Proper nutrition, dentist advice

What you need to do to prevent teeth disease? First of all, you need to eat right. Factors such as mouth hygiene, heredity and others are also very important in relation to the health of the teeth, but the proper nutrition is still playing a leading role in preserving dental health.

Food facing makes teeth an indispensable tool in digestion, participation in sound formation plays an important role for everyone, because it makes it possible
It's no secret to anyone who meet a person for dressing. And if this very catching Istropan or the more likely smells badly, no one wants to go to such a person, and to speak with him to "spend on the mind" and. Today, people have learned how masterfully to cover up clothes and various accessories that only a smile remains an open side outdoor. I do not scratch her! That is why it is important to take care of the health of the teeth. However, aesthetics is not the only function of the teeth. Food facing makes teeth an indispensable tool in digestion, participation in sound formation plays an important role for everyone, because it makes it possible.

What you need to do to prevent teeth disease? First of all, you need to eat right. Factors such as mouth hygiene, heredity and others are also very important in relation to the health of the teeth, but the proper nutrition is still playing a leading role in preserving dental health.

A little about the anatomy of the tooth

I want to focus on the fact that the tooth is a body of the human body, the same as a hand or leg, liver or kidney. Like any organ, the tooth has a specific structure that allows you to perform your functions (about which we have said earlier). Inside the tooth is a soft tissue - a pulp containing blood vessels, nerves and cells that form the main substance tooth - dentin. Dentin is extremely solid education (he is even hard bone!). Outside the tooth is covered with cement (in the root area) and enamel (in the region of the visible part of the tooth - crowns). Enamel - the highest formation of the human body. It consists of 95% of calcium salts, which gives it steel strength, but makes it extremely vulnerable to acids.


The large amount of calcium required for teeth is in fruits and vegetables
As the main component of the tooth is calcium, It is extremely important to sufficiently use it with food. Calcium is contained in products such as milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, fish, beets, carrots, radishes, bran, salad, celery, beans, beans, spinach, almonds, grapes, honey, oranges, strawberries, skin of all fruits and vegetables. Also with regard to calcium is useful. There are medicinal preparations containing calcium, such as, for example, calcium gluconate.

Our site advises also to remember that the normal absorption of calcium is impossible without a sufficient intake of vitamin D, which is contained in fish and fish oil, in the liver. That is why drugs containing a calcium complex with vitamin D appeared on the medical market, such as «Calcium D3 Nicomed». However, the unique ability of our body lies in the formation of vitamin D in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet, and therefore the need for additional drugs with proper nutrition and sufficiently find in the sun is small.


Green peas is rich in phosphorus
Calcium in the teeth is not in a free state, it is chemically associated with phosphates in hydroxy - and fluoropatites. Without phosphorus included in their composition, there would be no enamel and dentin of the stone strength that ensures their teeth. For this reason, dentists are advised to monitor the use of phosphorus-containing products. Moreover, calcium and phosphorus are absorbed only when they are contained in a certain proportion. Of course, to count milligrams of the eaten minerals and their ratio in food is not possible, so in practice it is enough to keep track of your diet. Phosphorus is contained in the following products: green peas, nuts, cereals, lentils, celery, cod liver, fish, meat, soy.


Proper nutrition
Enamel just a cutting tooth contains hydroxyapatitis (calcium and phosphorus salts) on a protein matrix. Over time, fluorine ions are penetrated into this structure, forming fluoropatite enamels in the subsurface layer, which have in addition to greater resistance to acids also with anticipatic effects.

Where the fluorine is contained? Its main source for the body is water, therefore the connection between the incidence of caries in a particular region and the content of fluorine is clearly traced. It is impossible to improve this indicator independently, therefore a number of countries (for example, USA) carry out centralized fluorination of drinking sources. In Russia, they are also attempts to fluorine water, milk and a number of food products. While the most acceptable solution to the problem for us is fluorinated salt. Depending on the individual dental health and the composition of the water, the dentist may assign fluorine-containing tablets. However, to take them uncontrollably, our site does not recommend - in Russia this in 90% of cases leads to poisoning.

Why teeth deteriorate?

Caries - the most common teeth disease
Caries - the most common teeth disease. It is accompanied by flushing of calcium salts from the enamel of the tooth. The main role in this is playing the bacteria of the oral cavity. They breed in dental and dental stone. That is why it is so important to prevent the formation of dental tax and cluster in it bacteria. The nature of food plays in this an important role. Particularly decent effects are carbohydrates, but not all, but only those that can be used by bacteria in the oral cavity: sugar, starch and products containing their products. This is sweet tea, jam, pastry, bakery products, pasta and others. They are able to linger in the natural deepening of the teeth and serve as food for bacteria, with the subsequent formation of acids capable of eroding the enamel of the teeth. So the teeth lose calcium and bacteria penetrate deeper - the caries develops.

Power Dental Tips

To prevent the development of caries, it is important to comply with a number of healthy nutrition rules.
To prevent the development of caries, it is necessary to limit the flow of sweet food or replace some sweets

  1. We should reduce the reception of carbohydrates playing a role in the development of caries (we have already mentioned about them). To do this, it is enough to limit the flow of sweet food or replace some sweets, for example, instead of sugar in tea use honey.

Honey, by the way, contains natural sugars that can not be used by the oral bacteria. An interesting example: the remnants of eaten cookies are able to stay on the teeth to 50 minutes, creating an excellent environment for breeding bacteria.

  • At the same time should increase the use of plant fiber. It is contained in vegetables and fruits. The fiber is not available for microbes of the oral cavity and at the same time very useful for the intestines where the role plays «brooms».
  • Do not forget about the mechanical role of vegetables and fruits. It is much more useful to eat a whole carrot or an apple than the same pre-died «Human gifts». Hard food naturally cleans the teeth, which allows them to stay health longer.
  • Many products are able to cause an increase in saliva formation: these are acidic vegetables and fruits, meat and cabbage broths. Causeing increased saliva products, they have a strong anticiparantic effect, since saliva, firstly, literally flushes bacteria, and secondly, contains antibacterial substance lysozyme, and thirdly, it contains calcium that penetrates enamel and strengthens it.
  • It is much more useful to eat a whole carrot or an apple than the same pre-darity of nature. Hard food naturally cleans your teeth, which allows them to stay healthy longer
    But these rules do not mean that it is necessary to completely abandon candy, chocolate, cookies and other components «sweet life». Moreover, the abolition of sweet causes a decline in the body «Hormones of happiness» - endorphins. What to do? Our site recommends after each meal to clean your teeth for 3 minutes. If you are at home, then it is not difficult to fulfill this rule, but it is not always possible. Can be ringed after eating mouth, but it is not very effective. In most cases, chewing gum helps. It must be chewing for 5-10 minutes after eating. Chewing gum itself should not contain sugar. It is made mainly from the carbamide with the addition of flavors and sugar substitutes. Please note that most chewing gums are contraindicated patients with severe disease phenylketonuria.

    The well-known expression that a person is what he eats is fully suitable for teeth. After all, improper nutrition and insufficient care for their teeth can lead to caries and even to the early loss of teeth. Compliance with the easiest rules of proper nutrition will allow not only to smile wide open mouth, but will allow you to feel confident in any life situation.

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