Bonn slimming soup

Bonn soup is designed for a weekly diet that allows you to lose unnecessary kilograms and at the same time do not extend yourself with painful starvation. Its advantage is that this soup does not act due to the removal of moisture from the body, but by the normalization of metabolism and improve the operation of the digestive system.

Bonn diet, Bonn soup, diet, slimming, soup, soup for weight loss

With this simple soup, you can simultaneously reset overweight and restore water exchange. This also improves the body cleaning function.

In one portion of the Bonn soup contains approximately 35 calories. Also also many ballast substances and fiber. In addition, the onions and greens, which are contained in the soup, are able to split fatty sediments.

The main ingredient of the Bonn soup is greens and vegetables with a large content of vitamins and fiber. Soup will not be fresh if the ingredients use onions, broccoli, celery, tomatoes as ingredients. At the same time, they improve digestion. One of the essential elements of the Bonn soup is a white cabbage. It is she who is rightfully considered the main assistant in the fight against accumulated extra kilograms. Cabbage helps to normalize metabolism in the body, as well as remove excess fluid from it. It reduces swelling. In addition, Bulgarian pepper is always present in this supe, which is a good source of vitamin C. This vegetable gives the soup truly exquisite taste.


We advise you to adhere to the following rules while respecting the diet on the Bonn Supe:

  1. Need to weigh every morning.
  2. You can not retreat from the menu.
  3. Soup is recommended to use when you feel hunger.
  4. When cooking a bird, you must definitely remove the skin, and with meat carefully you need to remove all fat.
  5. Oil when complying with this diet is allowed to use only once every week, and only with baked potatoes.


Bonn diet, Bonn soup, diet, slimming, soup, soup for weight loss

First day. Eat Bonn soup, fruit, with the exception of bananas. We drink cranberry juice, unsweetened tea or coffee.

Second day. Eat Bonn soup, raw or canned vegetables. It is advisable to add some greens to them. Only clean water is allowed to drink. At lunch you can eat potatoes baked with butter. On this day, products such as dried beans, corn, green peas are prohibited.

The third day. Eat Bonn soup, fruits (except bananas), vegetables (except legume crops and baked potatoes), drink only water. By the end of this day, you can lose weight by two or three kilograms.

Fourth day. On this day, eat Bonn soup, vegetables, fruits (you can 2-3 pieces of bananas). Drinking water and milk.

Fifth day. Eat Bonn soup, tomatoes, 300-600 grams of beef and drink six to eight glasses of drinking water.

Sixth day. Eat Bonn soup, root and leaf vegetables (with the exception of baked potatoes), beef, clean water.

Seventh day. On this day, eat Bonn soup, boiled brown rice, as well as fruit juices without sugar. In finished soup you can add various spices. Drink preferably carbonated water.

For these seven days, when this menu is followed, you can throw off about 5-9 kilograms.

Fruits and vegetables for a diet

Bonn diet, Bonn soup, diet, slimming, soup, soup for weight loss

For a diet on a similar soup, any fruits and vegetables are conventionally divided into three groups. The first group includes fat burners. Products that belong to this group have low calorie content and are able to burn fats themselves. To this group, in particular, are opposed avocado and pineapple. By the way, directly avocado contains quite a lot of fat, but these fats are presented in the form of fatty acids, which are actively involved in metabolism. This fruit reduces insulin levels, which in turn increases blood glucose levels and reduces the desire to eat various products.

The second group usually belongs fat blockers. These products are endowed with an important property, due to which excessive fat deposition does not occur. For example, in carrots and apples contain pectin, which can thicken food and accelerate pushing food on the gastrointestinal tract. This in turn is stimulated by digestion and is preventing the process of exhaust fat in fat cells. Several other mechanisms have bean cultures. So, for example, soybeans contain in its composition Solanin. Solan is known for making cholesterol molecules, and he cares them before they come from the intestine to blood. Similar properties have some teas, for example, Puer and Oolong. There are other useful weight loss teas.

The third group includes small-calorie products. These products contain little fat. They are valued. The reduced fat content makes it possible to include these products in an unlimited quantity in almost any diet and even in a daily diet. In particular, such products include some vegetables and fruits. Except as low calorieness, these products are distinguished by the fact that they contain useful phyto compounds, as well as useful tissue. Coched salad and cucumbers who belong to salad varieties during this week you can use practically no restrictions. It is also worth noting that these vegetables have a light diuretic effect, so that they contribute to the elimination of excess fluid from the body. In addition, they are well stimulated digestion. Low-calorie products also include melon and watermelon. So, 100 grams of watermelon contains approximately 20 kilocalories. It is also necessary to note the tomatoes. They contain many phyto compounds, trace elements and vitamins. And especially they are valuable in that it contains potassium, which can stimulate water-salt exchange in the body.

During this diet, it is very important to comply with all its rules. At the same time, it is important to include those products that are shown in concrete days. When reached positive results, it is recommended to make a small break for a couple of days. Bonn soup itself is not recommended there is a diet. Although you can repeat the diet again, when you like. If the diet was interrupted, then it should be started again from the first day. Throughout the week, carbonated drinks are prohibited, bread. In addition, it is necessary to refrain from fried and fat.

Pros and cons

Bonn diet, Bonn soup, diet, slimming, soup, soup for weight loss

Bonn Soup, no doubt, is an easy way to lose weight, but, nevertheless, he has its limitations. So, for the whole week, the diet will need to completely abandon fried, flour, sweet, as well as from alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is allowed only after a day after diet.

Soup itself can not be called delicious delicacy for gourmets, but it helps to drown a feeling of hunger during the day.

In general, this slimming soup most often gets positive feedback. And it is a good tool for those who want to easily lose a couple of kilograms. True, there are also their contraindications. Such mymedinform soup.COM does not recommend to use people with ulcer of stomach, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Also before the start of the diet, it is necessary to obtain a consultation with a specialist. Love with the mind!

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