Potato diet

The potato contains a considerable amount of vitamins and at the same time he is small. Thanks to this potato can be considered a very nutritious and useful product for our health. In particular, vitamin C, which is available in the root, is necessary for immunity, and potassium is very important to normalize the work of the heart muscle.

Why potatoes?

diet, potatoes, potato diet, monodette, vegetables, weight loss, diet

Potatoes today rightly called second bread. Without it, it is simply impossible to submit your menu. When the vegetable entered the diet of a person, he gradually began to push out products that were used earlier. In particular, products were supplanted, which were prepared from grain crops, as well as dishes from such vegetables as radish, turnip, tour, and trouser.

Potato dishes are characterized by high nutritional performance. In particular, in such dishes contain proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. In addition, potatoes contain pectin substances in its composition, as well as apple, oxal, lemon and other organic acids, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A and vitamins of group B. On average, potato tube consists of 79% water, 17% starch, 3% of nitrogen compounds and 1% ash.

Due to the fact that in potatoes contain potassium, it contributes to the elimination of excess moisture from the body. By the way, young potatoes are useful to boil in the peel, t. E. Unclean. The peel during cooking does not allow to wash away with useful soluble substances.

In any case, everything should be moderately. Potato consumption in proper and moderate quantities contributes to improving health. In particular, the use of potatoes helps cleaning the intestine and restores metabolism. While excessive use can harm and lead to irreversible processes.

«Potato» Slimming

diet, potatoes, potato diet, monodette, vegetables, weight loss, diet

This power option allows you to throw up to 0.5 kilograms per day. The menu can be approximately following:

  1. In the morning for breakfast drink a glass of low-fat milk or you can a glass of low-fat kefir.
  2. For lunch, we prepare no more than 300 grams of potato mashed potatoes, which should be welded on water and with a minimum amount of salt.
  3. In the evening, on dinner, make a potato salad of two boiled potatoes, one boiled egg, black pepper, chipping salt and three teaspoons of vegetable oil.

During a five-day potato diet, it is recommended to receive a complex Polyvitamins. It is necessary for the body to receive all the necessary components for its livelihoods. You can repeat this diet in only a month.

Potato diet for 14 days

diet, potatoes, potato diet, monodette, vegetables, weight loss, diet

Menu of this version of the diet consists only of one potato. For this reason, during her, the vitamins are simply necessary. In order to spend a diet for 14 days, you will need every day by half a kilogram of potatoes. At the same time, during the first four days you need to bake potatoes in the oven. A half kilogram of potatoes for every day you need to divide into six equal parts. Each of these parts need to be eaten for one meal, and without adding oil, salts and other things. Over the next five days, every day you also need half a kilogram of potatoes, but now in boiled form. In the past four days, diet you have the right to choose the way of cooking potatoes. It does not matter whether it is cooked in boiled or in a liver form. In addition, in recent days, diet can add a bit of olive oil and salt.

The most important thing during these fourteen days is not to clean potatoes, t. E. cook and bake it directly in the peel.

It is also important during the diet so that drinking was abundant, but it should be not diverse. So, you can drink non-carbonated mineral water and unsweetened green tea.

Potato diet for 7 days

This diet can only be repeated once every two months. In this case, one kilogram of potatoes should be divided into 5-6 meals. Cannot add salt. It is allowed to sprinkle potatoes with various greens. It will even be useful. In particular, you can use green onions, parsley, dill and cumin. If desired, during breakfast, you can eat a small piece of creamy butter bread. For lunch you can eat fresh vegetables. In particular, you can use cabbage, carrots, onions and cucumbers. Drinking green tea without sugar, mineral water and tinkers.

Potato diet on 10 days

This version of the diet is essentially a softest diet option for 7 days. At the same time, 100 grams of cheese or cottage cheese are added to the diet. It is also recommended to add 200 grams of stew vegetables, carrots, tomatoes and, at will - up to 50 grams of lean meat. You can still add to the diet 1-2 welded screwed eggs.

Pluses of potato diet

diet, potatoes, potato diet, monodette, vegetables, weight loss, diet

First of all, the potato diet is very economical. After all, potatoes are a relatively cheap vegetable. It is a nutritious product, so a person will not experience a strong sense of hunger. It should also be noted that the dishes from this root are not required to prepare considerable time. Potato diet is suitable for people who work. After all, potatoes can be eaten not only at home, but also can be ordered in a cafe. Diet on this vegetable improves the work of the cardiovascular system and normalizes the pressure. In addition, the use of potatoes is put into order a nervous system due to the fact that it softens stressful states.

Minuses of potato diet

Slimming on potatoes is still a monodile. Therefore, such a nutrition cannot be called full. If during a diet does not take an effective vitamin complex, then in a week there may be problems with leather, nails and hair. Due to the lack of vitamins, the mood may also worsen. In addition, before the start of the diet, it is necessary to obtain a consultation of the doctor.

In addition, such a diet is simply unsuitable for winter, which is associated with the fact that potatoes can accumulate starch. In this case, the diet efficiency comes down to zero. With a long storage of potatoes, there are many vitamins and other beneficial substances. Therefore, when you hike in the store, our site recommends looking for potatoes. Due to the fact that potatoes are seasonal vegetable, it will not be easy to do it.

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