea - more than a miracle. This means almost from all existing diseases in the world.
Natural green tea — Almost Panacea. It stimulates digestion, helps the heart and light, returns performance, improves the metabolism, treats eyes and burns extra kilograms. And this is just the beginning. We suggest you find out, under what diseases and states a good green tea replaces the prescribed medication.
Green tea from headache
One glass of hot green tea — 0.05 grams of caffeine, as much as in the tablet anesthetic. Action lasts 6 hours.
Green tea from insomnia
Instead of melatonin, you need a cup of very - very strong green tea. Rapid welding from the soul — Only then, adding a drop of milk in tea, you instantly light.
Green tea with stress
In order not to join the depression and chronic irritability with antidepressants and even more tranquilizers, drink 3 every day–4 cups of weak green tea. A few days later you will begin to notice changes.
Green tea with hypertension
So as not to drink medication to reduce pressure, learn how to drink properly boiled green tea. As an extra caffeine you, pre-rinse dry tea with warm water. Fill three chips of washed with hot water cups (temperature not higher than 90OC), insist 10 minutes. Drink as a medicine — Three times a day after eating.
Green tea from atherosclerosis
To destroy existing fat deposits on the walls of the vessels and prevent the appearance of new, drink green tea. Good green tea, brewed in the right way (not boiling water, in clay, ceramic, porcelain or glassware, infused no more than 3 minutes) will save you from this very dangerous disease.
Green tea with poisoning
After poisoning (when the sharp period passes) Drink 3–4 cups of green tea per day preferably diluted with milk. Green tea neutralizes toxins and kills pathogenic bacteria no worse than antibiotics.
Green tea with meteorism and other intestinal disorders
Bactericidal properties of natural green tea are wonderful instead of expensive drugs advertised on TV.
Green tea with colitis
With any cutting in the stomach, weak warm green tea is not only not prohibited, but also directly shown. Only it is necessary to apply it as a medicine: two tablespoons four times a day. Or — For enema.
Green tea with ulcers and increased acidity
With these problems in addition to the strict diet you need to drink a weak green tea. However, not any, but only the one who was collected over a year ago (but no more than two years).
Green tea with reduced acidity gastritis
3–4 cups of strong green tea will help relieve the condition in these diseases.
Green tea with hepatitis
Since green tea contains many vitamins, in particular, the required liver Group B, C and P), along with vitamin complexes, you need to drink fastening green tea — by 5–6 glasses per day.
Green tea with bronchial asthma
If constantly (3–4 cups per day) drink hot green tea, no matter, weak or strong, relieve breathing and improve the lung ventilation.
Green tea for weight loss
The Japanese have developed a whole diet for weight loss — Green tea based. True, the diet is extremely strict, half-starved, does not allow any election. However, it is difficult to overestimate it: in two weeks the metabolism is completely changing, and you will not be able to gain discarded kilograms for the next 2–3 years old.
Green tea with sick throat and cold
Several times a day of the body of the throat of green tea (2 teaspoons of green tea on a glass of boiling water insist 15–20 minutes), you will rapidly cure angle and tonsillitis. To get rid of the runny nose, wash your nose with the same infusion, only slightly diluted.
Green tea with stomatitis
The same influence as for the treatment of throat and nose, you can rinse your mouth at stomatitis. The more often the faster there will be an effect.
Green tea with conjunctivitis
Instead of eye drops, rinse your eyes with a strong infusion of green tea.
Green tea with burns, wounds and bruises
In order not to buy ointment from bruises and panthenol from burns, grind dry green tea into powder, make a strong infusion. Furious tea needed burns, they do so impregnated with gauze for subsequent compresses (change as drying). The thick attached to the wound disinfected it and quickly stops bleeding. Compress with green tea will help to avoid painkillers with bruises, dislocations of joints and tensile tensions.
Green tea from overwork
The most famous way to use green tea — With fatigue. Drinking 2 cups of fastening fresh green tea, you will be clearer to think and less want to sleep during the working day.