Diet with a stomach ulcer

If a person is diagnosed «Prank ulcer», Many of his relatives and acquaintances sigh sympathetically sigh and state: «Here is a poor thing - now he will have to give up tasty and eat only kashki and dirty soup!». But such an opinion is wrong.

Power supply to ulcers can be made diverse and useful, the whole thing is which culinary processing is subject to the ingredients included in the dish. Our site offers in this article Read more to get acquainted with the products that it is desirable to include in the diet of such patients, how to cook everything. We will tell us about the fact that it is necessary to exclude from food.

If you neglect the diet, the treatment prescribed by the doctor, consisting of drugs of drugs, will not give persistent results and improved health. During the exacerbation, gentle food will help the ulcers to burn, and will further contribute to the exacerbation of the gastric mucosa.

Why an ulcer arises?

diet, diet with ulcers, stomach, food, diet, stomach ulcer

This disease occurs due to the violation of the secretory activities of the stomach or the 12rred intestine. The mucous membrane forms painful ulcerative wounds of different sizes, which are very long and difficult to heal, because hydrochloric acid is constantly formed in the stomach. Scientists allocate several reasons that provoke peptic diseases:

  1. Nervous shocks, long-term negative emotions, frequent experiences and stress - all this «Pluckles» production of the stomach of juice consisting of aggressive hydrochloric acid. It is she subsequently corrosive the walls of an empty stomach when there is no food in it.
  2. Irregular nutrition, snacks of low-quality food.
  3. Predisposition to increased acidity of gastric juice.
  4. Hormonal violations.
  5. Healthy factor.
  6. It is believed that the wines of the whole spiral-shaped microorganisms of Helicobacter pylori (in translation, the name sounds like a Helicobacter pylori), which are activated when weakening the protective forces of the body.
  7. Smoking and abuse of alcoholic beverages.

General recommendations

diet, diet with ulcers, stomach, food, diet, stomach ulcer

If the disease aggravated, the first 10-15 days of the diet should be the most gentle, dishes with a jelly-like or liquid consistency - Kissel, porridge, mucous membranes or fierce soups.

Then we smoothly go to a semi-liquid, masculine, casczyce consistency.

And two weeks later allowed to start at the minimum gentle diet. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates so that the diet is not so calorie. Gradually, the diet includes milk, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, meat. Nutritionists note that animal and vegetable fats are able to suppress the secretory activity of gastric glands, thereby contributing to the process of tightening, healing the wound of the ulcer surface. During the day, the amount of vegetable oil should be at least two tablespoons, and an animal fat is about 45 grams. All this can be added when preparing second dishes, porridge, soups. Products It is advisable to cook for a couple or use another processing option - cooking. Skin from a bird or fish certainly remove, avoid getting into food. Do not give patient concentrated broths, strong drinks, such as tea or coffee.

It should be remembered that the doctor appointed by the doctor and adsorbents must be properly taking, that is, 20 minutes before eating food.

If for two or four months the state has improved, then it is allowed to connect unzopted food, add raw vegetables and fruits. And only after you can go to such a diet, which is recommended by people susceptible to peptic disease.

Good product for «Yazwennikov» It is considered milk. It contains in its composition those substances that the organism is needed for reducing processes on the mucous membrane. But there are people who bear it badly. Such people can be advised to drink this product with small portions, preheated, adding some tea to it. If the pains are bothering at night, then slow sips drink a glass of warm milk, it will be able to neutralize the stenabolic acid silent in the stomach. If suddenly appeared heartburn, do not quit it soda!

Listen to your body if it supplies a signal in the form of heartburn, pain, discomfort in the area of ​​the stomach, nausea, increased gas formation, then it means that you need to correct your diet.

Let us turn to the products

diet, diet with ulcers, stomach, food, diet, stomach ulcer

And now it's time to talk about specific products. The same products subjected to different types of culinary treatment, our stomach is able to perceive in different ways. If the meat boil, then it will not cause an excess of an acid, but if it can be fried meat, it can bring a lot of suffering to the patient. Another important point. If you cook meat in the form of minced meat, such dishes quickly digest. But large pieces of meat can irritate a peptic surface.

Now about fats. Creamy and olive oil are useful - they are prioritized. But from Margarine, Pork Sala, Barani and Beef Fat (refractory) refuse. Fats do not expose heat treatment, put them in already ready-made dishes.

How to deal with flour and bread?

You can eat crackers, non-propulsive cookies, dry biscuit, wheat chunk of bread yesterday's baking. But pancakes, sdobu, pies, just baked rye bread from the diet exclude.


You can cook omelet to a couple, eggs sick.

Avoid stewed fried eggs, eggs craft.


The stomach refers well to whole milk, cream, sour cream, prostroch, cottage cheese. By the way, you can eat pudding, casserole. Cheese is allowed only soft varieties, weakly fat.

Exclude from the diet: acute and severe cheese, sour kefir.


Boil the following porridge on milk or water: rice, manna, buckwheat (just take a buckwheat for it), Hercules. Relevant soufflies and puddings. Exclude a breakfast, bunch and millet from the diet.


Useful boiled: cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, swallow in the form of puree or souffl. In small quantities allowed to eat tomatoes. Exclusions should be eliminated by broccoli, green onions, cucumbers, radishes, bob representatives, leek.

Meat and poultry.

You can use pieces of chickens in boiled form, after removing the skin or turkey; boiled gentle low-fat meat (without lived), making steam cutlets, meatballs, beefstroods with boiled meat, liver pate, rag away. Not allowed: canned meat, fried and smoked dishes.


Recommended: Mintai, Sudak, Pike, Bream, Perch, Cod. Of these, you can prepare boiled dishes, cutlets, filling, but on a vegetable brave.

Fat varieties, roasted, salty and smoked, as well as ready canned food from the store are excluded.

Soups It is advisable to prepare dairy either of the dirty vegetables (excluding cabbage), with a vermicelline or cereals, which are good to add butter, egg yolk or spoon of sour cream. But from the okroshka, borscht or soups on strong meat or fish broths it is better to refuse.

Complete the diet with useful sweet berries and fruits, such as bananas, ripe strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, peaches. From kuragi and apples you can cook compote. Apples can be baked in the oven.

It is not recommended to eat acidic berries and fruits - kiwi, cherry, cranberry, currants.

From sauces dishes can be watered with milk, egg and sour cream with the addition of fragrant dill. But from hell, mustard, Ketchup will have to give up at all.

From drinks Paint compotes, kisins, including oatmeal, green tea, not strong black tea, infusion of rosehip. Beware of kvass, acidic juices, strong coffee, carbonated drinks.

From sweet It is allowed to use jelly, marmalade, pasteil, marshmallow, jam.

Menu options

diet, diet with ulcers, stomach, food, diet, stomach ulcer

And now the MPS will offer readers menu options to show that it can be diverse.

The first day.

First breakfast: Hercules porridge, welded on milk, in which a tea spoon of cream oil has been added. Drink from Ryovnika.

Second breakfast: carrot and cottage cheese pancakes with a jam, a glass of green tea or oat jieves.

Lunch: vegetable broth soup, with rice, cauliflower, dill. On the second piece of boiled cod with torcarons and a grated coat salad. Glass of carrot juice.

Howler: Egg Ski, tea with milk and crackers, two peach.

Dinner: Steam cutlets with potatoes and carrot puree and pumpkin juice.

Before bedtime, drink a cup of warm milk.

Second day.

First breakfast: Dumplings with cottage cheese, tea with milk and oatmeal cookies.

Second breakfast: carrot-pumpkin soufflé, compote with dried apricots and a piece of biscuit roll with jam.

Lunch: Dairy noodles, chicken memers with potato mashed potatoes, berry kissel.

Sferdnik: cereal casserole, jelly, apple compote.

Dinner: fish cutlets (for a couple), omelet (also a couple) and carrot juice.

Before bedtime, you can have a coat or warm milk.

Third day.

First breakfast: cottage cheese souffle, egg Skump and tea with milk and marshmallow.

Second breakfast: semolina porridge, jelly, coffee with milk and cookies.

Lunch: Soup with potatoes, carrots, clap, liver pate with vermicelline and sauce, fruit kissel, yesterday's bun.

Dinner: Veal with rice and sauce, infusion of rosehip with honey, 4 apricots.

Before bed, you can drink cream and eat cookies.

Day four.

First breakfast: cottage cheese pudding with jam and green tea with cookies.

Second breakfast: carrot and apple salad with vegetable oil, potato dumplings, coffee with milk or cream.

Lunch: chicken and vegetables soup, meat meat meat fabrics with grazing stew from zucchini, cauliflower. Apple or pear compote.

Hyddnik: baked apples, rogal and tea with cream.

Dinner: Pumpkin Puree and Veal Meatballs, Adygean Cheese. Scroll of wheat bread with butter and tea with milk.

Before beding cottage cheese cream with raspberry or glass of cream.

If you surround the suffering from ulcer care and love, he will definitely begte. And do not forget that positive emotions and laughter are considered excellent healing balsam for a sore stomach. There are many useful dishes, they can be prepared quickly from simple products that benefit the body.

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