Menu Detox Diet

Our body is equipped with powerful «filter», Which is able to withdraw all toxins and slags from the body with poor-quality food, alcohol, contaminated air, caffeine. But bad ecology, gennomified products, constant stress contribute to the fact that this mechanism often gives failure. And here for the rescue coming worldwide detox diets.

The essence of this diet is already in the title and implies full «detoxification» organism. Many women also checked that such a diet contributes to rejuvenation, smoothing small wrinkles, getting rid of acne and Furunculov, Weight reduction, increasing tone, cheerfulness from cellulite. It has been proven that such a nutrition program improves the work of many internal organs and is able to even get rid of some chronic diseases.

Contraindications and precautions

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It is categorically contraindicated to abide by the detox diet for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children and people in old age. You can not sit on this diet under the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Any chronic disease in the aggravation stage.

Even if you do not belong to any of the listed categories, before starting the diet, it is best to consult with your doctor. It is also not necessary to independently increase the diet duration, it can significantly aggravate the condition of the body and reduce the metabolism.

As for weight loss, it will definitely be, but not the rapid pace that other diet can promise. Approximate weight relief is 2-4 kg per week, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Preparation for a diet

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The diet rate is designed for seven days and concludes seven stages, the duration of each - one day. If you wish and confident that you have enough will to withstand the will, you can extend a diet for 14 days, then one stage will be 2 days. Our site categorically does not recommend stretching this diet for a larger period of time.

1 day.

On this day you only have to drink. You need to drink much and, in fact, anything. Preference, of course, should be given to ordinary water, which can be added for the lemon. Any fresh juices and smoothies are welcome, which can include berries, fruits and vegetables. Very useful will be drinks from Rosehip, Fennel, Hypericum, Ginger; You can cook vegetable decoction.

2 day.

On this day to drinking regime, which can contain all the ingredients listed above (do not forget that preference is given to ordinary clean water), we must add fruits. Best if it is apricots, plums, peaches, mango, grapes, watermelon. It is very important that they are all collected in environmentally friendly places and have not been enriched with chemicals and pesticides. All other days of detox diet can also be introduced and solid fruits like apples and pineapples that will be very useful to the body.

3 day.

To drink and fruit we must add vegetables. You can make salads and refuel them with a spoonful of vegetable oil, but necessarily use in raw form. To reduce the possible gas formation, drink decoction of Fennel. To clean blood it is recommended to use fresh garlic in small quantities.

4 day.

Now we must add unlightened rice and boiled vegetables. If there is such an opportunity, then vegetables best handle the ferry. Spices, even if you are very accustomed to them, the minimum should be added to dishes. Do not forget that you need to continue drinking a lot and eat environmentally friendly raw vegetables and fruits.

5 day.

On this day, you will add beans, lentils, nuts and beans to the menu. They will supply the body with vegetable protein.

6 day.

Return to natural yogurt and kefir cooked at home. Also allowed porridges from solid grains. On this day, the intestinal microflora will be restored, and your body will be filled with energy.

7 day.

On this day we introduce fish, and you can choose any, even fat. Garnish for her can serve cereals and vegetable salads. In breaks snack fruit, do not forget to drink a lot.

Exit diet

You need to go out of such a diet as gently as to enter. Slowly enter new products, do not rush, otherwise you can get problems with the organs of the digestive system. Doctors recommend bringing meat and dairy products with great care. And any flour foods are best introduced last.

Such a diet can be repeated in 3-6 months, but, given that in our region in the winter in the afternoon, you will not find high-quality fruits and vegetables in the afternoon, then at least once a year.

Detox diet from Julia Vysotskaya

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Talented TV presenter claims: to keep yourself in shape, she only needs three days a month. And in these three days she sits just at the detox diet of its own production.

Three days before, Julia proposes to exclude any «harmful» Products: Black tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages, carbonated water, as well as medicines and vitamins. To hold a diet TV presenter prefers to choose free days.

Day 1.

  1. For breakfast you need to drink a glass of any fresh juice (exception can only be orange Fresh), you can eat berries and fruits.
  2. The snack must consist of juice.
  3. For lunch is allowed a plate of vegetable soup or a few vegetables cooked for a couple.
  4. At the afternoon, we again drink a cup of Fresh.
  5. Dinner should be no later than 18.00 and consist of 300 ml of Bonn Supchouse, to which you can add a salad from greenery.

Day 2.

Drinking. On this day, you can any fresh juices, herbal teas and infusions, vegetable beams.

Day 3.

The same drinking, but the menu add baked apples that can be eaten in the morning. The whole day of the diet is the same as on day 2.

At the same time, Julia Vysotskaya recommends improving the physical activity, running. Do not forget that it is recommended to leave such a diet gradually, do not pounce immediately at the prohibited products and such a detox diet will allow you to feel younger and put in order. Figure.

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