Losing weight on the groats, you are guaranteed to relieve yourself from the hunger strike and a scant table: you will be waiting for the delicious kaskas, a varied table and a good number of dropped kilograms.
How to cook groats for weight loss?
As we have already promised, you will have the opportunity to diversify your dietary table, but it is very important to remember some features. First, it concerns the choice of Kash themselves. The fact is that there is a huge difference between solid and purified grains. Remember that oat groats are rich in such a useful for us and dangerous for fat fiber, and, accordingly, much more useful than peeled oatmeal.
Secondly, you should pay attention to the method of cooking. From this will depend a considerable percentage of your future slimming success. The site MirSovetov offers to familiarize himself with the basic rules of preparation of dietary porridge, which will subsequently fulfill all the functions that you place them:
- Pretty rinse the cereal in cold water until the flowing water becomes transparent. Do it best from the evening.
- Now pour the camp with a small amount of cold water so that it is on the finger-two covers it and leave to appear until the morning.
- In the morning, put porridge on fire and bring to a boil. It is best not to boil it, but immediately turn off. After that wrap the pan with a towel and leave to appease.
The porridge prepared in this way will lose the minimum of beneficial substances and retain all its healing properties. There is also a very important rule «dry» Kashi. The fact is that the straded and liquid it will bring a minimum of use, but dry is just a property of removal from the body of all extra garbage.
Proper use of mood for weight loss
Oatmeal - a storehouse of fiber that promotes bowel cleansing, adjusting the chair and normalizing the digestive process. And if the digestion is normal, then, as is known, regulated metabolism And there is a better fat burning, and the deposition of additional fats is reduced.
It should be remembered that oatmeal does not like adding oil, milk and sugar to it, and use it best for breakfast and lunch. As additives, you can use berries and fruits, honey or nuts, but in small quantities.
Barley grits.

It is made of very useful barley grains, in which the high content of calcium, potassium, phosphorus. These trace elements contribute to the improvement of metabolism, which is one of the most important loss factors.
«Jacket», as it is called in the people, indispensable when choosing what to eat for breakfast to lose weight. It nourishes the body, relieves him from feeling hunger for a long time. You can add fresh, cooked for a couple or baked in the oven, berries, fruits, but exclude oil and sugar, reduce the amount of salt added to the limit.
Pearl barley.

What only the tricks do not resort to thinners to deceive the feeling of hunger. But few people know that pearl graft is an indispensable product in this desire. Getting into the stomach, she swells and, of course, quickly saturates.
If we talk about its useful properties, then in addition to vitamins and minerals, it can be found in it the amino acid lysine that contributes to the development of collagen.
Choosing a breakfast for weight loss, you will see that weight goes very quickly, almost up to a kilogram per day, but you need to know what at first you will lose the liquid exclusively (remember the water balance), and already later - fat deposits.
Corn grits.

It is slowly absorbed by the body, the consequence of which is its low calorie content and a slim figure. At the same time, it is one of the most low-allergic croup, while stopping the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestine.
Preparing cornpall, follow the proportions 1 to 4, where 1 is a cereal. And it is better to use it about six times a day, not forgetting to drink a lot of water at the same time (only during food intake).

Peas are very rich in useful properties, elements, as well as rich in protein, although rather caloriene. He is recommended to people who are engaged in sports and those who want to grow muscle mass.
Best of all the pea porridge to eat for lunch, then it will be best to digest. Best if she becomes your daily dinner, then the process of weight loss will become a pleasant and rapid.
Rice cereal.

Despite the fact that rice cereals loses other cereals in the content of useful substances, it still helps to lose weight.
If you still decide to sit on such a diet, then consider that rice diet is not rich in vitamins and minerals, so it is recommended to take vitamin complexes in parallel.
The essence of the rice diet is to breakfast, lunch and dinner there is rice, welded on water, without adding salt. Allowed to add greens and any fresh vegetables. And so that the rice porridge is not fresh, salt can be replaced by soy sauce.
For seven days such a diet, you can get rid of 5 kilograms.