Sage for conception

From a long time, people considered the sage storage of phytohormones, but as these elements affect the body, not studied to the end of science. It is believed that they play the role of catalysts. In its structure, phytohorms are similar to the women's hormones estrogen and can replace them, if not completely, then at least partially. Therefore, Sage is often used to treat infertility.

Sage as a medicine

Pregnancy, infertility, conception, ovulation, herbs, phytotherapy, sage

Ancient peoples did not have such a wide selection of medicines, like modern people, so for help they appealed to the Damars of Nature. And have long noticed that if you take sage women who have a problem with conception, then pregnancy will come faster. In some diseases, sage helps men.

More Ancient Egyptians brewed sage from infertility. After endless wars, it was necessary to an urgently increase the country's population. And the priests gave Sage young women in order for conception to come rather. Modern medicine identified the beneficial properties of Sage Homeopathy. This grass can be used in different ways: you can drink juice of a plant, slightly spilling it, you can use infusion from seeds, it is necessary to do it before ovulation occurs in women, that is, in the first half of the menstrual cycle. With infertility, they drink this decoction twice a day, the first time in the morning, before receiving food and the second time - before bedtime. But before starting treatment, MirSets recommends to pass the doctor's examination, because the sage will help only in one case - if the body lacks estrogen, with all other reasons for infertility this plant will be useless, and sometimes dangerous.

In the leaves of Sage, there are tubyl and flavonoid substances, and therefore they have such healing properties as the removal of inflammation and can disinfect the wound. In women, they will eliminate the symptoms PMS, and menstruation will be less painful. Fitotherapists believe that all women who crossed the frontier of 30 years are useful to undergo anti-aging courses that well affect the reproductive system. It takes every morning before eating drinking a glass of infusion sage, a course of treatment - one month, it is necessary to conduct such treatment three times a year. Infusion prepared traditionally: to take a glass of boiling water to take one teaspoon of ground sage, insisted and you can drink. If you do not like his taste, to kill it, you can add a slice of lemon or put a spoonful of honey. Then it will turn out of healing tea.

So that Sage helped in Treatment of infertility, it needs to be able to brew. To do this, take a tablespoon of tincture of hops cones and mix with the same number of sage tincture, here add a teaspoon of infusion of calendula and the so many roots of the Sino, hawthorn. All ingredients mix thoroughly. This mixture must be taken 30 drops, but not in pure form, but mixing with water. Drink this drug is needed long, from six months to a year. Usually, pregnancy after receiving Sage is coming in six months.

Pregnancy and Sage Planning

Pregnancy, infertility, conception, ovulation, herbs, phytotherapy, sage

The composition of Sage is that he provokes a cut in the uterus, so take it on any pregnancy term is very dangerous. If not to obey this recommendation, most likely a pregnant woman awaits miscarriage. Sage affects the hormonal background, it lowers the level of progesterone and with accuracy, the opposite affects the estradiol. If you manage to keep the child on an early term, taking sage, then in the second and third semesters, blood circulation in the placenta will break, and the fruit will experience the lack of oxygen. In addition, the plant affects pressure, lowering it, which also affects the state of the child's health and mother. But these warnings concern only internal reception, that is, bravery and info.

During pregnancy, you can use the leaves of the sage for outdoor use. For example, they can rinse the throat with the disease, because the sage has also antibacterial properties. And the bath with the addition of healing bravery will not only calm the nerves, but also facilitates the state with such a disease, as varicose veins, which are very often suffering from pregnant.

In the event of colds, you can make inhalation with sage, they will help to remove the nasal congestion and beneficially affect the inflamed mucosa and nose.

Contraindications for use

Pregnancy, infertility, conception, ovulation, herbs, phytotherapy, sage

There are several categories of people who are not recommended to receive sage as drugs. Cannot drink decoction and infusion Sage:

  1. People who have reduced blood pressure.
  2. With thyroid diseases.
  3. With kidney problems.
  4. During pregnancy and lactation.
  5. With disorders of the menstrual cycle and uterine bleeding.

The sage helps with a lack of female hormones, but when they are re-published, he, on the contrary, will increase the risk of endometriosis, as a result of which the menstrual cycle will break. Therefore, before receiving, you need to pass tests for hormones. If you have estrogens in your increased quantity, and you can not get pregnant, then you need to look for a different reason, because the lack ovulation - This is only one option from a huge amount of reasons for infertility. A large number of these hormones is also bad for the body, as well as their lack, the woman becomes irritable, her swelling appears, chest pain. If we start the disease on samonek, or even worse, complement the number of hormones by taking a sage, then this oversupply can even lead to breast cancer.

If you took the sage as a medicine and there is no effect from him, it may say that you have any inflammatory processes in the body or internal organs. Therefore, to be reinformed, consult a doctor, make an ultrasound study and get rid of all female troubles that interfere with becoming mom.

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